SubliminalGuy's Dragon Reborn Journal

Woke up early this morning, was piecing together things I’ve experienced lately, and I decided to run Limit Destroyer Ultima. I’m running it again now, almost 7 hours later. Here’s why.

I rented “Coach Carter” yesterday after going out in town yesterday. I remember that movie from 10 years back mostly due to one quote recited in it. One of the team’s players was selling drugs, he came in with a strong ego, and later brought himself into line after realizing he wanted what was offered. The coach wisely challenged him regularly with a simple question: “What is your greatest fear?” The boy answered him one day with a famous poem by author Marianne Williamson.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

"Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people don’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.

“And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

I’ve noticed that I’ve chosen to be pretty stagnant in emotional growth over the years, even while using self-help tools and programs. Looking back now, I see I didn’t want to be aware of this. I modeled my mom who hid perpetually from any risks of any sort. Sadly, her life never changed. She had old traumas, but hiding from it was her only out. I’ve done the same.

However, my courage and willingness to step out into risky areas (per my understandings) is growing. I don’t want to be in the same spot a year from now. Where am I going? I haven’t got a clue–since me “knowing” in times past meant me clinging to an expected solution, which inevitably changes over time. It was self-sabotage in action.

I see I’ve held to established fears vs. changing something. I don’t want to do this anymore. Action is needed, and I’m glad I listened to LDU in hours past, for me holding onto fearful beliefs has kept me inactive and unchanged.

What do I need to change?

Note–I added “how can I make even little changes today?” after that, and it scared me, so I erased it. I’m seeing the active limiting beliefs much more clearly, and that takes some courage. It’s coming. I have it. I’m challenging my fears of actually using it.

Thank you Sub Club.


I’m happy for your insights!

I’ve also noticed this pattern of me re-visiting movies I saw a while back. I wonder if by re-watching them, I’m also unlearning habits that I was doing at that time in my life when I first saw such movies.

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Good question.

I think I revisit old movies since I know there was some truth in there for me. In Coach Carter, his players are all from Richmond, VA, and early on, the coach cites some statistics for them–the truth. He shares that, given their environment, they’re all going there if nothing changes. The stats said they could have prison, early death, or poverty.

If nothing changes, nothing changes. And that’s in my life as well as theirs (it was based on a true story). I think I watched it since I wanted to see some of my own truth. I did. They faced a learned, and even culturally forced, helplessness. Coach Carter had bigger possibilities for them. They just had to trust him, even while not knowing where they were going.

6 of the players got full scholarships to major universities.

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I like that movie, and love that quote. It’s a very inspirational film.

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Cool and inspiring! Thank you! :dragon: on dude!:sunglasses:

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Yeah. It inspired me, and it was (over) 10 years ago.

Reflecting on @RVconsultant’s question, I see that 10 years ago I became aware of my personal choices, and those I accepted regularly since I lacked courage or awareness. It did light a fire, and it’s been smoldering for years.

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I remember posting that poem on this forum.


This morning I began with a loop of LDU. I thought I’d just run a loop and listen to DR later at work, but something in me really wanted DR, so I began DR as soon as LDU finished. I usually don’t run loops back to back.

What’s funny is that I felt DR as soon as it began. And I’ve had this smile on my face since I’ve been listening. Even now.

I shared I ran LDU yesterday. My motive, my felt motive, is on the LDU sales page.

“You could potentially experience incredible boosts of confidence, bravery and fearlessness in just a few days”

Last night while in bed, I began getting these glimpses that LD was working. One thing I’ll be able to share is I realized the image I normally put up around others is me wanting to show confidence, but it’s based on some ill-informed belief that keeps me afraid. I’m noticing the emotional tangles I step in to, and I’m seeing and feeling I have a choice to not go there now. That’s awesome!

I already took care of something this morning which I’ve been avoiding for months, and I feel better having addressed it. Let’s see what happens today! (it’s not my norm to sound like a cheerleader :smile:)


It does feel awesome to push through one of those fears that’s kept you from doing something, doesn’t it?
DR seems to be bringing out a lot of our inner cheerleaders. I never thought I’d sound this positive either.

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I sat here smiling while reading that @COWolfe. Yeah, pushing through those things we’ve once thought insurmountable is awesome!

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I listened to DR alone this morning. I did so purposefully since Chosen of Venus had been showing up heavily, and it touches something deep in me. I wanted that. I just turned on some music, which I don’t do every morning at home. Music connects me to truths that words don’t. Chosen of Venus is opening up in me again.

I listened to LDU last night, my second loop for the day. I got my first inner noncompliant voice show up in me, something like an irritated “why are you doing this?” It was probably, well mostly, my 12 hour day at work. I felt good and energized at quitting time, so I chose to keep going. LDU is definitely doing something good. One big thing I’ve been noticing is my assessment of its progress has come mostly from normalized limiting beliefs. So, I’ve held off from making potentially biased conclusions. LDU is good medicine. I’ll listen to it tonight.

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Immediately after that post I replied to my bitcoin miner/trader. I was instantly understanding of his dilemna (we’d made little gain lately). Like my heart softened. I even shed some tears while this feeling of understanding grew in me. Chosen of Venus is digging in, again.

I’m guessing you are also less moody.

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Not very moody today, even when given useless instructions by my GPS while driving. I’d almost had a rage fit just weeks back, and I’m conscious of it since we have new cameras in all our trucks, and I’ve heard a list of things the new cameras can respond to. Sudden loud noises can activate recording of my “event”.

The last 2 days I began conversations when poor instructions were given (like if she was human), and yes, I was much calmer. I considered raging at her, but saw myself in an (imaginary) relationship.

Who would stand for such treatment? Only people with low self-worth.
Have I treated people (family) like I’ve talked to this machine? Yes
Do I feel good about my actions after this (in my vehicle, or in real life)? No. Never

My heart wouldn’t allow me to do this, so I changed course. I even felt guilty when muttering insults.

And a major reason I did this is I know I treat others the same way I treat myself. So, today I was much calmer and more conversational. I have no regrets.

Edit: this post may not make sense to some, but my GPS uses a female voice. I didn’t realize the scorn I had for women pretending they knew answers when they really had no clue. It could be scorn at my ex-wife, or maybe my mother. Anger at my ex seems easier. But…I don’t like staying there. It’s fruitless for me.


I just wrote something, and I erased it. I felt uncomfortable. I was seeking validation and approval again. This is working.

If you’re GPS has the same snotty sounding female voice mine does, yelling insults at it is quite understandable. I do that myself, so does my wife and we both think it’s hilarious.


Good catch mate!

So I’m guessing you are at the point or almost at the point that you can validate yourself.

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Probably the same one. Google maps

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Almost. I’m still dealing with a force holding back my self-belief, like it’s hanging on fierce. When that gives, I’ll not feel so held back from enjoying life fully.

Something happened yesterday while driving, and it definitely got my attention.

As long as I’d hung around the self-help world, little stories stayed in my head. One which felt similar to me yesterday was when a person has been fighting battles against themselves constantly. Then, one day while driving around, something just breaks, and tears start rolling. I’ve seen stories like this numerous times.

I was listening to my spiritual, emotional music yesterday while driving. I even killed it a few times in frustration. I’d turn on some classic rock for a while, but I kept returning to my original music.

Around noon, I was still driving. I made a turn, with the music off. I suddenly began sobbing, shaking heavily. I wasn’t loud. I just had not done anything to bring it on. I felt like stuff was being let go.
It lasted a minute or so.

I’m not in control of this, and me trying to do so has been keeping me in my rut. Not sure what’ll happen today.

This I can relate too very much. For many years I went die hard into different things (working on myself), but always in comparion to someone or something else. This got to a point of being self-conscious about almost everything I did, it got neurotic. And somewhere this stuffed up energy must come out…

Enjoying reading about your progress lately, it is inspiring :slight_smile:

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