Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

Go ahead, my friend. If you have doubts and want opinions from the forum, don’t hesitate to ask


I am actually looking forward to Spartan Apex it was one of those subs which i purchased a year ago however i never devoted enough time to listening to it. When it goes Q2 will have to give this one ago.

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Haha,think youll like it.Spartans my favorite sub,just that the physical shifting is weaker than empfit cause its older.Mindset wise its great for being able to push through anything and being steadfast though.Hoping for project hero with physical shifting of empfit and mindset of spartan :slight_smile:


That’s hilarious.

QV2: Own a piece of history now!

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@Meng123 whats ETA for hero ? have SC spilled anymore details as to what hero is all about ?

No recent info other than this tease.Physical shifting and performance is the expected though


Run it tomorrow! I’ll give it a whirl then as well.

@Azriel lets ride this wave together :slight_smile:

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guys i want objective review of your experience running Qv2 vs regular Q

i have not yet run it, but id like to hear what’s your experiences so far with the major title qv2 subs

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I ran one loop of EQV2 and I can say I felt significant effects I’ve been familiar with in the past with Emperor including adjustment of body language, assertiveness in phone conversations, some level of deference to me on a discussion with a superior today, and a general improvement in the ability to deal with intense pressure. Its too early to say how the effects differ from EQ, but overall an impressive start


Perhaps we can create a Q2 review thread ?


Hi. Did you play the masked or ultrasonic

Masked. Didn’t go far into the ultrasonic one because I wasn’t sure if my headphones were up to the job of letting me hear the frequencies properly. So the real new one :slight_smile:

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Are customs that expensive. I also wanted to get my own custom but still couldn’t arrange the money. I’m still saving.

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Do you have any journal of Emperor i could see or can you just brief out the results from it bro? I never used it because i’ve read that it makes us antisocial. So how’s the social aspect of Emperor working for you? I want to use it, i got the Q2 update and i can’t wait to try it.

Customs are around 250-400 depending on whether you get 10-20 modules. Once you buy the module,you dont have to buy it again though and can use it in future would only have to pay the 100 build fee and 15 for any new modules you want to add in

I took an extended break from Emperor around July of last year to begin using my custom and Stark. To be honest it was probably the results from the Forge that made me take a break, as well as my feeling that Stark would be more beneficial to me, which it was but in unexpected ways. So I can’t really comment on the social aspect of Emperor because my run was largely 3 months at the start of the pandemic after which our city was even more tightly locked down. If you search “To infinity and Beyond” (bad toy story reference) that’s basically my old EQ journal (not gonna link it here as I’m not up for the stroll down amnesia lane :slight_smile: ). There were definitely some significant results but more status related amongst those who were close friends and in my day to day life.

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Here you go.

Strictly from an objective perspective, it has always made the most sense to me to start out by getting a wealth-generating program. Run that first and get the money that you will need to buy any additional programs that you might want.

So, I’d get RICH first and then let RICH make the money to pay for my future subliminals.


1 loop of AM Q2 ( I did AM over E because I’m not sure if the ultrasonic of EQ is the correct version)… And I am in emotional reconciliation land.
For context, After 1 loop of AMQ2 and during 2nd loop.
I had a meeting with a career counselor… He said my contents are strong but resume sucked. Probably y I got all those rejections. Told me some other uncomfortable career stuff.

I’ve been feeling pretty horrible since the meeting.

  • he gave me some guidance on how to fix my resume . However, I have gotten an old negative feeling back. IE. Procrastination. More specifically, when ever I am thinking about fixing my resume and LinkedIn I’m feeling anxious. I’m feeling anxious to study. I’m feeling anxious to do anything productive, Ive watched porn twice. This feeling of uselessness was normal for me 1 and a half year back, but had disappeared completely. It has come back again today on AM QV2. I think AM isn’t suited for me and I’m better of with Emperor.