Main Disc. Thread - Q Core v2 Upgrades

Hahahaha. I do find it funny that the Seductor and Hero are two such anticipated titles but never have I seen an official thread stating these are in the works lol.

Even after Paragon dropped, HERO is expected any day now xD it’s honestly endearing.

I would only be VERY upset for a very short time if this Seducer title dropped cuz I completed my custom already and have zero intention to modify it within the next six months, lol

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Imma have dreams about that ‘but’.

No innuendo intended.

No double entendre intended.

Seductor was a joke name. But …

I’m imagining what the hype would’ve been, had I also joke-named Hero as Saitama.


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I imagine there would be a frenzied scramble for those that have interest in martial arts towards the main store, or customer service at SubClub would start receiving an alarming amount of emails asking if they should shave their head or let it go naturally :smiley:

I wonder…

Would a pathway to manifestation to becoming the One Punch Man be doing one hundred push-ups a day?

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Seductors been in the pipeline since last year so long awaited,lol

Everyone figured it was waiting on the physical change tech aka project hero so now that its out shouldnt be that far off

As for hero,was because saint paged at fire to give it a can hope >-<

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The Archivist hath spoken! I stand (well… lie) corrected, and somewhat happily! What’s funny is I saw when Hermit posted that and Saint’s reply, lol. I guess it slipped my mind :slight_smile:

@Malkuth looks like you’re just going to have to do ‘it’, buddy.

Like Nike.

And whatever ‘it’ is like Nike, may victory be yours. In other words…

May the odds be evah in yor fayvah!!

since we are talking about seducer here…I just wonder with all the seduction related products before…what will be the unique attributes that the newcomer could bring ?anyone could shed some light on me ?


Read the sales page of The Seductress. It will be very clear then. Else even women could have used Primal Seduction and it would have been enough.

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Should have put it in quotes.

It was supposed to be you, standing on the ledge, threatening to rage-quit (and to then sign back in and rejoin 5 minutes later).

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Intellectual procrastination. :heart_eyes:

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How do you quantify if the results are better?

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We measure the range at which women lose control and run at him to use him solely for their own pleasure. The longer the range, the more effective the Ultima. Of course, the script is only one typo away from having men and horny dogs run at him as well, so we need to be very careful.

It’s a hard job, but anything for science, right?



„We“ ?

You run at him too then ? :smirk:

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Are you working actively on the subs?

We do not speak of that typo. Ever again. shivers

Unfortunately I’m in the outer inner circle. Close enough to have knowledge of some of the research, not enough to take an active role in it. My manifestation power is not yet strong enough to break through that wall.




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Yup, pun intended. :slight_smile:

Now, with the new offices, people creating Hero customs and the technical challenges it seems we have a bit of a quiet moment before we get more upgraded titles.

Do you have the knowledge or information needed for the titels they developed?

Not quite certain what you mean, but I do usually have some advance warning before a new title drops. And that is as much as I can tell you.

I also believe I’d be a natural at writing subs. I have a way with words. You are getting very sleepy… :wink:

Right, enough fun for me. Back to work.