Reclaiming my power - A Journal by MatAlexander305

Now imagine if I hadnā€™t persuaded you to use Wanted. What would of happened. See this is why you listen to the wise :slight_smile:

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Luv U (platonically) :heart:

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Love you too platonically :sunglasses:

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With all the stories I keep telling, its definitely a result of the story teller module in my custom.

Iā€™ve never felt so inspired to tell this many stories. Especially publicly, Iā€™ve actually always had trouble telling stories for some reason. Itā€™s like I used to be so obsessive over unnecessary details that Iā€™d get caught up in think and trying to remember what happened as I was telling the story. This always made it awkward and people would just stop listening to me speak.

That always rubbed me the wrong way. Because Iā€™m a great listener, so I always found it disrespectful when they wouldnā€™t show me the same interest and attention.

But I think Iā€™m getting better now, I smile, I make more eye contact now. I actively engage in group convos and now even find myself starting them. I rarely ever think ā€œI donā€™t know what to say, so Iā€™ll just stay quietā€. And thatā€™s all I used to do. Made me feel like an compete outsider.

Iā€™m glad this custom is working so well :slight_smile:


I should mention, I got a raise today. For like $4. Not too shabby for a young man like me.

Usually the supervisor handles the raises, but for some reasonā€¦ the main manager wanted to see me.

So I walk over to his office, and he greets me with a huge smile. Such a kind man. And he tells me heā€™s heard great things about me, that Iā€™m one of the best workers he has, and that they donā€™t usually give raises during this time of yearā€¦ but he felt that I deserved it and they want to keep me. He also said that the changes to my wage were effective one month ago. So Iā€™ll be getting a phat pay check this week :joy:

What was even cooler was, he let me in on some inside information. He said weā€™d be increasing our hours again in the coming weeks (which means even more $$$). And he also asked me for a favourā€¦


See, weā€™ve been having quality control issues in the truss plant I work in. Iā€™ve seen it first hand, our builders on site have been complaining a lot, and itā€™s caused a lot of trouble lately. Me personally, Iā€™ve always been attentive to detail, if you have a roof truss built by me, consider yourself lucky because I donā€™t slack. :angel:

However, a lot of my co workers arenā€™t as attentive as me. And now, due to their laziness weā€™ve had to tear through piles and piles of trusses, some from as far back as 6 months agoā€¦ and repair them.

So he asked me personally to really crack down on this. ā€œYouā€™re a lead head now, if you see sloppiness, please say something. Iā€™m not telling you to snitch, but point it out to them and make sure they do it rightā€.

Itā€™s kind of cool that I got this VIP treatment. I know everyone always talks negatively about external validation. But in my experience, itā€™s been a very important catalyst of growth. One 10 minute conversation can change your entire life, just like it did with mine:

What are your results from Invincible Presence, Lion IV and Dominion you think and feel?

Currently reconnning hard. I have no drive, Iā€™m angry and I feel drained physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Iā€™ve been having very emotionally turbulent dreams lately that I canā€™t recall, and I think it has a major role to play in how Iā€™m feeling.

Iā€™m going to do what i always do, return to nature. Whenever I get like this, I take a walk into the wilderness and restore my powers.

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Iā€™ll get to this, just hold on

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H E A L I N G and Iā€™m 100% is because of Wanted because I use to have the exact same thing. Survive, thrive and you will win :slight_smile:

Healing is an important component of Wanted once itā€™s done, welp I will let you be the judge of that :wink:

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To further my point reminds me of a time I try Wanted + Emperor and was talking to this girl that liked me and I liked. I felt so emotional about it because I couldnā€™t see her yet exactly as your feeling right now. What I learned is listen from the wise and keep going and remember why you started.

Oh I donā€™t plan on stopping :smiling_imp:

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Though Iā€™m getting some of the most mind blowing results ever, theirs a darker side to this story.

Excess. Now itā€™s great that Iā€™ve been going out and socializing, but itā€™s taking a toll on me physically. My job is physical labour ( I work 9 hour shifts), . I train 6 days a week, (2x upper body, 1x legs). Iā€™m up at 5 everyday and donā€™t get home until 6:30 - 7:00. By the time Iā€™ve eaten I have got 1-2 hours until Iā€™m in bed.

I usually donā€™t drink on week days, but when the weekend comes, (especially when I go out) Iā€™ll drink a decent amount. And because Iā€™ve been going out more and more, not only am I staying up later, but Iā€™m spending lots of money. Everytime I go out itā€™s at least $100 minimum.

Friday night, I stayed up till like 6am and woke up at 11 amā€¦ best believe I didnā€™t train that day. F*ck I even smoked a cigarette when I was drunk :face_vomiting: . I only smoke cigars (Iā€™ve also been doing a lot of that lately too :man_facepalming:t3:)

Anyways, thatā€™s a full 24 hours I was up from Friday to Saturday. Just yesterday, I had a very long day at work, and I skipped training AGAIN. I never skip training, but I was falling asleep as I was driving home. (And I never do that. Their was no way I was training. Then I get home and somehow get this genius idea that I should have a drink to celebrate my raise. I end up having 2 which is relatively harmless butā€¦

I woke up this morning and I had slept in 10 minutes, and I never sleep inā€¦ and ofc now I feel like sh!t. All this to say that I think Iā€™m over working my body, with the drinking, with the staying up late. My appetite has also been lack luster. I used to eat 3 meals and 2 shakes a day, now itā€™s 3 meals and a snack.

I need to chill tf out

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You need something called S E L F C O N T R O L.

For example, I go out as much as you do but the most detrimental thing to your health is cigar and cigs. Alcohol too but if you do that in moderation you should be fine. I donā€™t know how you go out till 6am thošŸ˜‚ I go out from 10 to 2am max and best believe Iā€™m sleeping by 3am (And these types of going out happen every 2 weeks max even tho once that week on Stark.

Maybe you could try my routine Monday to Friday dedicate to workout / hobbies / work and no matter what donā€™t deviate from that (Except the occasional going out on Friday if itā€™s possible to do it on weekends). Then Saturday make it your party day you can do whatever you want eat whatever you want (This is if your bulking of course) and stay up till whatever time you want (Tho I highly recommend not staying up past 3am). And keep this type of thing at max 1 time every two weeks not once a week. Keep in mind you can still go out on weekends just not getting drunk and staying up late going out (Thereā€™s a lot of fun things you can do on the weekend that doesnā€™t need alcohol and where you can be asleep by 11pm). Then on Sunday consider those either your chill going out day where you donā€™t drink and stay up late or recovery day where you make sure your body is taking care of from the night before. This can be achieved by having a good nutrition diet that day, electrolytes (Gatorade sugar free is the best one), hydration (Minimum 2L of water) and thatā€™s it.

To some this might seem like an excessive amount of going out but you have to understand that at @Matalexander305 age thatā€™s part of the definition of his fun while also working towards his goals and wealth goals.

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And guys donā€™t pull an Andrew Tate with me, cigars are horrible for your health ainā€™t no way Tate changes that :joy:

As a wise man once says, science is science and you canā€™t argue with it unless you have the facts.

Crying :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Theyā€™re not nearly as bad as theyā€™re portrayed to be. No doubt itā€™s not healthy for you, but you cannot compare them to cigarettes.

On average, I smoke 1 cigar every 2-3 weeks. Iā€™ll sometimes go 3-4 months without smoking at all.

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That still doesnā€™t change the science.

LSD is not as bad as people portray but does it mean it should be taken every day? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m telling you if you keep smoking every day itā€™s undeniable that you will have health problems thereā€™s no buts, thereā€™s no comparing it to cigs, you will still undeniably have health risks.

Plus cigars arenā€™t cool and I hope thatā€™s not why people do it. Occasionally once a month would be fine but once a day your asking for health problems and Iā€™m telling you this as someone who cares about your health and wants to live a healthy life so remember that.

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