Request for a new EVERYTHING title for men OR upgrade Khan For Men

That’s interesting, I ran into a phenomenon that might be related. I kind of had memories of two different versions of events. I did know which one really happened, but the other one seemed just as solid for a while there. And that was just on Q. It did seem like a good thing, but very odd.

I’m finding it super useful, I tripped today and it broke my fall, like a tripod coming into place.

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I want to experience those time loops too. Which subs allow me to most easily experience them.

A sub for sexual transmutation would be good especially in this lockdown time.

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Wouldn’t it be awesome if sexual urges automatically turned into sexual transmutation or sexual manifestation?


So, you’re telling me that instead of a kickstand…

You’ve evolved a dickstand?

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Try an overdose of Stark Terminus. There were 2-3 reports in the SQT main thread. :+1:t2:

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Hmm will experiment next week when I am done with 30 days of DR ST1.

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Don’t do it, it’s no fun at al if your system goes crazy.
And I don’t see a benefit from that. You only go a damage your psyche


I’m inclined to agree with @Leandros in the sense of please be cautious.

@King if you want to experiment, that might prove helpful. Perhaps writing about the results will benefit others. On the other hand, I’d encourage you to monitor for any physical symptoms. I’m on day 5 of my rest day, and I still feel something going on in my head. I encourage caution.


Why even test it out when there is plenty of reports that overexposure is causing that.
Please Bro be kind and respectful to yourself


Back in 2019, well before Q/T/T², I experimented with running Khan ST4 with multiple instances & speeds, with a lot of weird occurrences. I never really tied it to the strange T² experiences (T² works fine for me), but it fits, since I was basically trying to brute force Khan.


Still hoping for a Khan v2 :smiley:

What do you want out of a Khan V2?

Thought he already answered you about that or am im misunderstanding your question?

Lol,my faq is being updated with new questions and questions that are inside are still getting asked. >_< looks like wasnt that useful.easier for me to find posts though :rofl:

accurate, thanks @Meng123

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no it is definitely useful, it won’t put a stop to the same questions being asked, but it will be a place to direct people to read through fully.

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Forgive me @Meng123 every time I run rebirth/heavy healing subs I forget who I was and which questions I asked :star_struck::grin:


Haha,no worries.think most people forget.some questions are from last year

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