WhiteTiger's Summertime - Qv2 Custom Mix

Yeah! So, I’ve spent winder pretty much in “solitude and growth”, I’ve ran two Terminus custom, a few loops a week. I’ve ran a cycle of dragon reborn (1 month each, stage 1-4, 2 loops per day). I’ve had a bad winter depression, lots and lots of suicidal thoughts, to the point where I can’t think even 1 minutes without imagining myself jumping off my balcony. Decided to jump on antidepressant instead. It helped me numb the pain and made life more normal. Advanced my master’s degree this winter.

I’ve noticed with subliminal that I’ve had a lot of growth, especially in my conviction on life, and how I care about what other people think of me. I am more certain of myself, especially since starting my new custom.

Here is my new summer subliminal : I plan on running this core as part of the summer, I think the three of them can balance out their own weakness. Khan will balance out Stark’s feminine nature, Stark will balance out Khan’s chilling attitude, which were mainly the two things that bothered me. Medici will bring more “business” side as far as money goes.

Khan St4 Q Core
Emperor The House of Medici Q Core
Stark Q Core
Long-Range Seduction
Sexual manifestation
Secrets of Akasha - Wealth
Secret Source
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
Carpe Diem Ascended
Productivity Unleashed
Health Codex
Deep Sleep
Furious Ascent
Virtue Serie - Temperance

Basically I’ve switched out SS for Stark and LionIV for Furious Ascent. For now, I have more self confidence with this Qv2 build, strong belief in myself (maybe furious ascent starting to expand my comfort zone :O). My nutrition is more solid, while I was running some older custom with no Health Codex and lots of reconciliation from Dragon Rebord St4, I was eating like crap… So, my nutrition is crazy good right now, and it happened really fast! I am pretty sure Qv2 is the cause for that. My libido is starting to shoot up also, I think it is great, I’ll re-install tinder at the end of my session, prepare to go out of my comfort zone again!

Also, I am moving to Montreal in July, and this will push me a lot out of my comfort zone, since I’ll be leaving my hometown for a bigger city! I’m excited as fuck!


@GoldenTiger Thats over 20 modules including your cores ??? are you sure you are gonna beable to handle this ?


Good question although I’m positive he will provided he gauge it well enough. Even running one loop every other day is a good routine if that’s what works for you.


WhiteTiger is Subliminal Veteran like me i am sure he will be ok.

@GoldenTiger how many loops you do brother ?

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One to three my friend :wink:

And I only run this!


Just recounted it, pretty sure it’s 20 modules :thinking:

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I am watching this journal with eagle eyes brother !.

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I must say… Since starting my custom, I entered a process to do my Essay, I might be giving a formation at a company soon :point_left:

The last formation I gave was with a company of 3000 employee, I was forming the management.

I’ve done a couple of things. It is easier for me to take action, I’ve texter some of my friends and all. Sent e-mail to some of my teacher to communicate some info with them. A month ago it was too much for me.


The madman chose mystery

Wow I’m following this journal


That stood out to me too, I’m curious how this will play out


@Yazooneh This madman :+1: was influenced by @RVconsultant, I have no idea how Mystery works out. Although I’ve noticed “how I work” in a team, and why sometime teamwork really grinds my gear. I am actually very spontanious with my ideas, and when I start to try and make my idea more concrete by writing them down or developping them, I often gets stopped because people tend to think that I’m just working without them or I’m leaving them behind, but I’ve had a talk with my team because I understood I often have idea and I need to write them down. Once I have done than then I’m open to discuss other things.

So, that’s just a small sharing of my discovering new ways to work.


Dude, what did I say or do?


Hahaha you suggested Mystery :point_left:

Thank you for explaining.

Mystery is a module I wanna hear someone use, I’m curious how it’s going to flesh out over time


I’m curious too, it’s a pretty low key module which works in the background! I’ve made an oral presentation yesterday and it was amazing, people told me I was great! Is mystery working? Maybe.

My nutrition and gym are doing great too! Burning fat like crazy and slowly building up my weight at the gym, maybe mystery also helps with aligning my knowledge and natural talents? I have no idea! But there are some stuff working in the background!


Hey @GoldenTiger, I remember you listening to a Custom with Khan as well as Sex & Seduction in the past.

Mind sharing how Sex & Seduction altered the Khan Archetype? I sense that it might give Khan a smoother approach, being more connected to the other person and relationships in general without constantly overruling others.

How’s your experience been with this synergy?

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hey bro, caring what others think is ok, so long as its not too much, if its too much, emperor will def teach u boundaries

Very good question would love to hear your insights

I recall when i stacked Stark with Sex and Seduction it made me extremely flirty and talkative to the opposite sex. Usually i am very intense and masculine.

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The age old struggle of choosing masculine game or feminine socially popular game

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