Summit | Mountains of Wealth (Custom R.I.C.H., Emperor, EOG)

Is the PDF available for sale online? You can PM if you’d prefer so as to not junk up your journal

It’s a kindle book I reformatted. If you’ve studied positioning strategies then you won’t find any paradigm shifting info in it. I picked up new angles to think about though, especially how he repeated paragraphs verbatim in several sections of the book without any shame.

Repetition is the mother of learning, right? :laughing:

Here’s the link to get it on Amazon:

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Sleep was trash last night.

Woke up at 3am. Laid there for an hour. Put some thought and research into an Emperor + EOG custom I have in mind for a couple hours.

Then passed tf out again at 6am.

Here’s where it gets weird…

I find myself in a dream where I’m at a public shower. It’s like the size of a huge gymnasium. I draw the huge curtains closed and go over to the shelf area to put my stuff down and get undressed.

Three thugs with guns drawn surround me as I’m beginning to empty my pockets. They’d caught me unaware.

The leader glared at me for several long seconds. Then asked how old I was. I told him while projecting a feeling of “what’s it to you?” Then asked how old he was. He told me.

The other guys with him said some things I can’t quite remember now. But I do remember having a sense of complete calm and focus. I felt invulnerable.

I launched into a story about some things that were in my bag and began moving around in a relaxed manner – like there wasn’t three guys with guns surrounding me – I began pulling items out and telling them some story about them.

I started to make a show of trying to sell one guy a “vintage” pack of cigarettes. Talking up all the details of the pack. The year it was made. The fact that I took them from a notorious killer (which connected to the previous dream actually).

And at a point during this sales pitch, out of the corner of my eye, it seemed like the leader reached into my pocket and took something. So I turned towards him and asked him what he took. He stayed silent, but had a guilty look on his face.

So I grabbed him and started swinging him around like a rag doll. Holding him upside down. And questioning him. His buddies just stood there doing nothing.

…and that’s when I woke up.

The dreams of exhaustion are always the weirdest. :laughing:

Today’s a processing day, but I may use a booster. In fact, I’m thinking that instead of using my custom R.I.C.H. ultima as a major, from now on I’ll use it as my booster. We’ll see how it works out this week.

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So I ran a loop of my custom R.I.C.H. as a booster today…and I got a hot lead from an outreach campaign I did a month ago, at least. That was cool.

But I felt kind of out of focus today. Like I might’ve had some low-key recon. I don’t know. The sleep deprivation didn’t help anything.

I did get clear on one thing about my stack though: I’m going to do a washout cycle this week. One week ahead of schedule.

I’m going up to see family in about 10 days, so I’d rather go through any recon before going up.

The second part of this decision is to build out a custom Emperor sub, order it within the next day or so, and have it ready to go when the washout is complete.

The main cores will be Emperor and EOG St2.

And I want to add PCC core and Mind’s Eye core.

It would be a 4-core custom, which I know isn’t recommended.

The plan is to run it for 90 days at least, so there would be time enough for integration, I think. I’m going to sleep on it before I make a final decision.


I think sleep deprivation plays a huge part in recon. Mainly because most people don’t feel like doing anything when they are sleep deprived let alone work on goals that they want from subliminals. The worst recon I have been through over the last few months were on days when I slept terrible the night before.

Good choice, that’s what I did before I ordered my writing custom. I was thinking about ordering a fitness custom for about a week prior. I relaxed, got some rest, took a few processing days, and ended up getting the writing custom. Waiting was a good choice and I’m incredibly happy with my writing custom. Sleep well, and make your decision. :wink:


It’s done. My custom is in the oven.

It took a few hours of introspection, writing, and getting real honest with myself about areas that could use improvement the most at this leg of my journey.

For context, I didn’t just sit down and bust out a custom in a few hours. I’ve been thinking about this for a week already and the list of prospective modules was at 48 :laughing:

There are a couple emotional healing modules that replaced some of the flashier, cooler sounding modules that were in my list, a couple that I had to try, and a few to help with results – besides the pure wealth modules I chose.

All of them will play a direct role in supporting my goal for greater wealth though.

So here it is…

My wealth custom
  • Emperor
  • EOG St2
  • PCC
  • Mind’s Eye
  • Machine: Action
  • Productivity Unleashed
  • I.Q. And Cognitive Booster
  • Financial Success Reality Shifter
  • Instant Business Tactician
  • Debt Annihilator
  • Sacred Words
  • Dominion
  • Unlimiter
  • Potentiator
  • New Beginnings
  • Carpe Diem Ascended
  • Direct Influencing Aura
  • Mosaic
  • Pragya

Still have to come up with a name for it, but I’ll let that come to me while I’m washing out this week.


It was washout day #1 yesterday, but I didn’t feel like journaling so here’s the update on how it went:

Yesterday was good. I didn’t feel as social, or open to connecting and conversation as I do today, so there was probably some low-key recon going on continuing from Monday’s bit of recon.

A few of the good things that happened yesterday…

  • made good progress with a client and am upselling them into a recurring service I’ve never offered before (and may roll it out to others if it works out well for me)
  • found another inquiry from the month-old outreach campaign I did…it slipped through my notifications somehow because it came in two weeks ago – have to make sure that doesn’t happen again, regardless of if I’m sick and not giving af about anything
  • had a great workout with my new kettlebells – by “great”, I mean it was hard af, but I didn’t give into the “it’s ok to not finish the full 45 minutes” BS. I stayed within my limits to keep good form and finished it.
  • had a great technical training session looking at higher level strategies re: angles of attack, pattern recognition, and having a nice slice of humble pie

By the end of the day, I was fully exhausted but completely content.


So the update for washout day #2 (today) so far…

Not productive. At. All. :laughing:

I feel light, light-hearted, and overall good, but as far as getting into the weeds with some business tasks, it’s been a struggle to find the zone. It feels like I’m moving through molasses trying to make progress in that area.

Part of me wants to get down on myself, but I know that I’m just looking at this issue from the wrong perspective. So, I’m distracting myself right now and catching up on the forum lol

I’ll go back into another work block and see which new angles I can approach it from.

There was one interesting behavior pattern that I’ve noticed today…

When someone showed signs of aggression, or was “pissy” with me, I didn’t get sucked into it and instead moved forward toward whatever result I wanted to achieve without any significant emotional disturbance.

For example, an SUV driving in the opposite direction tried to turn into a parking spot I had my blinker on and was waiting for (a couple pedestrians were in the way). He didn’t get it though …because I pulled in front of him to block him and then parked.

No anger. No hostility. Simple assertiveness (and a little bit of fuck you energy).

I wanted it, so I took it. Plus, my burrito was waiting for me.

In conversation with someone, I sensed a level of “pissyness” in their response, so I kept it respectful and worked to understand a little better. And then I let it go because I realized there was nothing of value in their current state that they could tell me and I’d be wasting my time on them.

I didn’t shut the door on them (mentally) though because I still wouldn’t mind the information.

So, are those situations a big deal? Not on the surface.

But they do reflect an internal shift that’s noticeably different from what I may have done / felt in the past, which led to the different behavior today.

And the most interesting part is it felt congruent and not forced or faked.

I’d call that some growth. And after only three months with Emperor as the foundation. Not bad at all.

Really looking forward to my custom and what the next three months have in store.


Before I forget…something pretty weird happened and made for a funny moment yesterday:

My instructor was having trouble getting his webcam to work with his laptop (only showing black) and he was going to call it a fail (after trying for 15 minutes) and move on. That meant the folks trying to Zoom in would’ve missed the whole lecture & training.

I offered some assistance saying I was pretty good at troubleshooting tech. Then I said, “I have a way with these things. I’m going to walk over there and it’s just going to start working.”

So, you know where I’m going with this…

I walked over. Touched the mousepad. Moved the pointer around. Took a look at the link. Clicked the link.

Boom. It worked.

And then we all had a good laugh with some of the comments that were made.

So how does this story tie into this journal about wealth?

Because there’s something to the absolute certainty with which I spoke those words.

I meant them. I intended them wholeheartedly. And there were zero doubts in my mind about succeeding at the task. It came from a place of knowing. Not guessing. Not hoping.

I considered the possibility that those words could resolve literally and that it’d be awesome. And then it happened.

So now that I’m reflecting on Emperor’s influence on my sense of personal authority and inner power, I can see that it helped me take an area I already had confidence in and crank it up another level.

So with business, finding my path up this mountain, and generating real wealth…I can see that I’ve been missing that same confidence and certainty to make the magic happen.

And I know how to create those states because I’ve done it in other areas of my life.

All I need is a little time, patience, and (most importantly) practice.

Plus, the badass custom I have coming to me. :muscle:

We really do have an unfair advantage with these subs. I love it.


Washout day #3

Didn’t sleep well last night. Woke up after only 4.5 hours of shut eye. Not the best start.

I found that the scarcity mindset I’ve had around money isn’t shifted to abundance yet…surprise surprise…since I’ve only run Emperor for 3 months and EOG St1 for one month (and EOG St1 will make the rounds again – after I normalize with running my custom first).

It became blatantly obvious because I need to purchase a laptop so I can handle business while traveling (my tablet doesn’t cut it)…

And I fell into the old pattern of “trying to get the best deal,” which (for me) is an indication of being afraid of spending too much (because there isn’t enough). Or making an expensive mistake by not getting the cpu or gpu that’s future proof and blah, blah, blah.

I’m knowledgeable enough to know what I actually need, which specs will get the job done good enough, which things are nice-to-haves but not necessary, and can spend 30 minutes or so comparing a few models in my budgeted price range…then pull the trigger.

And I almost did exactly that last night…then the wave of doubt hit. And I didn’t.

Instead, I went to bed…and didn’t sleep well.

Funny how that works.

Anyway, wanted to note my annoyance and frustration with myself here. So I can look back at this one day and smh :laughing:


Washout complete.

Days 2, 3, 4, and 5 were a little turbulent energetically and emotionally. But by day 7, things cleared up and balanced out to the point where I felt like I’d reached cruising altitude finally and could turn the “fasten seat belt” sign off.

It wasn’t all bad throughout the washout though. There were good moments too. And I have a better sense now how my baseline has shifted in some areas.

The recon was strong though. I ended up indulging a little too much and slacking in the discipline department, which made things a little harder. But it wasn’t unbearable.

To wrap up this journal and begin my new one, I’m going to make a quick outline of the shifts I’ve noticed after using Emperor for 3 months – along with the influence of EOG and R.I.C.H.

But that’ll be in the next post…


After thinking over a “quick outline” I could wrap up this journal with, I threw that idea out because I got bored. Instead, I thought it’d be more interesting to take a look at what I intended at the beginning of my journey in light of how I think about things now.

So, the beginning of my Emperor journey started in my first journal The Wanted Emperor.

At the time, the idea of building an empire AND developing my seduction skills at the same time seemed like a good idea. Who doesn’t want more money and women in their life, right?

I studied both sales pages and came up with a short-list of results and values that overlapped which I wanted to develop:

While reading these bullet points now, I can’t help but shake my head a little. Not because I don’t still want those results, but because I didn’t have a good sense about the time it could take to develop the new identity necessary to achieve them. Not to mention that some of those targets are life-long practices, and none of those targets were concrete or quantifiable, so the action-taking I did in the first couple months wasn’t systematic or focused (and the results in my business and life reflected that).

But after 30 days, I believe Emperor helped me achieve some clarity as to which path was a higher priority and pushed me to choose : wealth or women?

I chose wealth. Then added EOG St1 to my stack along with R.I.C.H, which brings us to this journal and today.

Now, after 90 days of running Emperor consistently, I have a better grasp that it may take a little longer than 90 days to realize the intent I have for my new custom with Emperor & EOG St2 in it – but then again, it may not take that long to see some results, now that I have a better grasp of what not to do and what’s been holding me back.

I’ll write more about my plan of action going forward in my new journal when I start it.

So here is a short list of noticeable shifts in behavior that Emperor has helped me with so far (off the top of my head)…

  • working out consistently now for 6 weeks; making noticeable gains in size, strength, and stamina
  • drastically changing my diet; opting for healthier foods, eating out less, and drinking much less
  • studying more seriously in the areas of copywriting, offer creation, and sales
  • keeping my place cleaner and more organized
  • weighing more carefully the cost / benefit of doing things as they relate to my goals
  • networking a little more consistently with my existing circle
  • expressing my desires / ideas more clearly and confidently in group settings
  • being more stoic when people / plans turn shitty
  • more relaxed, joking around and feeling more expansive in social settings
  • easier influencing people to go along with my ideas more often
  • easier time letting go of people that aren’t on a similar page; not investing as much time in them
  • manifesting decent influxes of cash (relative to my existing lifestyle)
  • focusing more on the ultimate result I’m after rather than the minutia

…and there are likely shifts that I still haven’t become aware of yet.

Well, that’s it for this journal. I’m looking forward to looking back in another 90 days to see how much has changed. On to the next leg of the journey ascending the Mountains of Wealth.


Have you noticed any effects from Machine:Action yet?

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Only subtle effects so far. Will mention it in my new journal.

@RVconsultant would you please close this journal as well? Thanks!

Closed as per request of original poster.