A Journey of Self Love (DR st2-EOG st1)

I have a healthy diet, but somehow I feel it will change.


Yesterday a really interesting thing happened… I had 2 fights with my girfriend, mainly because we both were feeling emotional turmoil and happened to be around eachother.

The thing is after the 1st fight I went to bed to relax and do some emotional healing and just at the exact moment I transmuted the feelings she came to me and kissed me and ask me for not to fight anymore… she was in a very good mood.

The 2nd time the exact same thing happened…


Eat fruit sugar and you’re good.

I eat a lot of fish fruit and vegetables :grin::grin: super powerful. Honey and dates are excellent replacements for sugar cravings.


I almost never eat sugar, only fruits. Dates are amazing they taste like a caramel bar… I wonder how delicious a dark chocolate covered date would be… Im gonna buy some dark chocolate.
The thing is yesterday I was specifically craving white sugar, that almost never happens and I indulge in it, did the same today. Every once in a while wont kill me :rofl:


I dont feel like listening today… I have to get out to do some errands and I will check how the world feels like.
Then Im gonna buy me some shoes as a birthday present… its coming this wednesday. Maybe Im gonna buy me some Quantum Limitless too, but I will check in that one later… I have a very full plate for now.


1× LBfH Exp

Im feeling real good… I mean as good as if I had some morphine or something.
Full body relaxation, big smile on my face and everything seems silly and funny…

I just added this one to my girlfriend stack with Ascension for Woman, she was using the non experimental version. Lets see how it works for her.


This is weird… I keep having images of some sort of energy worms going out of my eyes.

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Glad to hear it! You’re still at it Joa23!

If I were having those images I’d probably want to know if I could utilize it for a purpose in some way. Like how can I control it or direct it? What is the purpose? :smiley:

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The images stopped and I have less tension in the eyes now. Those are interesting question, if it happens again I might ask them… but at this time I was focusing on something else that required my attention.

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Oh yea. Some sort of healing it would seem. One thing I like to do if my mind remembers something or gives me a reminder or great idea/solution I always make sure to thank it. :smiley:

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Since you asked I began focusing in my eyes… Now what comes out of them are these white rays, like a flashlight.

Purpose: Spiritual/Emotional cleansing. “What I once saw through pain, now I see through Love”.


1x Dragon Reborn st1
1x Paragon (9 minutes)
1x LBfH Exp (4:30 minutes)

So far… So good… but I feel Im reaching my limit so I might rest tomorrow or maybe a couple of days.


Both LBfH Exp and Wanted Exp are cool… I bought myself a pair of sneakers, a pair of leather shoes, a hoodie, 7 T’-shirts. I threw away 3 big plastic bags of old clothes I didnt wear anymore because they were too old or didnt fit my style anymore.

Also my brother gited me another hoodie and another pair of sneakers. :sunglasses:


What is your rationale behind using Paragon?

Are you trying to heal something specific? What makes you feel you need to focus on healing the physical body?

Also, your profile still has your old stack. :wink:

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@noaha I have pain in my lower back… already down by 50% since I started Paragon and DR… also Paragon is there to help dissolve general tension and stress in my body while DR solves the root causes.

Thanks, I will update my profile.


Well… today is my birthday and I feel a bit overloaded, so no subs for me today.
The dreams I had last night were pretty revealing… there was resolution implied in them, repetitive dreams I had over the years that came to a healthy conclusion.


Happy Birthday man! :tada: :sparkles: :birthday: All the best things to you :hugs:


Happy Birthday man wiiiiieeee :smiley: :tada: :tada:


@Tobyone @Chase thanks guys!! Im very hyped over this birthday… I feel quite different already.


Well, my mom called me for my birthday an hour ago and the call flowed pretty nicely. When we finished talking she told me she loves me (which is not easy for her to say in general) and I told her I love her too, the thing is Ive always struggled with that, expressing my feelings verbally. I usually tried to fool myself by saying that love is shown in actions, that words are meaningless, but the truth is if you cant say the words to the people you love, you do have unresolved issues. It always requiered an effort for me to say it.

Today it was different it was so effortless… the words just flowed from the inside, outside my mouth with grace… even my girlfriend made a comment about it.

The other obvious results is that Ive been always reluctant to have family meetings and celebrations on my birthday… I just wanted to be invisible, but this time Im eager to recieve my family and celebrate with my dad, my brothers, nephew and nieces.

This quite radical and profound change is something Ive been feeling inside since I started LBfH Exp and Dragon Reborn st1… LESS THAN A WEEEK AGO!!! bearing fruits already!!