RVConsultant: Topics, Ideas, and maybe Q&A

Well I’m starting to realize truly despite reading it thousand of times that reputation is basically a magic pill towards sex and intimacy

It’s literally the god of DHV


Thanks for elaborating mate!

You know you will love to fuck a 10/10 but you are also not attached. If she’s willing to make you dance…you simply tell her ok fuck u I will get another. The best part of it is you feel nothing.

I have also noticed that when men challenge me I can go to any length to get back on top of my game to show them I’m boss here guys.

Basically good bye to Mr Nice Guy.


Thank you for elaborating.

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I think I’m remembering everyone I wanted to include in a thank you for stepping up to contribute with good intention to the well-being and success of someone.


Over here @GoldenTiger

How many loops of each?

How many times per week?

How are you feeling overall?

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Thanks for the shout-out @RVconsultant. Now just have to wait and see how everything plays out.

I appreciate the tag!

… You made me lose my post location on your thread here, though, clicking this notification :sob::rofl:

Sorry mate. Is there something I can help you find?

I understand.

You’ve got me thinking. Based on your own understanding of the modules, which ones do you think are about reputation?

I appreciate it but when did I do this? :sob: I don’t remember doing a good deed haha.

Oh no, I wasn’t even remotely upset. That was a joking post.

I found where I was, anyway :smiley:

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Same as the others.

Not sure what I did, but thankyou for the compliment :slight_smile:

@Brandon @Liquidfire

I realize I’m being vague. I’ll just say I’ve noticed your positive contributions, and I thank you. Please keep posting with your good intentions, and desire for others to succeed.


Lol,same.not sure what i did but thanks >_<

I saw it :wink: @Liquidfire did a good job, hope his efforts will be appreciated more in time.

As to “Trends” (from another thread) I thought it’d be worth posting this link:

and this one:

For those who are wondering cosmically wtf is going on here on the forum and elsewhere :wink:

Lifeblood fable

There’s probably more like the social media one to stack with it but honestly I had space for one

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It’s my custom :wink:

For now, I’m feeling more short fused, like I have a high confidence in myself and I do not take bullshit from people! I’m willing to accept the consequences of disrupting people.

Thanks for your ideas!