Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)


Hulk Hogan…



Hunter Hearst Helmsley…


Hahaha! WWF represent

Wait, is project Hero a fitness ultima?


It’s a project that focuses on physical shifting and other changes not yet disclosed. The outcome is supposed to work its way into different titles, existing and new.


Oh, man. That final scene on the roof hit me in the feels.

I dunno if I would go with it, the whole cryogenic simulated deal.

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Ya’ll. Justice League: The Snyder Cut is really good. Like, shockingly good. I thought the theatrical version of Justice League was terrible, and I don’t have a lot of love for Snyder, but this is really good.


I totally second this lol

It just sucks so much that the ended shows such a great cliff hanger that is basically pointless as i heard there most likely wont be a second one.


I knoooow. I was just thinking that as it went off. The DC Snyderverse was really getting good.

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The only things i didn’t really care for were the dude who plays flash and jesse eisenberg as lex lol. I mthink the best Lex Luther so far live action has been michael rosenbaum from smallville which got 7 good seasons of character evolution lol.

I really wanted to see where they would go with Deathstroke, he deserves a solo movie and Joe Manganiello seems like he would have played the role perfectly… Manu Bennett played him on Arrow and he really did an awesome job.


Haha,i loved it should have just been the original and we probably would have had a justice league 2 and 3 by now.dont think wb would ever have let a 4 hour movie into theatres though.a cut up one with studio involvement might still have been bad even with zack snyder


Well hopefully AT&T can resurrect the DC movies to what they should be … most have been terrible … ok some have been pretty good but others were terrible. Suicide squad was terrible, BvS was decent fight scene but that’s about it, the original justice league was the worst of all 3 lol, Birds of prey was just as bad. Now Aquaman i really enjoyed and am looking forward to Aquaman 2. I think it would be pretty awesome if they put garth or aqualad in the second one. I really enjoyed Wonder woman the first one and thought it was an awesome origin story same with man of steel. I haven’t seen Wonder Woman 2 but heard mixed things. And shazam was honestly really funny and different more light hearted and really enjoyable to watch.

Sorry totally hijacked your thread and went off course lol


I did like his version of “Dawn of the Dead” (2004). But I think I liked the original version by George Romero (1978) better.

Suicide squad and bvs was studio involvement cause they kept wanting to copy marvels lighter tone which screwed up the dc universe.havent seen birds of prey.agree,the best so far was aquaman,1st wonder woman and shazam so far.the new justice league is my favorite of all of them though


Suicide Squad could have 100x better lol. Like if they had taken the entire suicide squad animated movie and just made that live action it would have been perfect.

That is one thing DC comics doesn’t fuck up are their animated movies those are so awesome.
Apokolips War was such an awesome movie and so was the build up to it.
As much as i love Darkseid being the big bad in Justice league, i think they should have had other villains come around first. Darkseid is like Thanos he’s basically the ultimate big bad besides a few others to the justice league, Starting out with him and his minions maybe wasn’t the best way to go.

Batman vs Superman was bad lol but the worst part was doomsday, the character design was honestly crap. Doomsday looked more like a troll from lord of the rings then an actual almost indestructible killing machine that was supposed to be spiked like crazy.


I just watched it this past weekend.

I was struck by how much of a difference editing, musical, and directorial choices can make to how the exact same actor/character comes across on screen. In the first Justice League, all of the main characters struck me as feeling extreeeeemely trivial. They seemed unimportant. Like flashy cars that I have no interest in buying or even driving. My theory is that this has something to do with the spirituality of the director. (By spirituality, I do not mean religiosity or mysticism, but rather a way of being in the world and the way that lives, circumstances, and meaning hang together in the sensibility and soul of the director.)

The story being told had a soul and a kind of integrated center. I didn’t love that soul, but it was there. And every soul, whether I love it or not, has a certain power, a certain integrity, a certain coherence. That’s just the nature of souls. Anyway, that soul of the director and of the story seemed to imbue the characters with greater import as well.

(I remember when I realized that the reason I loved Scarlet Johannsson so much in Lost In Translation was primarily due to the invisible influence of Sofia Coppola over the framing of the whole movie.)

Another point was that I felt a real spiritual and aesthetic connection between this film and the movie Watchmen. Almost as though this was the movie that Watchmen was made to critique and play against. I wondered if it was actually unintentional. It introduced a subtle undercurrent of unease to the atmosphere. (A testament to Frank Miller’s genius.) It made it seem as though the immoral or flawed aspects of these characters might be hiding just off-camera or beneath the surface. This was strongest for Batman’s character, fittingly enough. Something about the shape of that body-armour suit and of the cowl, made him feel somewhat ‘off’ at times. But this was more of a tinge than a very strong feeling. Just an interesting thing.

The atmosphere was so much more effective for almost every part of the movie.

And I have to give extra points (and extra get me the heck away from this situation) for the bizarre Scandinavian singing sequence. Ever since watching Ari Aster’s Midsommar, I’ve basically got issues. (Very easily freaked out by anything even slightly untoward that’s happening in Scandinavia.) Hopefully Dragon Reborn will help when I finally get around to working through that program. :rofl:


The snyder cut was a whole lot better than the previous one. The serious tone fit the characters better and toning down the jokes made it more entertaining. Loved the visual elements reminding me of comic book panels. Fleshing out the story lines of Flash, Cyborg and steppenwolf did a whole world of good too.

Unfortunately I didn’t resonate much with the movie. Felt myself being bored several times even though I loved Man of Steel, Aquaman, Shazam and the first Wonder Woman movie. Those kept me interested. FYI I don’t mind long movies (like the director’s cut of Lord of the Rings) so runtime wasn’t the issue. I wonder whether it is because I saw the previous version

PS: i much prefer the animated Justice League. Those are classic (along with Batman the animated series). Also, Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy is on an altogether other level.


Hey Saint,

If I wanted to have a custom script subliminal, would it be possible?

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You’d have to talk to @Fire and I don’t think he’s actually making completely custom scripts right now. And if he is, it’ll be costly due to time constraints.


Hi Saint can SC maximise the power of the physical shifting technology in Hero and make it a single stage.


Paging @Fire :wink:


It’s been a long, long past few weeks. Even longer weekend. Been thinking about a lot of stuff – where I want to go as an artist, how I want to expand as an entrepreneur, etc. Then, it hit me that I didn’t take a moment to recognize an artist that – while he didn’t really “influence my life” per se because I didn’t grow up that way, as a fellow artist, I can recognize the influence he had over the culture that surrounded me. I had an incredibly diverse group of friends growing up and I experienced every type of “hood” you could think of. Rich people, poor people alike. And this artist’s raw authenticity (however flawed he may have been), always inspired me. So, I know some people will raise an eyebrow, others will raise a glass. But regardless…