JCast Journey šŸ¤˜

Taking it easy today but getting the loops in before two off days.

I have clarity now. I know what to do.

Also what I want to do. My current business is just the first step.

Everything got so much easier when I found that clarityā€¦ Now I have direction in my life.


Day 54 Stage One - Today is a day off. I spent a lot of time last night reading about things I want to put time into and see where it goes. I have some YouTube videos I am going to check out over the next couple of days. A lot of my anxiety at this point comes from feeling trapped. Stuck and forced to do things I would rather not so I get paid and my family has a roof over their heads. Not a fun situation at all and one I sort of willfully denied was becoming more and more toxic as time went by. I try to give folks the benefit of the doubt but there are people who are just terrible but somehow have convinced themselves that they are anything but.

At some point you have to ask yourself that when you have access to something like Subliminal Club why arenā€™t you using it more to your advantage than just passively participating? Prior to Dragon Reborn that was me . I would listen to an audio but not consistently. Lie to myself that I was doing enough when I wasnā€™t really doing anything. Dragon Reborn has been a catalyst for me maturing in ways I never imagined or thought I was capable of. If that program has done this much for me with one stage in under sixty days you almost have to consider the possibilities with the following stages as well as programs such as Quantum Limitless and EOG.
What are we capable of that we arenā€™t aware of ? What happens when the blocks and limits are purged and destroyed? What happens when what we have allowed to define us as individuals isnā€™t who we are anymore?


Day 55 Stage One - Second day off

Our Greatest Fear ā€”Marianne Williamson

it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?

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Realized this morning how much my past immaturity blinded me to so much. I was angry , frustrated, envious, and I donā€™t know why. I made things unnecessarily difficult for others but especially for myself.


Running a loop of The Elixir then Iā€™m going to run a loop of Paragon Complete while I read and fall asleep.

Day 56 Stage One -

Hectic day today but I should be able to get a few loops in a bit later today

Day 57 Stage One -

Last night either out of total curiosity or boredom I decided to run a couple of loops of Ascension having already run three loops of Dragon Reborn Stage One. Today I woke up feeling better mentally and emotionally than I have in a really long time. I still donā€™t feel like doing a whole lot but Iā€™m ok with that. I usually wake up feeling some sort of anxiety but not today. Itā€™s as if my brain is asking me " what in the fuck are you stressing out over?".


I need to read your journal JCast as I have just begun Drag Reb ST1.


Now that you mention itā€¦

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Day 58 Stage One - After stacking a couple of titles together the last couple of days I am back to only Dragon Reborn Stage One. For whatever reason I get massive reconciliation and brain fog if I attempt to run anything with DR.

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Trying to figure out why I am having issues accepting certain things without being a dick about it. Definitely staying with Dragon Reborn until I can stop being unreasonable and stupid about things.
I feel like a hypocrite sometimes because I honestly donā€™t want very much because I donā€™t see the point but I get annoyed at first then unnecessarily judgmental when I see people who are given things especially knowing that my wife and I donā€™t have a whole lot. Then it gets even more infuriating when they people given random things are those who donā€™t do shit for anyone else except when itā€™s beneficial for them or donā€™t appreciate it. I feel like a fucking idiot for feeling that way because itā€™s not my place


Ran three loops of Stage One currently running a loop of The Elixir


@James totally unrelated but today a great ADHD book got dropped

ADHD 2.0 by Ned Halloway highly recommended I just finished reading it, it has some research in it I havenā€™t come across yet that might help with ADHD symptons :slight_smile:


@Liquidfire Thank You. Driven To Distraction was one of the first ADHD books I read. The first being the original version of You Mean Iā€™m Not Lazy , Stupid, or Crazy


Day 59 Stage One - Oddly enough tomorrow is day 60 and my last day prior to two rest days. Currently running a loop of The Executive. I may run another right afterwards and then get my loops of Stage One in later this afternoon. I have noticed a weird but interesting difference between running Executive vs Limitless Executive. With Limitless Executive I get things done but I feel like I spend unnecessary amounts of time planning the best course of action or being unnecessarily social where with The Executive my mindset just snaps into" fuck everything else letā€™s get shit done ".