SubClub saved my life (Spartan, Emperor Fitness and Seductress)

What kind of music are you getting into creating?

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Deleted the last few comments.

This isn’t turning into some ideological debate between men and women. The only point I wanted to make is that this is a sex positive forum – there will be no shaming of anyone’s sexuality, regardless of gender. If you post your progress pictures, know that you’re welcoming people to make respectful (keyword, respectful) comments on your progress, which may include references to your attractiveness. If you don’t want that, don’t post those pictures.


Agreed. Not exactly the right place for sharing redpill knowledge. The lounge is the correct place.


So what is the male equivalent to Seductress? Would it be Emperor?


@Floridianninja - I did ask for a male equivalent of The Seductress. StarkQ does provide part of the solution. My guess is that the Q Store will provide the rest.

We’re on it. :wink:


Yessss! Didn’t expect SubClub to make the male equivalent of The Seductress since I thought the Q Store would fulfill this. I remember asking for this just when The Seductress released and you did say you would make one. Awesome!

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Thanks for removing whatever the deleted posts contained. Women’s journals here are few and far between.


You guys just want me to buy everything, right? Haha, so excited for this and the store to open.

Damn, those are some seriously impressive results! :smiley:

What a great inspiration to stick with the subs and push through the reconciliation.

How long were you running the programs before Ascension started cutting through the resistance for you?


Cant seem to get enough of this type of inspiring journals.

Kinda want to get back to bodybuilding myself… i guess ill have to get Spartan and Emperor fitness in.

Good to see you are becoming your best self, what the mind can perceive it can achieve.


Heyy, so I’d say my music style is very unique and doesn’t really fit into any regular genre. I guess the closest thing would be trip hop like Massive Attack or Morcheeba. I’m just dipping my foot in first, I got a sweet deal on a used Macbook Pro and I got the Logic Pro X demo. I also asked @SaintSovereign about some good courses and he recommended Piano for Producers and some videos at Been playing with it and made a couple of demo songs that i’ll share once I improve my craft.

In other updates, as i said in my first post, I was in a long term abusive physical relationship. I decided that would NEVER happen again under any circumstances so I bought myself a bowflex since the gyms are still closed and started using it everyday. I don’t know much about exercising and stuff and i hated to keep bothering Fire so I just watched some youtube videos and went at it. It honestly seems like i’m building muscle incredibly fast. I’ve never had any kind of muscle before. I sent a results pic to the guy I’m talking to and he said I looked like an inmate. I dunno if I should take that as a compliment considering he’s a CO at a jail, but you know what, I feel very very very powerful. So compliment or not, i’m taking it as one because no one’s going to fuck with me again. My cousin is a boxing trainer and I’ve been doing drills him 4 or 5 times a week. Also got my concealed carry permit. I think this is Spartan’s warrior training finally coming out.

Oh, so here’s that results pic:

Not bad for a month of work. Can’t wait until the gyms open up and i can lift heavy! Also the Q store looks so exciting tho I think I’m happy with this current stack.


Oh nice. Yeah fitting into little neat genres can get boring. Looking forward to hearing your stuff.

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Massive Attach & Morcheeba :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I dunno about that inmate comment, prison CO or no. screwface You got other people on the docket?

Its half a compliment DarkGoddess. Inmates in the UK can go to the gym twice daily for an hour at a time. Its the only way to beat being locked up. Most of the guys and to a certain extent some women do come out with a better physique.

If you wanted to enhance seductress would have legacy helped? Ive just bought seductress but with exercise i might need a bit of extra help. I dont want to bulk up just tone up or have the mentality to keep up exercising?

Latest update!

Still running Spartan, Emperor Fitness and Seductress. I’ve been taking voice and music production lessons and I’ve made a few tracks that sound amazing. Debating on using Ultimate Artist or maybe a custom with the creativity stuff but I can’t get enough of my current stack! Now that covid has calmed down a bit, I also started taking self-defense classes. Boxing, BJJ and shooting classes. I learned how to shoot a gun for the first time and even bought myself a pistol and shotgun. No one will ever fucking touch me again, these subs changed my life completely. For anyone needs advice on succeeding with these, my advice would be to choose a stack and stay on it for a longer period of time instead of switching around a lot.

Progress pic:


Not much going down on the romance front. I’m just spending so much time on my hobbies that I don’t have much time to date. I think I’ll just keep doing my own thing for awhile. Ladies get on these subs, tho. Don’t let the guys have all the fun, lol.


Good work on the progress. You can build a custom with these three cores (and other supporting cores) and run Ultimate Artist (or a second custom, geared toward creativity) and achieve your goals.


Damn good job! I feel like incorporating Emp. Fitness into my stack and your results are making me lean towards that!

Also that shottie with pistol grip is sweet as hell… Cries in Californian

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I would love to see how you do on Ultimate Artist because you had amazing growth with your current stack.

Hey! This will be my last update on Emperor Fitness. I will keep running Seductress but I think its time to switch over to a custom. Update pic:

I feel incredible, so healthy and confident. I really don’t know what I would’ve done without the help of SubClub, @SaintSovereign and @Fire. Now that i have my physical stuff in order (I feel like empfit has been ingrained enough for me to work out without it) I want to create a custom subliminal to help with my singing and artist stuff. There’s so many modules to choose from, but I’m definitely including Ultimate Artist, Ultimate Music Producer and some manifestation and business stuff. Also gonna run RICH on the side.

All in all, I give empfit 10/10. It gave me incredible motivation to work out everday. I even bought Beach Body and became a coach, made some decent cash on the side!