How do you feel when reconciliation hits you?

for sure both

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Then you’re lucky indeed since some people suffer from it this way:


Stress and anxiety, tiredness, spacyness, and irritability. I usually get a disconnected from reality feeling when I first start a sub, but that’s not really a bad thing. The good news is after reconciliation builds up for a few days, I usually have an Epiphany about what was wrong and it clears. Then I’ll feel great for a while and notice an increase in execution.


I guess time for you has stopped, just like at the tea party in Alice in Wonderland, where the time ia always 6 o’clock.

Or you must be experiencing the effects of Khronos.

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I had been low in spirits before running subliminals and continue to be low in spirits while running subliminals with some bursts of optimism 6 seconds a day on average.

So I guess reconciliation is my default state.


Funny I posted this about time loops after making a reference to Alice’s Tea Party.

What do you mean by low in spirits? actually feeling disempowering emotions like shame?
If you ever watch videos of Eckhart Tolle, he’s calm almost to the point of appearing bored or lethargic.
But its just because hes so in the moment and present, and its almost as if being in any other circumstance would not be any more appealing than where he is.
I bring this up because ive been in situations where ive had little emotional charge for a situation either way but i still interacted, and its been perceived as being a downer pr not enthusiastic enough.
maybe theres more to it that we havent evolved enough to relate with.

More like feeling hopeless and trapped. Or perhaps I have been suffering this from this.

The funny thing is i never ever suffered reconciliation on the terminus versions of Stark. Why do you think that is ?

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maybe your already a close embodiment of the stark script, if reconciliation is determined by the difference of the script and your content. It would be interesting if the makers chimed in on this, have they already?

Constantly questioning myself and what in the fuck I am doing this for. Being irritable and bored out of my mind at least more than usual. Feeling overly sensitive and getting unnecessarily judgmental over shit that has nothing to do with me. Thinking that adding another audio to Dragon Reborn is a good idea.


Memories from be embarrassed or pushed around pop up from recent and even further back in child hood. Things I did or said resurface. I make mistakes and beat myself up for it after everyone is either over it or don’t remember. Horniness is also a part of it. Paranoia, anxiety, fear and occasionally anger. Finally, and this one never goes away… wanting to switch or order another custom.


I think you got all your reconciliation out of the way when your ran T2 customs for 8 hours a day, every day


Everything is a walk in the park after that.

I get what I would call brain sensitivity, subtle doubts, questioning everything, thinking I’m running the wrong subs or nothing is happening etc…


Actually, when it hits me hard it causes significant social anxiety, it makes me socially inept and passive. I think the reason is social anxiety tended to be my biggest issue when I was a kid and teenager.

Incredible sadness and depression. The best I can explain it is that my “soul is weeping.” Headaches, grogginess. I start doubting our mission. It’s one of the reasons @Fire and I don’t both run / test subs at the exact same time. SOMEONE has stay focused.


In light of Saint’s very aptly put and poetic response, I’m going to amend my reconciliation
as the experience of my Soul throwing a massive temper tantrum


That was poetic? I missed that part

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My soul having a root canal


I wasn’t being sarcastic, there is a poetic nature to that statement as I hear it.