Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

That’s exactly what was throwing me off. I contacted a colleague of mine who was like, “you chose a SLOW WALTZ to sample? Good luck with that one.”


“I’ll show YOU good luck, MOFO!” - @SaintSovereign :smiley:

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I meant structure and a schedule.

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I think that could be similar to those Hollywood actors who become rich enough to finance their own movie where they are both lead actor and director.


That’s a dream of mine.

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Alchemist+RM+HoM=Lord of Renaissance Alchemy (my rebuilt custom, after I pondered what Saint said about stacking healing subs with other subs and concluding RM and HoM resonates with me much better than Khan).


Lawd, this sub. Been working on these tracks for hours now. Started right after we launched RM. Learned how to use Logic’s sampler like a bro, built some amazing drum tracks in step sequencer. Did another mix of The Weeping Woman, this time down in the studio so I can hear where there’s issues. It’s like I can’t stop.


Was this just RM? Or do you think it was the effects from other subs being unleashed by RM? Can’t remember if you used any specific music production related stuff.

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I have a music production sub that I made for myself, but this is all Renaissance Man. But, you also gotta remember that I really embody the concept of TAKE ACTION. I’m always working on something and very little time is wasted.


Latest mix of The Weeping Woman: (same URL as before, SoundCloud Pro allows you to replace files).

I think I went a little too hard with that kick. Sounds good across the studio monitors and in the car, but it’s a bit overwhelming on the MacBook.

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Been running #renaissanceman

Was working on a new track last night while upgrading the Ultimas, suddenly got a crazy hit of creative inspiration – almost like a fervor and went experimental on this track. Halfway through, it switches to a completely different but complementary groove. It’s not even the type of music I normally make, so I don’t really know where it came from, but I dig it. Can’t wait for the finished version:



I heard it. I like it! When is the official album coming out?

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Late this year / early next year.

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Daft Punk’s gonna start looking for saint soon enough


Vanilla Sky is such a beautiful movie. Renaissance Man has me seeking out new music, movies and other forms of content. Almost like I’m enjoying the artistry of the works by approaching it from a non-critical viewpoint. Instead, I’m internally observing what I like about the work and how it makes me feel. In regards to music, I’m very much seeing what I can incorporate into my own craft.


Love that movie. Had to watch it twice to really get it. Never saw the original Spanish version, but think I will. Thanks for reminding me of VS


Could it be an inspiration too?

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2nd half was pure magic, it put me in a state of chilling in my own existence.



How H E R O I C of you :smiley: