Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

Quoting a celeb. If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else! Can I get an Amen!


@TheSunlightCaller It is more like—if you do not love yourself, how do you expect others to love you? What is there to love?

So, if you love yourself, there will be love IN yourself, and that love, others may FALL in love with.

Respect is the same.

Others are controlled by their feelings too, if they feel love for someone, and you are the beacon they will be attracted to you. If you disrespected yourself, hate yourself, doubt yourself—this others will feel as well, and they will be repelled, naturally.

Friends or not, none wants to feel these energies.

By the way, @SaintSovereign I’m on the 9th processing day and I’m still having brain aches, still seeing results from Primal Seduction, still feeling tired and having lots of dreams.

I feel like I respond much different to Zero Point, it’s absolutely powerful.


@SaintSovereign Weren’t you planning to release a sub for folks to help learn to love themselves?

Some people previously mentioned that Ross Jeffries guy here on the forums. He claimed to get to the point where he had to I guess kind of fake having “flaws” when with most people because of all the inner change work he’d done on himself. So he didn’t look like a freakshow to them. Because generally people have insecurities and put on social masks and that kind of thing. So authenticity can actually be off putting to people. I’ve gotten to experience that myself at times.

That’s also one of the laws of power, don’t be too perfect or something. But until you’re “fully” healed I don’t think we have anything to worry about. We’re humans, making mistakes is how we learn and as long as we don’t see ourselves as above others I think we’ll be fine. I like to think at a certain point they’re just not on radar anymore and we tend to more focus on our worlds and the things in our own control.

Yep. It’s coming soon.


Been testing The Way of Nature + Love Bomb + As Above. The goal here is to help overcome traumas that happened in my life that closed my heart off to a lot of people. So many missed opportunities, moments and potential experiences because I didn’t have the ability (or willingness) to let anyone in.

First impression? Interesting stack. Love Bomb, of course, caused some significant recon that passed by the end of the day. Once it did, lots of “heart chakra” activity. Warmth, euphoria, ever present sense of love irradiating through my body. Unintended side effect, incredible increase in libido (my poor fiancee, I was quite insatiable, hahah).

Today, I’m feeling quite humorous and playful with “tempered” stoicism, even when interacting with people on the forum today – which is more like my “real” / “offline” personality.

I ran As Above for the first time today, 3 minutes. Increased that sense of euphoria and energy in my body, but it also dialed the “playfulness” down a bit.


yeah noticed that.

First time you did not shout at me for asking stupid questions


rofl –

I don’t mean to come across as yelling or angry, I just usually have a task list that’s so incredibly long that I’m overwhelmed by the time I come to the forum. I’m trying to delegate a lot more, alleviate some of that pressure.


And ignored me :upside_down_face:

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the last time you came across to me like that was three years ago. You changed quite a bit over the years, expressing more and more what seems to be your authentic self. At this point, I would even hang out with you :stuck_out_tongue:

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I did not. We just have A LOT going on over here. :wink:
Last night, I had to call a lid and end the day early. Was just way too much.


Yes, Good good! How you like it?

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Ran it for the first time today. Felt the “third eye pressure” that I normally get during meditation, warmth and euphoria throughout the body. The hyperactive playful energy got dialed down a bit, and I can focus more.


I always tell the people I talk to on here to use AA & SB, but no one wants to. Truly sad. like @Invictus , He doesn’t want to. :frowning_face:

However, your result so far sounds really interesting.


frowns in Arabic

In other news, did you read the latest rumors/leaks regarding the new AirPods Pro 2?

It’s rumored to have a new lossless codec, how do you think it would affect subs integration :eyes:?

Source: New 'Lossless' Music Codec for Apple AirPods Pro, AirPods Max Still in the Works | What Is It? Why Does It Matter?

Hol’ up, will this effect powerbeats pro too?

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This is a tough one. Something I struggle with a lot. It’s the balance between letting people in vs keeping the toxic people out. Love Bomb concerns me for this reason if strong boundaries aren’t in place. Obviously not an issue for you given your extensive background with subs and self growth.


That depends on how it performs and the demand, but probably :thinking:

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I did read about this, but then we’d be locked into the Apple ecosystem and they’re known for tossing a bunch of ridiculous requirements / restrictions into the usage of their tech. I think we’ll just stick with mp3 and .flac.

For true lossless (well, as close as we can get), perhaps eventually we’ll be able to offer uncompressed .wav as an option.


Hey @SaintSovereign have you tried True Sell yourself? With your marketing skills I feel it would execute amazingly for you!!! :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:

Also Love is so great, I like it a lot, I’ve always been a too loving person and I feel when it’s balanced correctly with power and wise generosity, wise choices in love and friendship it is so useful and beneficial!

It also feels great and invites so many wonderful experiences in our life. It’s makes you incredibly attractive too… love is lacking in our world… tremendously…