Gah. Got such a headache. I clearly didn’t rest enough. Remind me to get rest more often rather than watching Teen Wolf and playing Call of Duty.
Anyway, only got twenty minutes to sleep (after my ex’s alarm) today as I was a bit on the lines of needing to finish this choreography which I did. I liked the choreo but it definitely needs some work for sure. May add more to it for Friday.
I definitely need to build upon my skills with choreography and dance tho. I haven’t been inspired or taking the action I need to be.
I feel like Chosen is telling me I need to up my game or leave the game behind. I’ve had a bunch of positive thoughts with few negatives getting in, such as - do I even want to dance anymore? With the stress of stuff that happened in the past and other things I’m not so sure if I do. I’ve not necessarily been lazy but I haven’t been giving my best and it’s obvious for sure.
Need to either take some online classes or change my career but I don’t want to work for other people - so possibly looking at some online stuff to do to keep me busy. I love dance but I definitely don’t take enough classes to improve. I used to, but that changed.
Eaten a little junk since I didn’t drink my meal replacement yet but that’s not going to destroy any progress I’ll have since it was a little bit but I do need to workout which I may do later. Hopefully I do as I’ve been putting it off recently.
My class only had like 8 paying people in it - which is a lot less than normal (normally 18-20+ people) but I just need to promote throughout the week more and do more stuff whilst improving my skills. I understand where I’m lacking. Hopefully R.I.C.H will aid me in making more money this month when I use it on Friday.
Anyway. I’ve had a good day so far, I just need to get into gear. I’m definitely what you would say ‘inspired’ for sure.