SargeMaximus: Heart of Man (Heartsong, Primal, Executive, Paragon Ultima)

It is what it is. I can spot them so it doesn’t bother me

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Strange because Badoo is in the lowest place on my entire list. At least in my area on tinder are nice, cute girls, on Badoo there are almost always average or even ugly girls. Their photos are very bad, overall very bad offer. And I do not even know most of your apps, but my country is small so it is understandable.

Every place is different


The 22 year old I had sex in my car with earlier this year just reached out. I figured she was long gone but apparently she wants me again.

Definitely hoping some of my past girls return to me over time. It’s like in business: repeat business is better than new business :slight_smile:

There’s one in particular I hope comes back after school starts. She has a kid so I’m hoping her disappearance has more to do with summer holidays than me


Got back from my fwb this morning then went to sleep. Just woke up. I look different In The mirror. Meaner. I assume Its early morning thing.

As for last night it was decent. Fucked 2 or 3 times can’t remember which.

In general feel detached from women but craving more and more sex. Also feel like women are clingy.

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Here you go. Followed by some personal examples, especially in the Emperor section under it.

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Crazy stuff man, thank you for quoting all that for me. And I’m glad you decided to keep becoming a doctor. There aren’t enough good doctors in the world.

As for my situation, as feared my results and overall vibe have diminished since returning to the subs.

At this point I want subs that will help me bring about what I want not subs that will show me what I want, because I already know.

So yeah, prolly ending subs after this friday. Then I will be trying something else.

It’s like you say: the subs get you so focused in a tunnel of sorts which limits of eliminates other aspects of yourself almost. My vibe, for example (which I believe is a major part of my “game”) is not present when on these subs. I can tell it’s like night and day this week vs last week.

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I will really miss you if this the case! I very much enjoyed your contributions on the forum, you were a great new addition to the subclub family.

There really can’t be anything in the script that could lead to that. So this must be reconciliation and should pass away with enough exposure. Similar to how I acted very weird in the first weeks of trying Primal for the first time or how I always ended up in fights and got very emotional when trying Emperor for the first time.

The problem is not the sub but pretty much always your mind and some limiting beliefs. (this is no offense to you or anyone as this is really the case for most people including myself, it just manifests differently depending what sub you run, how much experience you got, how far you are on your self-development journey and personal traumas and limiting beliefs.)

If I were you, I would drop all programs and just focus on Ascension (and/or Primal) for a while until you get accustomed to it.

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Ok but if that’s true, my “limiting beliefs” give me better results? That doesn’t make any sense.

That is an option as I do have Primal. I’ll try it. I’m pretty open to experimenting for the rest of the year, but not experimenting just to experiment. I’m trying to get it right so I can get back to my life

No, there is something in the script that is triggering a certain limiting belief of yours, giving you basically a special kind of reconciliation which makes you not execute the subliminal as you would like consciously but this is most often temporary as the limiting beliefs are worked on in the process.

In my experience, this is often caused when the subliminal is too far beyond your reality, when there is a deep limiting belief, or when it tries to change too much at once which kinda triggers a firewall.

Read for example this post where I experienced something similar with Khan:

This overacting I experienced was not caused because Khan is faulty but because it was simply exposing my shadow self and triggering something very deep. I expanded more on this topic in Log Entry #3 in my journal but I think you have read that. EDIT: Especially, the “#2 Best sub or stack for not being insecure?” post I link there might be of interest.

The only strategy I came up to deal with that is to run a foundational title alternated with a healing title.

So in your case, I would try out Ascension and/or Primal and if this issue still stays, I would stack it further with Regeneration.

Of course, you can always just drop subs all together and not deal with that “mess” but I believe you would miss out on a lot of deep inner work and self development.

Again, that doesn’t make sense. I already get close to the results of the program on my own. I’m experiencing a complete blackout, like someone turned off the power. All I needed was to turn up the brightness if that makes sense. That’s the whole reason I came here: to take my abilities to the next level, not start from scratch.

I’ve also done extensive shadow work in the past and have incorporated my shadow self, so I don’t believe it’s a shadow phenomenon.

As far as I know, Heartsong and PS are both healing titles, so I’m already doing healing. That may be the problem in fact as I’ve had a sort of “endless healing” response to other healing subs in the past.

The fact is, if a sub is triggering something and causing a bad result, you gotta take it for what it’s doing. Like eating a food that triggers an allergy. Sure maybe everyone else can eat peanuts, but some people can’t. You don’t keep eating peanuts, you respect the results.

That’s where I’m at.

No, you need to differentiate here. There is certain food that triggers a detoxification, not an allergy. For example, celery juice due to its healing properties often leads the body to expose certain toxins for example through the skin. The result is you develop a bad rash which is temporary. The detoxification, the symptom is not the problem but actually the healing part. You can obviously just leave out the celery juice but those toxins will then just continue to store up in your body until one day you develop a serious disease.

The same applies to your situation.

The sub is not causing an allergy but a detoxification. You can stop the subs and not go through temporary periods of discomfort but you will also not get rid of the toxins or “limiting beliefs” in that context.

There are ways to make the detoxification less severe and more pleasant, which I recommended to you by running Ascension and/or Primal.

Again, that doesn’t make sense. The detoxification of what? Like seriously, what is it detoxifying? Lack of results? Getting results? That’s why I call it an allergy. It’s bringing out bad results, not working towards good results.

In the context of the mind, traumas, limiting beliefs, fear, low self-love and low self-worth, wrong ideas about yourself (who you are and how you should act), about what “alpha” means, some stupid and useless stuff you picked up from society that did not originate from yourself.

All of that will be purged and all of that can trigger reconciliation. Some of the stuff you ingrained so deep into your unconscious, you are not even aware of it.

Going through a process that cleanses those stuff (subs), will consequently make you go through periods of reconciliation that can also explain the reactions you see.
Similar to how the celery juice can make you develop a rash, in the context of the body.

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Have I mentioned I’ve been in the pua/self development and subliminal space for over 7 years? I’m not a newbie to this stuff. I don’t have many traumas left. I won’t go into the details since it’s personal but one thing I did involved recreating a childhood experience and reliving it. I nearly had a heart attack. The pain in my chest was so bad. But I processed the emotions and now, whenever I encounter what used to trigger intense fear, I feel a massive endorphin rush. And that’s not the only thing I overcame.

So I’m not some newbie, and I’m not reading articles and thinking that’s all I need to do to overcome my issues. I’ve put in the actual work and gotten the results. On my own. Doing the work to overcome what you say the sub is now clearing. So if the sub is gonna take me back to the beginning what good is it? Erasing my progress? That doesn’t make any sense.

Maybe the subs are meant for people who haven’t done the work I’ve done. That is another possibility. I don’t know what else would have the effect of bringing me back to the beginning.

So you should be aware that the self-development journey, the clearance of the bad unnecessary stuff in your subconcscious, is most likely a life-long journey. You start with the stuff on the surface and slowly progress to the deepest beliefs. It will get easier but simultaneously harder because you deal with far deeper stuff over time.

It is not taking you back, it is just continuing the journey.

You are just experiencing reconciliation, which hits a bit deeper because the sub is already working on deeper stuff because you already went deep into self-development and cleared a lot of stuff away in the past.

Yes, it’s a life long journey, but that doesn’t equal a life without results because you’re always clearing things :wink:

The results beg to differ.

But we will see. I’ll try primal solo next week.

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If the theory we are operating one is correct, and there is truly no direct scripting in the sub that states “DIMINISH THE VIBE OF SARGEMAXIMUS”, then this should be all only temporary and you should soon text me under a pile of new women haha.

Sounds like a good plan. If there still will be some problems, we will try Ascension next. But seems like I could persuade you to not leave subs all together this Friday :wink:

P.S. Subclub where is my BONUS for that? I take Paypal, Crypto and credit card.

I don’t believe the subs are aimed against me or anyone. Just like peanuts aren’t trying to kill people allergic to them. It’s just an unfortunate result.

Lol I won’t be buying any more subs till I begin to see results :slight_smile:

You are valuable to the community as you are, worth enough to get me a nice bonus even if you do not buy any more subs, in my opinion haha.

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I am clearly just joking and am not paid by subclub haha

Peanuts actually contain antinutrients that are kinda harmful to everyone, not only the people who have an allergic reaction to it. So yes, peanuts try to kill you, subclubs subs do not hehe.