Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

The progress will be slower and even more so if your titles are not in synergy like say Stark (social alpha) and Emperor (lone wolf). Of course, it’s about those both programs goals not their density that could kill a horse.

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I am aware of different directions. But if we have areas like Fitness and physical changes + Money + Alpha + sprinkle of Spiritual (Sage). It should be ok, right?

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Yes, there’s a strong synergy here. The only thing is to find the right calibration. I don’t know if anyone does it in here but running one loop of each of your titles is just a great simplification and doing it at default. Say I have three titles: Emperor, Mogul and PCC in my stack. Then I should run different number of loops for each title during one week. For example; one loop of Emperor since it’s a beast and gives you a strong push, also it’s oriented to many goals and building “alpha basics”; three loops of Mogul since its script is light and my main goal is “to get money”, and four loops of PCC since the script is light and my current circumstances make using PCC a very beneficial move.

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My opinion is that the deciding factor is the strength and quality of your Action. That’s the main factor that, in my opinion, mediates the relationship between Stack Heaviness (Density) and Processing Duration (Time to Results).

There are other factors too. There are various factors that can lubricate or facilitate integration of subliminals. I personally think that Action (which can also be understood as Salience or Relevance of the programs) would have the greatest impact.

As an Example:

Let’s say you are a past elite athlete in your late 40s. In your 20s, you were rated in the top 100 in the world. Now you continue to work out regularly, but since you’re past your prime, you focus on coaching and leading a team. You started your own school 5 years ago, and based on your reputation and your great skills, one school quickly became 8 successful schools. Your greatest passion is pushing the boundaries of elite performance, but you also take great pleasure in running a profitable business. One point of pride for you is that you are still able to workout and compete alongside many of your top students.

For this person, I’d say that running Emperor and Emperor Fitness, and a custom with many of the Hero modules, would be easy. Three heavy programs. But due to the constant high-quality action being taken in all three areas, this person can probably handle the input without great difficulty. The subliminals are highly relevant and salient to this person’s lifestyle and daily action. If he starts to get interested in deepening his spirituality, especially if it’s an approach spirituality that uses physical movement and awareness of the body, my wager would be that he could introduce Sage Immortal without suffering very much. That would be 4 programs. But 3 of them might be much easier for this person to process.

So, I think that to understand how difficult the dense stack will be and how long it will take to see results, we should look at the lifestyle and the internal landscape (the mind) of the person.

Even in a very fast airplane, it takes longer to fly 10000 miles than to fly 1000 miles.

  1. How far does the subliminal need to carry you for you to reach your goal? (In other words, to what degree is your current life different from the life you want?) And

  2. How heavy is the burden that the subliminal needs to carry? (In other words, how many different parts of yourself need to change?)

These are the questions I would ask.


Very nicely said.

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Man…I aspire to this level of expertly crafted metaphor and distillation of complex ideas. That was a pleasure to read. And learn from.


@Malkuth I’m curious if running Sage Immortal, Alchemist, EOG , and RICH would help someone manifest money as well as rapidly increase their wealth mindset?

I am studying wealth magick if that helps

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Me too. (I’m curious too.) I’m running the latter three myself. No space for Sage Immortal right now.

I did experience some nice quick manifestations with RICH. Just got another one yesterday.

In my own experience, I’m being led to blocks. Blocks to Action and Blocks to Manifestation. I think that the more I dissolve them, the smoother my process will be.

But I was just reflecting yesterday that I have seen consistent, gradual gains in net worth.

I’m now following in your Dragon Reborn footsteps and I think it’s definitely working on those blocks. So I think you should definitely get great results from the programs you mentioned.

Stay open to the intuitive prompts to action. Little ideas that come to you. (my opinion)


Yep. That’s part of what manifested Sub Club for me.

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@Malkuth Thank you for the feedback. It’s so appreciated. I focusing on wealth right now because money or that lack of it has always been my main source of stress.
From what I have read so far the elimination and eradication of the poverty mindset and beliefs is the first step


Given that Dragon Reborn addresses spiritual healing having that in the stack makes so much sense. I am going to drop Sage Immortal and focus on Dragon Reborn, EOG , The Alchemist, and RICH

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Two days off works best for me. When I tried doing one day on and one day off on Khan TB, it laid me out flat on my back. 1/2 is much more manageable for me.

Nice combo. :slight_smile:

How about doing:
DR1 and later on 2+Alch1+EoG1+LD = cleaning up
DR3 and later on 4+Alch2+EoG2+Sanguine/BLU = establishing the new frame
Alch3+EoG3+BLU = expanding
Alch4+EoG4+RICH = capitalizing
Synergy is key in that plan.

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Impossible = I’m possible :smiley:


It looks like a huge overload. How do you stack those titles?

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Just wondering, is anyone running more than one loop of QV2 titles if they’ve had enough decent exposure to their titles yet?

This is more if you’re following the recommended listening pattern.

Occasionally, usually on days that i exercise a lot since in my experiences a lot of exercise allows me to handle a lot more.

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On dealing with Qv2 recon:

We’ve ended up having similar stacks for this period of time.

I’m also running Dragon Reborn, Ecstasy of Gold, The Alchemist, and RICH. Other than Dragon Reborn, they’re all in customs.