Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

I’m going to release it for free in the coming weeks. It’s tentatively called “Spread the Love.”


Also second Gemared. I’ve bought one for myself and another for my parents.

I really like that the creator is a chemical and materials engineer and understands the science behind it.


Also a SUPER nice guy.

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Is this Spread the Love also giving love to ourselves?

I hope it gets added to the Q-store as well not sure where I would fit it in my stack, even though I would like to use it.

I feel like under constant overexposure. Even at the 5 mins, weird. Or maybe I’m just missing something, idk.

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Yes. It has to start with you, otherwise it cannot spread.


If you have high flow factor, which I believe you do, you have to run less. Like 3 minutes.


have I been doing this whole thing wrong :frowning:


How can someone like me increase flow factor?

Is it just like a process of mental conditioning?


Let me clarify – if you have high flow factor and it leads to recon, run less. If you have high flow factor and it leads to execution of the script as dictated by your personal beliefs and personality, you’re good.

I don’t think you have a flow factor issue. If I may, I believe you just need to take action more. You have a passion for hypnosis and you can code. Run a wealth sub, make a unique app or site around that passion. Give the script a chance to “flow” (hence, flow factor).

@Invictus (don’t let it go to your head) is pretty relentless when it comes to his goals. Gym, business, whatever. He’s just out there, letting it flow.

But how to improve flow factor? I’m not exactly sure. It seems to be related to open-mindedness, and a high sense of self-worth and ability, and of course, a sound and focused mind:

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Napoleon Hill

“Everything depends upon our attitude towards ourselves. That which we will not affirm as true of ourselves will not develop in our lives.”

Neville Goddard

He put before them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man planted in his field. Although it is the smallest of all seeds, yet it grows into the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.”

“For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

From The Gospel According to Matthew 13:31-32 & 17:20

^^^ This leads to flow factor.


I won’t :upside_down_face:

I learned my lesson when I went down the rabbit hole with the unnecessary desires and the 14 customs I built :slight_smile:

So what I gather from this is that if an individual is already taking certain actions before even running a sub, that sub will express itself much more profoundly, as it already has the “field” ready and set for it?

Meaning that an athlete would express something like Spartan better than someone just starting their fitness journey, right?

Interesting :thinking:

Also @Palpatine
If I may add

Your inner sense of power matter as much as your belief and faith in subs, like if you talked to me often, you’d realize one thing about me is that I don’t put subs on a pedestal, because while yes they’re effective and all, the true power over reality comes from within, the subs just serve as tools, just like how the praise goes to you for driving somewhere, not the google maps app for showing you the way.

Like this is a text I sent to someone from the forum:

“Nah, WANTED did it’s job and is more like maintenance mode for my life now, so I’ll go back to focusing more on bodybuilding again, and while the custom is already taking care of that, unless it proves itself, I’m also gonna go the PED route.”

Notice something?
I’m not serving the custom and taking actions for it, the one serving the other is the custom, as in the custom has to take action and prove its worth to me, and that’s the main intention here, that I’m only testing the sub so it can prove its power to me, and whether it did that or not in the span of the cycle, is up to the sub.

This way, you shift your mentality about subs, and realize that the power for the change isn’t really with the subs, but you, the listener.




how would you define flow factor?
I’m having trouble understanding.

I run 15 min loops, and have no idea if I’m getting recon off it.

I am making slow progress, but def know that mindset obstacles are deterring me from taking action.
However, I am making progress on overcoming those obstacles.

Should I experiment with shorter play times again?
Back when I did 3/5/7 min loops, I had a feeling that it wasn’t working.
But maybe I was looking for that mental overwhelm feeling, which might be recon.

This shit can be a bit confusing to figure out at times haha


Has that always been there before subs though? Like did you have to learn how to have that perspective or is that just a natural extension of who you are or how you developed as a person prior to subs?


I would like to believe that I’m self aware enough to know that it was something that developed throughout my years at the university, specifically in my third year.
I’ll be honest, I have a lot of darkness in me, and part of that darkness is what has developed my inner sense of power, because to me, the true nature of reality and how messed up it is always made me self reliant, as a result of how distrustful I’ve been of everyone and everything.

But now, after the amount of growth I’ve experienced here, my shadow side is something that I made peace with, which turned my “darkness” into pure inner power, coming from 2 main things:
Faith + Compassion.

This is kinda part of the reason I don’t want to run certain subs, especially if it’s for small to medium level issues, because that’s how it leads to reliance on subs for issues.

And yes, reliance and faith are VERY different, yet half the people confuse the former for the latter.


Quoting a celeb. If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else! Can I get an Amen!


@TheSunlightCaller It is more like—if you do not love yourself, how do you expect others to love you? What is there to love?

So, if you love yourself, there will be love IN yourself, and that love, others may FALL in love with.

Respect is the same.

Others are controlled by their feelings too, if they feel love for someone, and you are the beacon they will be attracted to you. If you disrespected yourself, hate yourself, doubt yourself—this others will feel as well, and they will be repelled, naturally.

Friends or not, none wants to feel these energies.

By the way, @SaintSovereign I’m on the 9th processing day and I’m still having brain aches, still seeing results from Primal Seduction, still feeling tired and having lots of dreams.

I feel like I respond much different to Zero Point, it’s absolutely powerful.


@SaintSovereign Weren’t you planning to release a sub for folks to help learn to love themselves?

Some people previously mentioned that Ross Jeffries guy here on the forums. He claimed to get to the point where he had to I guess kind of fake having “flaws” when with most people because of all the inner change work he’d done on himself. So he didn’t look like a freakshow to them. Because generally people have insecurities and put on social masks and that kind of thing. So authenticity can actually be off putting to people. I’ve gotten to experience that myself at times.

That’s also one of the laws of power, don’t be too perfect or something. But until you’re “fully” healed I don’t think we have anything to worry about. We’re humans, making mistakes is how we learn and as long as we don’t see ourselves as above others I think we’ll be fine. I like to think at a certain point they’re just not on radar anymore and we tend to more focus on our worlds and the things in our own control.