Q Module Pack #2 - AVAILABLE NOW!

So the Me could be Metamorphosis or Metamorphic.

That makes sense too, given the butterflies.

So maybe the Pr is Protection

A module to protect you as you are going through the sensitive, vulnerable stages of transformations.


Curious if it the release will be some time later tomorrow or midnight eastern time in the states?

It’ll be tomorrow afternoon, EST.


Really looking forward to this.

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I suppose the hair module has been put on hold if even Saint isn’t aware of the list. :-/

I’m aware of the list. @Fire did most of the new modules this time around. The research on physical changes isn’t finished, and we’re not going to charge for things that we aren’t sure will work. Soon, though. Be patient. We’re getting to the point where we’ll be able to focus purely on research and not fulfilling orders, etc.


Not a problem! I’m occupied as is. I do realize that there’s an entire project for physical changes and…

This is great service!

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Makes you wonder why anyone would use or run anything other than Subliminal Club

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Nevermind lol… New modules sound awesome… @Fire really added modules that a lot of people were requesting

Now I have to redo my custom sub I was gonna make LOL

Sure. How about NOW?



what about Male Enhancement and Emperor Fitness Height Inducer…are those still experimental and not confirmed to be certain to work or have the research on those physical changes been verified?

Oh my god these are incredible


@SaintSovereign Nine new modules?

@SaintSovereign The second page shows modules from Pack #1

That’s the only one from Pack #1. The rest are all new.

I see 16 new ones idk why you only see 9

Im assuming it is still rolling out.


Really cool modules btw, nice work.

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Go in filter : and filter by latest :wink:

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Haha never would have guessed the preview module Saint showed above would be called “mercy protocol”, much less be a social module.

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