Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I was just a little kid when I first heard of the placebo affect and after looking it up the definition, probably in a dictionary, I had the same conclusion.


Is emperor possible in zp although it has a huge script??

I believe they already have a script for Emperor in ZP format, but they’re awaiting feedback on the current ZPs available. I’m sure Saint said something about all scripts pretty much being done but awaiting feedback.

I may be wrong.


I may be missing something, but are we missing a R.I.C.H. ZP thread?


Emperor ZP is going to kick ass, I can’t wait


Possible trigger warning, however I wanted to quote this here as it’s important to me.


Congrats @Brandon more success and growth in the coming days, weeks, months, and years.

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Can confirm.

You almost feel like “nothing’s happening anymore” but it really is not true if you look objectively.
Massive changes left and right. And even the energy surge is still there but it becomes normal.

As we said, on ZP it just becomes your new reality immediately. So it IS normal :wink:

However, this is also good, because in the beginning I was almost addicted to the ZP runs. So it’s good it wears down a bit to be more sensible about the usage :wink:


I know right that’s the reason why I thought RICH zip wasn’t yet available to public🤦🏻‍♂️

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When it gets normal, does it means that we have more results?


I wanted to share part of my last post regarding my QZP stack!


If you were still wondering whether you should stick to the recommended protocol or try something crazy with ZP.

Following the protocol:

Getting overexposed :

Now when I’m running ZP according to the protocol my mind has more room to breathe and flourish. My immediate results have got boosted enormously whilst when I was getting overexposed it looked like stonewalling although I was still getting results when it comes to physical shifts (Wanted).


Yeah your right the second time i ran chosen i never got that same experience.


@GoldenTiger what kind of hard gainer are you???!!?

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@SaintSovereign please can you add Sex Mastery to the preview. Thanks in advance.

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Results stay the same for me, but the feeling fades.


Weirdly enough with QV2 you work outside and you feel a lot internally in responce
But with ZP taking the counter mesure, it works a lot inside the individual but you notice mostly outside results

Isn’t it great
(PS : I know that was the point of ZP, I wanted to make the obvious point XD)


Man I love the solace mask, the old one was super harsh and off putting, literally gave me anxiety. This one is smooth.


Is rich Qzp already for sale?

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I have some disruption in sleep patterns last two nights.
First was instead of usual 6.5 hours max I slept for 10 hours straight
Second, last night I couldn’t get to sleep, woke frequently and also I had some weird dream Iwas facing some evil in dream. This dream also half woke me. My infrequent dream are mostly colourless and I don’t recollect much from them. But last dream was without any picture , it was like having conversation in darknes and I can’t remember conversation. So I woke in middle of night with thought" I met the evil" second thought was " it was dream" and I fell asleep asleep again.