Summit | Mountains of Wealth (Custom R.I.C.H., Emperor, EOG)

Haha, I guess we are both on vacation in the same location. :wink:

I’m so glad you went with Natural Winner in your Ultima. That is my favorite module in the entire store. You’ll get through this brother, just give it some time.


hahaha…you got me there. I did it all of one day, and thought about it over the next few.

This morning I woke up with a strong urge to figure out what an ideal day would look like for me and apply more structure to my time, so I’ll add “apply the wisdom of Simon’s great post” to the morning line up.

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Thanks. I appreciate the support…and your suggestion of Natural Winner. It’s already had an effect that kind of surprised me to be honest.

But I’ll write about it tomorrow. Tired af.

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So after my trip through recon over the weekend, things started to turn around.

Nothing major like money falling into my lap from “nowhere” (but I’m open to that happening). No, just a few small things, a couple synchronicities, that let me know I was going in the right direction at least in how I was thinking and feeling. A little positive feedback from the environment.

The first and most notable thing happened while shopping for groceries. An older, well-to-do lady who I’d crossed paths with in the produce section ran into me again at the onions and asked, “Excuse me, are you a chef?” The look in her eye was weird. I can’t put my finger on it. It was like “wonder” or something.

Here’s why I think that was significant:

  • because I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary
  • and was wearing workout clothes
  • but the way she perceived me was of having some sort of authority (at least when it came to buying produce :laughing: )

She confirmed my suspicion when I asked her why she thought that…she said, “I don’t know. It was something about the way you were moving around choosing things. It was very deliberate.”

I’m assuming this was an effect of The Commander elevating my “status, power, authority, and charisma” because I’ve been running Emperor for two months now and nobody stopped me while shopping before haha

As small as that moment seemed, it really stuck with me the rest of the day. Made me wonder how I can transfer that same “template of behavior” into other areas and see if I can generate a similar effect.

The Natural Winner module also showed up for me in a positive way.

My proposal got rejected for a big project I put a lot of effort into closing. Before the rejection came, I had the thought, “Even if this doesn’t go through, I’ll be happy because I’ll be free of this.”

Well, it happened. It didn’t go through. Because budget constraints and whatnot. And they took two weeks to come back with that “no”. But I’d already assumed it was a no by the way they ghosted so hard.

So here’s where Natural Winner shined a light in the dark.

I was completely done. Moved on. Walking away. When an idea hit me that I could leverage a pain point found in discovery to offer a smaller service to others in the market.

So I messaged the prospect with this idea and got an immediate confirmation to hop on a call.

I don’t have any expectations for the meeting because in my mind this is already the win. I took something that I could’ve viewed as a “waste of my time” (which I have done in the past) and I turned it into a hook and potential new stream of revenue.

Not bad for only a week and a half with this module (plus the added effects of EoG St1 probably).


Challenge accepted…

Short story shorter: a young buck squared up with me on the sidewalk, I confronted and resolved it using a JMT.

the detailed version

So I’m walking down to the café, enjoying the weather, looking to grab an affogato, when I notice a couple of young bucks walking shoulder to shoulder taking up the entire sidewalk coming in the opposite direction.

No big. They see me. They see me see them. So I keep on my path figuring the one directly in line with me will move over.

The distance between us steadily decreased. 40 paces. 20 paces. 10 paces left. He stared right at me and stayed the course.

Now the dude in front of me was the taller of the two (and me), and apparently set on walking through me. At about 5 paces between us his friend hopped over onto the grass to create a space.

Now normally, I’m all about fluidity. I’ll dip a shoulder back and slip passed people at the last second if they act like this and don’t budge. I use it for practice.

Not today.

We stopped right in front of each other at about arms distance (closer than I’d get if I’d perceived a threat).

A sneer flashed briefly over his face, so I figured he wanted some kind of fight.

And instantaneously, without premeditation, I said something to him. He got confused but tried to play it cool in reply. I reached out and put my hand on the side of his shoulder while simultaneously saying something else, and like magic he deflated a bit, his feet began to move, and he got out of my way.

I continued walking to the café, and wondered where the hell that came from, and why I didn’t just move. But only for a few minutes before I got back to enjoying my walk…and eventually that affogato.

Now something like that has never happened to me before… probably because I always prefer to slip and move and get on with my life.

But if I had to chalk it up to something, it might be the combo of The Commander and Emperor.

Not that the subs made me aggressive. I felt no aggression actually. Sure, there was a moment of “you’re about to find out how you fucked up,” but it was a flash in the pan before i spoke.

Maybe it’s the subs working on my sense of status. Or maybe internal power. I don’t know. But it was out of the ordinary for me.


That would be Emperor.

I tell my bosses boss what to do at work and he does it as though my telling him has given him permission.

I made a mistake at work and my boss apologies to me.


This weekend was a fun one. No signs of recon or overload. I missed running EOG St2 and IC on Saturday due being out of the apartment all day. But not worried about “missing” any exposure time.

In terms of wealth building, nothing major to report. There are ideas spinning around in my head more often though, so I took on a practice called morning pages this Saturday (without reading the rules on how, but there’s a good book on it apparently). The purpose is to get the ideas out of my head, onto the page(s), and sift through them to find the gold.

It was fascinating and I got deeper than I thought where I linked specific behavior patterns to my current situation with business.

In the health and fitness department, I’ve changed my lifestyle for the better. I meal plan (roughly) and prep lunch and dinner for a few days at a time. I’ve thought about doing that forever but didn’t. I stopped eating out regularly, which is huge. And I’m saying no to a lot of things I’ve loved to indulge in.

I work out hard 3 days per week, block out time to stretch everyday, and am experimenting with low impact HIIT workouts to fill in the gaps. Slow and steady. Side note: I used to loathe the idea of stretching. It bored the hell out of me. But now? I love it. It’s magical. It’s resolved some chronic pain issues. And everyone should do it.

The working out is already showing too and it’s only been three weeks at this point. A couple people I train with have noticed the increase in muscle mass across my back, shoulders, and biceps. And all I’m doing is pull-ups, push-ups, and squats, plus a run before and after.

I expected an increase in size after too many months of not working out, but this seems fast.

All I have to do is apply this kind of discipline and structure to my business endeavors and success will have no choice but to show up.


This last week was supposed to be Week 6 of this stack. It didn’t happen.

What did happen is I caught Covid, or rather, the symptoms began.

Needless to say, my focus shifted from wealth to health instantly and I stopped listening to my stack. I didn’t listen to any subs for several days while I did what I could to aid my body’s recovery back to health. Around Wednesday (third day after symptoms started), I felt better from the worst of it, but there was this little voice in my head that brought up concerns, and worried me.

The potential long-term side effects kept creeping up in my mind.

So, I thought to give myself every advantage I could think of and one of those things was purchasing Paragon Ultima. I was surprised to find the release of a new title in Sage Immortal and picked that up as well because it resonated.

Running 1x Sage and 2x of Paragon on Wednesday had the combined effect of helping me rest all day.

The inner calm from Sage Immortal really came through even only at one loop because the reoccurring concern about long term symptoms diminished, and continued into the next (processing) day.

I also purchased a custom Paragon ultima title to address specific areas of concern and plan to run this as a major title for the next month.

Don’t worry, I don’t have delusions of subs magically curing things, this is just a function of wanting to stack the odds in my favor along with my diet, supplements, and meditation.

In my limited understanding of how the body heals itself, I imagine all I have to do is create a beneficial environment as best I can and let it do its thing.

Speaking of, the deep sleep module in my custom Paragon ultima worked incredibly well.

Where I was getting shitty rest all night tossing and turning most of the week, the past three days I’ve woken up feeling rested, which is great.

Friday I listened to 2x custom Paragon and 1x Sage ultima.

Today, I’m going to crank the exposure to 4x custom Paragon. Only 1x of Sage Immortal Q

As for continuing with my wealth stack, it won’t continue in its current format. Adhering to the limit of 3 major titles and 1 Ultima booster means that something has to give.

My custom Paragaon ultima title will take one major title slot for this month. That leaves two open.

Running my custom RICH Commander ultima as a major instead of a booster makes more sense since it has very focused modules I want to ingrain.

That leaves ONE major title slot available and one ultima booster slot.

Emperor is the obvious choice as a foundation, but I can’t deny the desire to continue EOG.

So, I’m thinking of combining them into a custom and jumping straight to EOG St4. Bypassing St2 & St3.

I don’t know what I’ll decide. For now, I’m focused on getting healthier and recovering fully, so custom Paragon and Sage seem to be a great combination to assist with that right now.

Side note: I just bought a new book on creating offers and started reading it last night, so I’m not changing my wealth goals or ambitions. They’re still there. I’m just looking to alter my approach somewhat. Contemplating mortality has that effect sometimes.


Which book?

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$100M Offers by Alex Hormozi


“You only have to get rich once.”

– Alex Hormozi



how are you doing with your health?


@Azriel I’m feeling pretty good actually. Thanks for asking.

Today marks 7 days since symptoms showed up and it’s my first day free from coughing – that part was the worst for me (after I broke the fever).

Woke up feeling rested and generally good, but I did still feel some resistance to taking a full deep breathe this morning.

So I decided to experiment and jump some rope. About 10 minutes. It got my heart pumping, but didn’t seem to irritate my lungs so I did circuits of pullups, pushups, and squats. I felt some increase in overall muscle fatigue but in the end I ran the same workout routine as before I got sick and it felt good.

I was worried a bit because I’ve dropped 8 pounds in the past week, but my appetite improved today so that’s a good sign.

Don’t know how much of my cough disappearing is due to my custom Paragon, but it does have the respiratory system module in it and I’ve run it at 2 loops every other day for the past few days. So, with that and the deep sleep module, I think it’s helped a lot so far. I plan to keep running it for the rest of the month too so it really has a chance to work deeply.

Oh, using Sage Immortal has worked wonders for my inner calm during this experience. I’ve run it once every other day since Wednesday and it’s already made a big impact with helping me eliminate my anxiety about all this.

Looking forward to a full recovery and continuing to improve my health everyday.


So it’s been 9 days since I’ve listened to my wealth stack, but today I woke up with the strong desire to “get to it” and put some work in towards my wealth goals.

It’s interesting to me that at the start of the 6 week mark of this stack, I got sick. Which made me consider how balanced I’ve been between improving my health, wealth, and relationships.

And now, my stack is changing…again.

There’s a part of me that’s disappointed because EoG St2 sounds great and I was looking forward to it. The sales page says it will “help you dig deep into yourself and find your truest purpose that will bring you the riches you desire”. That along with the skill acquisition components, it feels like I’m going to really miss out letting that script go to work.

But I know this is only temporary. And ultimately, I know this is an opportunity, not a problem.

I feel fortunate that about 5 weeks ago I started working out regularly again and focusing on improving my diet. This past month of greater discipline and structure with improving my health is hands down the work of Emperor.

I’d become lazy af over the last year and I know that that’s over now. And this change happened between the 30 and 60 day mark running Emperor. This sub is the shit.

Now, it’s time to apply that discipline and structure to the business of improving my business prospects.

Even though EOG is out for now, with my custom Paragon taking its place, the rest of my stack is the same with the addition of The Executive as a booster.

So, this month’s rotation will be:
1x The Executive (booster)
2x RICH Commander Ultima (major)
1x Emperor
2-3x custom Paragon Ultima (major) (before bed / during sleep)

The idea is to add a boost to productivity with The Executive and run my two custom ultimas as main titles. Let’s see how it goes.


Running The Executive as a booster today, I’m not sure if it had an effect. Will see if it shows up more obviously for me in the next few exposures. I’m not sure what I was expecting though. Maybe a surge of “productivity” and tackling everything without hesitation. I kind of did that today, but it was broad in scope and not limited to business building activities. So maybe it factored in.

2x of custom R.I.C.H. Commander Ultima felt a little head heavy. It’s my first time running it again in over a week (with only 6 loops of exposure to-date), so I expected it might pack a punch. Took a short break between loops. Seemed to help.

Ran 2x Emperor back to back, and it felt completely fine. I’d say it felt smooth. Chose to use ultrasonic to give my ears a break from the headphones, so maybe that played a role. But moreso, I think it’s the fact that this is the middle of my third month of Emperor. Feels like my subconscious likes what this sub has to say now.

It’s interesting because Emperor is (I’m assuming) much more dense than RICH Commander ultima, yet Emperor landed like a feather where RICH Commander made itself felt like a hand upside my head.

I’m running my custom Paragon now, and it feels noticeable but not like it’s too much. Will stop after 2 loops tonight and see how I feel tomorrow.

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Had a great 7.5 hours of sleep last night. Woke up maybe once or twice to roll over, but immediately fell back to sleep. Got up with my alarm easily at 6:30am, but I wasn’t ready to get up so I blinked and time jumped to 8am lolol…good thing I didn’t have any calls scheduled.

Man, I love the Deep Sleep module in my Paragon custom!

I know Emperor is supposed to have a deep sleep module, but for the past 10 weeks I haven’t slept as good as I am now. And I’ve only run the custom Paragon for a total of 6 loops over 3 days so far (with a day of processing in between each).

In the health department, I completed another round of my simple workout routine (running, pullups, pushups, squats, running). Running times were faster (1-mile pre- and post-calisthenics) than the last time I did this pre-illness. A little more burn in the muscles today, but less recovery needed between sets.

So, I think it’s safe to say that my health is trending in the right direction.

In the wealth department, I’ve zeroed in on a previous decision that’s made making money a P.I.T.A. for me: I chose the wrong market. That and I don’t have a no-brainer offer. Combine those two and that’s the reason why it’s been so hard.

(And because somewhere deep down I had a belief that said “making money is hard”.)

So, I want to do two things: pick a new niche with people that want to invest in their business growth. Create a killer offer for them and generate some new recurring cash flow.

Part of me wants to just dive into marketing and selling my own damn product / service instead of marketing for others.

I read about a guy who bought a machine, started a service making custom trophies, and now he’s killing it. That’s awesome. So much opportunity out there.

I know I’ve been making this harder than it needs to be smh

/end rant :laughing:

Anyhow, that’s it for the midday update.

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I’m not being efficient with my time.

Ran The Executive early this morning. Went for a two-mile run. And then…

A little bit of this. And a little bit of that.

Not enough focused action towards an end. I’m overthinking things again. Like which market or niche to take a swing at.

When I take a moment and step back, I realize this is a non-issue. There is so much opportunity out there. All I need to do is stick to my criteria, pick a few that look like good cadidates (and that I might be interested in), then start digging in to one of them at a time.


Seems like I have to do battle with an old program that wants to pick the best one when there is no best one. Another shade of the fear of failure, it seems.

Going to see how much progress I can make on that by the end of the day. Because this feeling like I’m floundering is annoying tf out of me :upside_down_face:

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A Commanding Emperor moment, and a R.I.C.H. thing…

So I left the house to take a walk and go to the Farmer’s Market. Figured getting some fresh air and some fresh veggies would help me shake off the funk from earlier.

(I picked two niches to begin looking into before I left, and am going to get back to that after this update.)

On the walk down, I had the idea to go to the bank and withdraw several thousand in cash. The idea being that I’d have a small stack of $100’s on my desk for me to see and be reminded of everyday. Maybe prime my mind to focus on wealth when I sit down at my desk. Also, I’m thinking it will decrease the emotional charge for me around money and cash flow. We’ll see if I’m onto something.

An unexpected and interesting thing happened:

  • at BofA, a woman gave me the 'ole “sorry sir, we can’t help you as tellers today.”
  • she then proceeded to help me after I responded to her
  • and she was very polite and gave me some tips “in case this happens next time”

So that was interesting. And made me wonder at the awesomeness of The Commander + Emperor combo. I wasn’t overbearing or “try hard” in my response to her either. I was myself, yet a little more firm in my certainty that she, in fact, could help me. So she did. :grin:

Another unexpected thing happened as I got to the Farmer’s Market…

I’ve thought about using CBD products to help with relaxation at night as part of my sleep routine, but I hadn’t looked into it yet. I know…slacker.

Well, as I’m entering the market looking over to my right, a woman shouts out from my left side, “Hello! We have CBD oils for beards and …” I don’t know what else she said because I looked in her direction like “wtf?”

So I went over and proceeded to flirt with the two women there, make some jokes, and make them feel good. That in turn put me into a great state…aaaaaannndd they got me for $109. :laughing:

But it’s actually more like I got myself. I’m actually glad it happened. Spending that on CBD, especially going against my “I could’ve found it for cheaper” programming, felt good. Supporting local folks even if it costs a little more is always good too imo. R.I.C.H. has me feeling abundant and I know more cash flow is just around the bend.

That’s it for this update.


Today became an unexpected processing day.

I ran 2x loops of 3 subs Tuesday & Thursday, and today I felt zero desire to run my stack. In fact, when I thought about it, it kind of bothered me and I really didn’t want to. So I went on with my day and didn’t think about it until now.

(I’ve read the recommendations forward and backward, so I get that this was a lot of exposure but I wanted to test it.)

This is textbook recon as described in the support pages, and there were a few other indicators, but I’m only realizing this now as I’m reflecting on my day…

  • first thing in the morning, I wanted a pastry like a chocolate croissant, or some other sweet bread (love croissants but don’t have them regularly)
  • around lunch time, I wanted to eat a massive sandwich for lunch (I never crave sandwiches)
  • this evening I wanted to order out and get a bunch of junk food (I do this sometimes :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: )

Basically, it seems like my body was craving simple carbs / sugar / junk food most of the day. I ended up having a vanilla milkshake and felt some underlying tension decrease – but I hadn’t consciously labeled what was happening as recon yet. I think I had a sense, but didn’t fully grasp it in the moment.

Anyway, putting off listening to my subs is how today became an unexpected processing / rest day.

It wasn’t a bad day at all though…

I bought several kettlebells at a good price point this morning, plus I attended a business-related workshop to learn some nuggets of wisdom.

I did feel like drop-kicking one presenter several times, which made me realize I was a little over-emotional today and running a short fuse (more recon). He wasn’t that bad either, I just didn’t have any patience to pick out the good nuggets from his rambling.

Anyway, that’s it for this update.

Going to resume listening tomorrow using a split 1x, 1x, 2x exposure (using the recommendation) every other day and see how that pans out this week.


Today started off sloooowwww

Went to sleep late after reading a 102 page PDF on creating “micro-monopolies” last night, so that contributed to my slug state this morning.

But after putting on The Empire Strikes Back while prepping / cooking / eating a good breakfast (plus some minor server admin stuff), I’m finally feeling energized and ready to tackle some specific tasks I’ve been putting off (related to business building).

There’s a prominent feeling today that I’m done searching for "The Big Idea" that’s going to lead me to the wealth I desire.

It feels like the biggest part of what’s been holding me back. Seeking the “right idea”. Letting FOMO distract me from all the possibilities that are right in front of me.

It’s like trying to put a puzzle together in “the right way”. It doesn’t even make sense to think like that. Sure, there may be certain strategies to make it less hard on yourself like finding all the border pieces first, or grouping similar colors, but you won’t discover those things until you start putting puzzles together – taking action and observing the results.

(Studying how others have put puzzles together is a slippery slope and can lead to analysis paralysis, copy cat behavior, and ultimately stifle your own ingenuity. Learning can become the ultimate wedge for procrastination to enter. ← I’m guilty of this, obviously. :upside_down_face: )

So, I’m feeling a little more detached from romanticizing the “how it’ll happen” or “how I think it should happen” and am leaning into a more scientific approach of testing and observing results.

It seems obvious when writing it now, but this behavior has been tough to root out and replace the old belief / program with upgraded, more beneficial beliefs.

But today’s realization feels like shifts I’ve experienced in the past – you know when you suddenly achieve a state of clarity and greater self-awareness – and there are zero special feelings. No halo. No enlightened glow. Nada.

It’s just a feeling that if I articulated into words would be: “Huh. Ok.”

There is a deeper sense of calm. And a deeper resolve to “suck it up” and get ready for all the ways I’m about to find out that my ideas may not work.

I feel better prepared to fall on my face as many times as it takes now, if that makes sense. :laughing:

It’s a good place to be.