Rise to Stardom

Raphael, I knew I could count on you to make a kickass custom and modules I didn’t even think of. Thank you my brother!

I did look into a few that you’ve added that I hadn’t - like Spirituality Assignment, Long Range Seduction, and Metamorphosis but I wasn’t sure about them. What made you choose those ones in particular?

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I do agree with you, because I do want to go further than just manifesting just him, but I know there’s many things I’m unaware of when it comes to spirituality and manifestation. I am asking myself those questions too. I actually asked support if I needed Stage 4 Alchemist if I had Sage Immortal. I know you’re suggesting the opposite.

I am ultimately unaware of the magics of the world that Alchemist/Sage could possibly offer.

I mean, I’d like to have my options available but I would also like to focus on this person specifically in a romantic way. I would prefer to consciously use them to help with this guy but also use them in other ways for things like business and stuff, if that makes sense.

I agree with you on the module Transcendental Connection most definitely, not sure how I missed it.

In regards to Heartsong I was actually avoiding it as it works on finding the perfect partner for you and I’m unsure whether I could consciously guide it to help with this particular relationship. I actually bought it with this in mind before and placed it in my custom too as the guy was still here when I made my custom/bought Heartsong. I know it wasn’t made with thoughts of attracting a specific person which I understand.

I looked into this, but I didn’t see into them as much like you have - something for me to consider!

This is a good idea, but with being limited to three titles max on a ZP stack I wanted to limit it - however doesn’t mean I can’t ultimately if necessary.

Thank you for your ideas!


What’s making you feel like you need to change?

Anything in particular?

What’s your goals brother?

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You know that you helped massively and I’m super grateful for you. For all your help, not just when I was low but with many other things too.

And I promise I will, for sure.

I’m grateful for you, and this community.

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That positivity is very tempting, but I had a little chat with Saint, and these first 21 days and from today I will go solely with Wanted to really see what is ZP all about. After that, I will add Chosen. I am glad that you get better and better on the positive side :).

For development of your spiritual journey and practices (like manifesting and law of attraction) and to pick up new ways of thinking and new practices along the way.

For remote seduction :wink:

Your will, my hands.

Subjective input, take what you will

First and foremost, let’s eject either Alchemist or Sage. You want to get better at manifestation. You don’t need both of them for it. Between the two, I would say remove Sage Immortal.

Now. Manifestation. How does it work?.

Mental images/impressions to feeling to releasing. Obviously, there is more to it on a couple of levels, but that’s the most basic way I can come up with.

So, you wanna become a manifestation powerhouse. We don’t do luck with manifestation, so let’s yeet Fortune’s Favorite posthaste. We create our ‘luck’.

We have Mind’s Eye as a visualization tool. Cool, c-c-cool, but what else goes into manifestation?


Emotions Unfettered and ARES (seriously consider this module if you haven’t). If EU doesn’t resonate that’s okay, just as it’s okay if none of this does :slight_smile:

Arcane Mastery didn’t make the cut to your list, but… Reconsider. I wouldn’t create a single spiritually minded custom without it (or avatar), but perhaps its scope is too large for your desires?

I don’t own any spiritual customs…weep for me

Similar in function to some aspects of Alchemist, Arcane Mastery amplifies any spiritual practices you might be performing no matter the tradition or style, while guiding you to do the correct ones, doing them properly, and further developing your skill in them.

I mean… :eyes:

Mountain Breaker is suitable. Especially since you got most of the great results enhancers in here, potentially.

In manifestation, it’s best to be laissez-faire about the entire affair, from creation, to completion. So, feelings of obsession are a no go for a Master in co-creation. Try to remember that as you’re creating your manifestation wand.

Mani-wand… I may use that. Anyways.

Mind’s Eye x Sage/Alchemist x Limit Destroyer

Current Invoker
Emotions Unfettered
Mountain Breaker
Long range seduction
Attachment Destroyer
Divine Self (we only lack because we perceive it in ourselves)
Foundation (could be used instead of Emotions Unfettered)

Edit: consider Faith Unyielding in there

I may pop back in and edit shit cuz I get insights after I submit replies for whatever reason.

The positivity is insane. I’m not entirely free of having a negative thought of course but it’s way better than I was and I mean…I’m literally laughing, having fun every single day whereas before I was having constant mood swings and frustration.

I agree with Saint tho, go solely with WANTED and see how it helps. Chosen will be a good add to the stack once you’ve settled in.

And thanks bro!


That is something I most definitely need - good catch!

Interesting…I had this in my Heartsong custom so it’ll be an interesting add to have back.


I’d probably eject Sage, especially as @Malkuth said the same thing.

I love the way you put this haha. However, do you not think it would be great to have just in case? Could bring in other things I’m not even thinking about and increase my chances of manifesting.

I mainly chose this for it’s manifesting powers, not just visualisation as I still suck at creating pictures and prefer affirmations but would rather not have to use the latter.

Truth right there, will look into both of these. I think I did look at the first but my memory doesn’t tell me what it was haha. I’ll look up the second!

Interesting……I don’t think I picked up on this one (exactly why I asked for help haha. I like to create a draft and then sit on it for a while. Will also look up on this one and come back with my thoughts.

Mountain breaker is for beyond manifestation, it’s for other things also but is needed in my eyes. Kind of like a results enhancer (if it isn’t officially).

I like this set up. Going to compare with the draft I made as well as Raphael’s and Malkuth’s and create a new draft.

Thank you for the help!

Please do. I’d appreciate it.


Just listened to 1 loop of R.I.C.H and 1 of CHOSEN.

Damn these go by fast.

I was listening whilst watching Teen Wolf and suddenly the sound stopped in my ears and I thought…surely I haven’t listened to both already? (playing with AudioShare app) and they had completely finished. I had to check the time on how long I watched Teen Wolf to ensure they had both done before I accidentally over exposed myself and yup, they’d both been played. Incredible.

Following the 1 loop of each title on the 2 ZP plan since I’m just using these two. Won’t play one sub x 2 on one day. Feel like I need to play each title once on the listening day - following the recommendations. I’ve double checked, triple checked and beyond to make sure.

Definitely feel sleepy but again it’s 4:42am.

On another note, I wrote earlier in the main thread about WANTED having the effect on my beard but after reading @Invictus’ post earlier I realise it may have been CHOSEN’s physical shifting effect instead. However WANTED is still definitely working so it could be one or the other.

One thing I have noticed is that my presence on the forum has increased. I always check the forum regardless but my willingness to help has increased but not only that but they seem to be more helpful to other people than before (basing this off the likes function). It seems to be different.

Another thing I’ve noticed is that my willingness to engage with people who annoy me, create drama and whatever else (on the forum, and in person) has decreased massively too. I just ignore it or become a peace maker between the parties - as I won’t allow myself to become a one side kind of guy.

Anyway, I’m getting drowsier the more I write so I’m going to finish this episode of Teen Wolf and head to bed.

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Rest well, @Brandon :sleeping:

Goodnight brother :blue_heart::sparkling_heart:

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Finally. Today I had 18 people in my class today.

I say finally because my numbers have been dwindling to 8ish or less over the past couple weeks and whilst I’m appreciative of anyone who comes to class it also does have an effect on me when you go from higher numbers to lower ones. This was also part of the reason I was stressed and feeling how I was before because finances were an issue and it was just one of the things that kept on me.

Why is this important? I put it down to running CHOSEN and R.I.C.H. Of course I had pathways to manifesting such as promoting my class, tagging people, sending out my stuff but I also had some of those ideas by inspired action.

Grateful isn’t the word.


Ah sorry for responding to this late. I actually remembered playing around with the idea of creating a pure manifestation custom before. If you haven’t made it yet, what are the modules you had in mind taking into consideration of the input of the other members here?

No problem bro.

This was an updated version:


Alchemist Stage 4
Minds Eye
Limit Destroyer


Ebon Maneuver
Dream Traveller - possible
Mountain Breaker
Ethereal Presence
Current Invoker
Divine Will
Fortune’s Favorite
Divine Self Image

There’s a couple things I’m missing and one space so I’m trying to figure that out.


Your module list looks pretty good, I can see it has three goals. Spiritual development with a heavy emphasis on manifestation, breaking limits and negativity in general as well as increasing attraction.

Only one odd one out here I think is Fortune’s Favorite and Dream Traveller. Dream Traveller makes sense if you want to branch out beyond manifestation - Lucid Dreaming, shared dreams and Astral Projection from Lucid Dreaming. I think it’s fine to not remove either spiritual core (Alchemist/Sage Immortal) since you don’t have much general spiritual modules. I believe you said you wanted to explore beyond manifestation, it may be useful. Though it would make your stack a little less dense to remove Sage. Not sure what Fortuna’s Favorite is for though. If it’s for the business, a wealth-related module makes more sense; I’d see good synergy with your numerous manifestation-based modules. It only makes sense IMO in things like gambling, lotteries and luck-based competitions. Essentially more closed-systems that do not rely much on human interference.

I’d recommend putting in Faith Unyielding instead. It’d help with all of the three goals I suspect the Custom is intended for. Manifestation would require a degree of Faith in the process and having Faith in oneself is great for self-confidence and attractiveness.

Felt totally off my game the last two days. Still positive and happy BUT super unproductive. I couldn’t even be bothered to get up to finish choreography yesterday or today. I think I’m super fatigued.

I didn’t do anything yesterday and I was Hella tired.
Today I was definitely off my game.

I know that because I literally couldn’t play CoD properly and I was getting angry and frustrated af. Barely any kills and doing shit whereas normally I’m top of the leader board :man_shrugging:t3:

I know it sounds like a stupid way to figure it out but yeah. Shitty day in terms of productive and playing my game haha. Plus anger and frustration in regards to the latter but not in regards to life.

I also couldn’t remember if I played my loops on Thursday morning so I didn’t play them Friday just incase I got over exposed. Playing them now (as it’s been over 48 hours if I did play them). Last time I remember playing was Tuesday morning.

Anyway I need sleep but I’m running my loops and watching Titans before I do.

Sleep is important af - if you’re not getting enough rest and feel fatigued, drop the loops possibly and sleep. You’ll be off your game like I was. I may even end up running less loops next week and do 1x Chosen on one day and 1x R.I.C.H the next. I may even do both one day and do that twice a week rather than the recommended guide. But yeah, I can definitely feel the fatigue.

I had a nap at 11:45ish until 1 then till 2:45am when my ex got home so I got some sleep but I need to be up early (it’s 5am) to choreograph a little before I teach at 2pm tomorrow. Gonna finish watching this now and running my loops then head to bed.

But yeah, if you need to sleep then sleep. You’ll feel it for sure.

Edit: I went to bed earlyish for me on Thursday evening (I think like 1am? Maybe earlier) and woke up at 8am but still needed more rest. Hopefully I’ll be good today. Got work to do.

I definitely need something in my stack to give a push to do things.

I’ve heard people are productive off Limitless? I want to stick with my stack but I’ve got things I need to do AND I just haven’t been able to take the action to workout at all or take online classes. I’ve been procrastinating for ages. Maybe Limitless Executive U will help.

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Some of it is protection as well. I think you read my journal when I was talking about that guy who made a bunch of accusations towards me and my ex and the studio we work it so some of it is that too.

Fortunes favourite was to increase my favour in getting my manifestations and just being lucky in general.

I did want to try Lucid Dreaming but also so I could fork pictures for my manifestations and make them feel real.

If I do remove one it’ll definitely be Sage I think. I do want it to be less dense.

One I keep forgetting to look at. Thanks for the reminder!

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Is that a new profile picture? It’s nice.

It’s not a recent picture haha but it’s a new profile picture for sure.

Thanks man!


Been feeling super super super unproductive and lazy. I probably haven’t moved off the sofa the past few days besides the toilet, shop and bed.

Trying to find the energy and motivation to do stuff. I need to eat healthier/get into shape (I decided on a workout I just haven’t done it, every time I go to I just don’t want to and procrastinate). I need to do online classes, I just don’t and I don’t know why. It might be overexposure (been playing per instructions, 1 loop per title for 2 ZPs) as well as a habit of laziness now (truthfully).

I really do feel like I might need to lower my loops and do one ZP per listening day however I also want to either add Beyond Limitless since I have stuff I need to do but also since I want to take online classes and have better retention etc. I’m excited for that to be ZP since it’ll help out massively.

I actually forgot BLU was a thing since I was debating which one to use and I could just use both. Damn. Kicking myself now.

I guess on Wednesday I’ll use BLU to help kick my ass into gear.

Unless Limitless has been upgraded with motivation to do things. I know it gives better retention and memory which is what I wanted it for.

Edit: I didn’t mean BLU. I meant Limitless Executive. Duh. :man_facepalming:t3:

@Lion I don’t want to clog up Billion’s thread.

I’m thinking of adding Limitless Executive to my 2 listening day slot (obviously not listening to Chosen or R.I.C.H that day) so it should give them time to chill out and process better.