Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

Spot on @Deadpool Emperor is a very dense script so just be patient :slight_smile:

I am trying to be :slight_smile:

But honestly, I am quite scared to for example run ultima on every rest day as we can do it like it is in the new guideline. But If I would do it every rest day, I could not have any day without listening. But those are just my thoughts. Do not mind me :).

The point is I had no issues following the recommended pattern (got some recon only after three-four weeks of following it) but now when doing two days off I’m experiencing better results but recon is stronger too. I shall stick to that routine anyway and see what happens for the next couple of days.

i think this might be the optimal routine very very well planned by SC

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By allowing my subconscious to do more I am rewarded more by better results. I felt like I was in flow that day, with my family, friends, and at work. My normal pace just consists of 1x loop and I only switch when I feel it is time to do so.

For a while now I have been asking my subconscious for agreement on running emperor - even before I bought ascension. It would always tell me to run ascension. No matter my plea or negotiation… if I would ask why I would always get because I am not ready.

That day when laying down in bed at night I just deeply felt that I am ready to give up all in order to prosper and I had an intuitive knowing that now I am ready to run Emperor. So to double check I asked and I got a confirmation. I immediately bought the sub.

Emperor has been great so far, but tough. I am listening a lot to myself and take action. Weekends are for rest/rejuvenation.

I have written more than you asked I hope this is of value to you.


Yes. Very much. Thank you.

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Another observation on Qv2:


wow i was literally just thinking that maybe doing 2 days off instead of 1 would be better to allow for more processing days, rather process than overload, and you post this :joy:


You can try it. That’s how it works for me and maybe if I took two nights off right now I wouldn’t end up getting recon. The thing is I get very good results following the recommended pattern and just wanted to see how taking longer breaks affects me. But again, that was only one turn (1 night on: 2 nights off). When I was doing a washout last week I got hit by recon on Day 4 and not on Day 2 like yesterday.


if my intuition is right, then maybe the days off = the number subs we play (not including Ultimas as boosters) would work well as well.
one processing day per sub :grin:

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I wish it was as simple as that. But I’m afraid there are not many patterns in here. Sometimes I get recon on Day 2 (off) sometimes on Day 4 (off). I guess, the best course of action is sticking to the recommended listening pattern and adjust it in accordance with what we’re experiencing and our intuition.


do you feel the same way if you try to do the same thing with a custom? or do you not use customs right now?

I’m a custom virgin I’m afraid. :rofl:

It comes down to the old notion that says that mind programming is Alchemy rather than Mathematics. There are no fixed formulas but only some principles and experimentation… constant experimentation.

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@Sub.Zero ooooo now I’m really curious as to what would you put in your first ever custom :grin:
Here’s my journal if you’d like to see my experience so far

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It changes all the time but if I wished to build one it would be Dark Sovereign as it fosters the archetype I want to integrate and display ultimately.

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You won’t add alchemist core there?
Having both alchemist and khan, along with HoM would be like an emperor of a dynasty with divine status, plus I feel like alchemist would boost any and everything it’s stacked with right? Since it can speed up manifestations? Could be a nice addition.

I keep it tight (two cores and only ten modules in total) since I want to leave it open to stacking with Major Titles without creating a “sink”. I’m doing Alchemist now. I wouldn’t stack that custom with anything that is not in synergy with it. But that’s the melody of the future anyway. It may be that I’ll found something more suitable since our life is evolving all the time so is SC.


First of all sorry for my poor English. I already have polyglot in my custom :). Second I am wondering if someone run let us say four denser programs.
Whether their effects will be full after a long time or their effects will be not too much because there are many programs and they are difficult. It is clear to me that when only two programs are running, the effect is rather clear. Is it just a matter of time heavy vs light configuration, or is it more complicated with that heavy configuration?

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