Rise to Stardom

Woke up in a great mood.

My ex’s alarm woke me up early since he’s off to London for the day and had to go get the train and whilst I definitely need to go back to bed I’m in a great mood!

I feel good. I could cry since I haven’t felt like this for a while.

I’m excited for the day.

Especially since I’ve noticed positive thoughts running through my brain.

Also, I made breakfast and I’ve told my body what body goal I want - I’ve made the same breakfast I tend to make (eggs with toast, bacon and a tea) and my body said you’re full. I never normally get a ‘full’ feeling. I know when to stop and can’t eat more but I don’t get that feeling.

I’ve told my body I want to be healthier with my diet since (I believe I have ADD or ADHD - still waiting to get tested - I spoke to a doctor about it and I’m awaiting an appointment) it’s very easy normally for me to eat shitty food. I’m hoping that changes. I don’t want to diet, I just want to have a healthier one. Moderation.

Need to workout and choreograph to a song I don’t have but today will be a great day. I can sense it.


I like the energy of your post… it changed. Seems, ZP doing its magic! :slight_smile: Good luck, mate.

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I play CoD ALL the time and never have I ever seen someone being given an award…

Looks like I got CHOSEN :heart_eyes:


Thanks brother! Something has definitely already changed. I’ve just got some good energy!

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This is VERY noticeably! :slight_smile:

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Posting these body pictures of what I want my body to look like.

It’s not the typical bodybuilder type but I’ve always wanted to be lean and athletic. I may want more muscle than he has a little but this is a typical representation of what I want.

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I’d say so too my man!

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Gah. Got such a headache. I clearly didn’t rest enough. Remind me to get rest more often rather than watching Teen Wolf and playing Call of Duty.

Anyway, only got twenty minutes to sleep (after my ex’s alarm) today as I was a bit on the lines of needing to finish this choreography which I did. I liked the choreo but it definitely needs some work for sure. May add more to it for Friday.

I definitely need to build upon my skills with choreography and dance tho. I haven’t been inspired or taking the action I need to be.

I feel like Chosen is telling me I need to up my game or leave the game behind. I’ve had a bunch of positive thoughts with few negatives getting in, such as - do I even want to dance anymore? With the stress of stuff that happened in the past and other things I’m not so sure if I do. I’ve not necessarily been lazy but I haven’t been giving my best and it’s obvious for sure.

Need to either take some online classes or change my career but I don’t want to work for other people - so possibly looking at some online stuff to do to keep me busy. I love dance but I definitely don’t take enough classes to improve. I used to, but that changed.

Eaten a little junk since I didn’t drink my meal replacement yet but that’s not going to destroy any progress I’ll have since it was a little bit but I do need to workout which I may do later. Hopefully I do as I’ve been putting it off recently.

My class only had like 8 paying people in it - which is a lot less than normal (normally 18-20+ people) but I just need to promote throughout the week more and do more stuff whilst improving my skills. I understand where I’m lacking. Hopefully R.I.C.H will aid me in making more money this month when I use it on Friday.

Anyway. I’ve had a good day so far, I just need to get into gear. I’m definitely what you would say ‘inspired’ for sure.

Just got this message via Instagram so I’m glad the effort was worth it :pray:t3:


Woke up with a headache still even though I had about 8 hours sleep. I think I need more rest to catch up on yesterdays lack of sleep.

Still feel pretty positive but also feeling a bit drowsy for sure. I can feel there’s definitely more healing to do. I initially wanted to do Regen to get rid of this but believe the ZP healing will help more overall and if I really need healing I can wait until DR ZP comes out since I have that.

Been thinking about the gym and stuff, so I think I’m gonna go today since I haven’t been in months. Really need to workout. Need to dance more (which I’ve been thinking about more and more recently - even after my post yesterday).

All I can pretty much think about is going to the gym and stretching tonight since I want to increase my flexibility also which I also haven’t done in a while. Definitely need to do both for sure.

But first, rest - via sleep, and get myself sorted.


Posting this here.

My headache is mostly gone after taking some tablets.

Still feeling pretty good but I’m the back of my mind I’m thinking about all the work I’ve gotta do. Need to go gym, choreograph three routines, sort something out for a private lesson tomorrow to a beginner dancer who has never danced before, and plan my session for tomorrows class.

Then need to choreograph something new and fresh for Saturdays session too.

Still feeling positive tho. I know I can get it all done. At least I know I’ll be busy.


Chosen is definitely doing something. It’s 3am and I’ve just finished choreographing AND I feel good about it!

Teaching a guy who has never danced before so this will be interesting for sure tomorrow however I’m also going to be using it for my company too. Also need to make another two combos tomorrow but damn I feel good and alive. Have not felt like this in a while.

Normally I feel like bored zombie. Play cod, go studio, come home, watch tv, do nothing, etc. now I’m doing life.

I’m excited to teach my company tomorrow as the past couple months I’ve felt like I’ve been letting them down - now that is definitely Chosen helping out and giving me ideas for sure. I’m grateful af.

Also, after chatting with support I’ll be changing my focus on my stack a little possibly. Haven’t completely decided as ZPs healing seems to be helping me where I need it but I want to apply supports thoughts and advice for sure.

Right now my focus is on me and building myself back up whilst making money. I lost myself for a long while and I don’t want to do that again. Chosen is definitely aiding in the one loop I listened to.

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I used R.I.C.H last night before I went to sleep.

I had a private dance class today and the guy loved it, he told me he wants to have two dance sessions with me a week which will help tremendously. If he has two per week a month it’ll give me an extra £160 per month. £10 of what I I earn (I charge 30) is studio hire so I get to have the extra 20.

That’s a R.I.C.H manifestation in itself.


One of my students today paid me for company training, its a company fee.

He gave me a £5 tip and said keep the change.
Definitely R.I.C.H he’s never done that before.
I said I had change and he said no, keep it!


EDIT: Possible trigger warning.

Okay so I won’t go too deep into it because I don’t like repeating ‘old stories’.

But Chosen really has changed me already.
I feel happier, more positive and more in control. I feel ready.

Just so you guys are aware.
I was desperate for ZP once I really started reading the thread about it.

For the past few weeks I was having suicidal thoughts and I was close to acting on them. I was tired, and super fucking depressed. I was really struggling due to many things going on that I’ve wrote about in my other journal. I felt alone and one thing that even came up was what the fuck is wrong with me?.

I was close to saying to my ex that there was something wrong with me. Maybe something medicinally or whatever (you’re aware I believe I have ADD or even ADHD) which I don’t have medication for or anything else.

Regardless, I was overwhelmed, pissed off, annoyed with everything, everyone, life and whatever else. I was having mood swings every single day and I really was sick of it. I really was close to ending everything because I just couldn’t deal with what was going on and how I felt. I told myself that I should wait to see what ZP could do for me and if it’ll have the same effect that the testers were having and what the hype was creating.

Now, just like everyone else I’ve only listened to a couple loops. I’ve taken out WANTED and decided to listen to purely CHOSEN & R.I.C.H for now.

I truly believe CHOSEN has worked some magic (that isn’t to say WANTED hasn’t - I’m pretty sure my hair is thicker already and I’ve been having a more ‘full’ feeling when eating amongst other things). After listening to CHOSEN however I’ve been happier, more positive - barely any negative thoughts - especially suicidal ones, no wanting to act on anything like that and that was legitimately after one loop of it.

I’ve been choreographing way more than I normally would - I normally teach the same routine all week whereas I created three separate pieces in short periods of time.

I’ve been standing my ground with people, telling them how I truly feel about things - without anger but a sternness - and just being me.

ZP has been healing me, deep. I can feel it. I just know it has. It’s doing things I’m not even aware of - I can just tell.

Chosen is definitely making me feel as such - chosen. People have been nicer, happier with me, sending me messages telling me they love classes more, and all that kinds of stuff. My energy is in a much better place. That alone I’m grateful for. I haven’t done anything else to change the way I feel - I didn’t just wake up feeling better from doing nothing - it’s from these fucking subs. These tools of greatness right here.

I just really needed to express my gratitude because I was close y’all. I promise, I really was on the edge, and now I’m not. I’m working on myself, questioning things and knowing what I need to and should be doing. I’m having better thoughts and all that kind of magic.


I just listened to two loops of CHOSEN whilst watching TV. They definitely made me drowsy (plus it’s 5:30am currently) so I’ll be heading to sleep in a second after this episode finishes.

I’m excited to continue this journey.


Also started working on my future custom.

The custom is aimed at working on my manifestation abilities, making them stronger. One of my goals is on manifesting a specific person back into my life and building that relationship back up. There’s just a connection there that I know is beyond where it was left and I want it back.

I ask you not to question that or my worth in deserving better or whatever else - I ask that you accept it and if you don’t, you don’t need to reply - including those I tag.

It isn’t my only goal. I want to continue my spiritual journey and learn more in that regard but I definitely want to focus on my manifestation abilities - not only for a specific person but in general.

Tagging those I think may be able to aid in making the custom better for sure:

@Lion @Invictus @friday @Malkuth @Sage_Ninjistic @Beowulf @Tobyone

Here’s my current draft that I made about 30 minutes ago.


Alchemist Stage 4
Minds Eye
Sage Immortal

Possibility - Limit Destroyer *


Ebon Maneuver
Dream Traveller - possible *
Mountain Breaker
Ethereal Presence *
Current Invoker
Divine Will
Fortune’s Favorite *

The ones with * are my potentials. I want it to be narrow and to the point but also know there’s certain things I want to also be able to do.

I’ve contacted support in regards to the 3 cores as I want to ensure about the denseness of Stage 4 Alchemist before I move forward (I’m not trying to go against the 3 majors rule by any means).

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Hello Brandon. Let me see…

Okay, here is my custom idea for for both your spiritual journey and also manifesting that guy:


  1. Alchemist Stage 4
  2. Minds Eye
  3. Sage Immortal


  1. Remembrance
  2. Ebon Maneuver
  3. Entranced
  4. Yggdrasil
  5. Dream Traveller
  6. Untouchable
  7. Mountain Breaker
  8. Ethereal Presence
  9. Current Invoker
  10. Fortune’s Favorite
  11. Arcane Mastery
  12. Spiritual Reality Alignment
  13. Long Range Seduction
  14. Chosen of Venus
  15. Metamorphosis
  16. Transcendental Connection
  17. Soul Connection

Went with my gut instinct on this one. Am sure you will get some module ideas from it.

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This will work, but it gives me a ‘shoot a fly with a cannonball’ kind of feeling. Or ‘driving my Ferrari to the corner store to buy a newspaper’ kind of feeling. Because it looks so powerful and goes so far beyond that specific manifestation of attracting that person.

Remembrance seems to be the most focused on that particular relationship goal.

Entranced and Ethereal Presence are likely to attract a whole bunch of other people as well. Don’t know if you want that or not.

Same thing with Alchemist 4 and Sage Immortal. Those titles are likely to drive a deep and profound spiritual process that will extend far, far beyond that one goal.

On the other hand, if you can get the Ferrari and you want it, then there’s nothing wrong with driving it wherever you want to go.

I’d think that one good idea would be to swap out Sage Immortal for Heartsong. And then to include the modules: Transcendental Connection (and maybe even Starfilled Night or The Flow).

Heartsong is sending the message to your subconscious, “Yes, I am into spirituality and manifesting, but I’m also serious about this relationship thing. It’s a priority.” Transcendental Connection and Starfilled Night/The Flow will shift you into an Abundance heartspace. Manifesting is said to be much easier when one is already in a space of gratitude and noticing beauty.

Then if you still want Sage Immortal, you could stack Sage Immortal ZP and get that Zero Point enhancement and alignment effect on your custom.

I’m just going spontaneously here, so be sure to evaluate these suggestions critically and to speak back to them.

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This one got mi thinking to change Wanted for Chosen.

I’m glad you are feeling better.

But now you listen to me.

If you ever again notice that you are slipping back to thinking of ending it all, you reach out. To me or anyone else on this forum you feel can help.

People do care.