Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions

That seems like a heavy stack. Are you running R.I.C.H as a booster, if so, how?


Yes, I have RICH in a custom Ultima. I play it as a booster. Just 1 loop whenever the day feels right. On average, probably about 3 days a week.

I have 2 customs plus Dragon Reborn. One of the customs, I already played for a year in Terminus build strength (1 loop every M, W, Fr). Now I’m playing it in Qv2 standard strength. Honestly don’t know how heavy that would be considered at this point. Guess it shouldn’t be too much. Just in case, though, I’m sticking to just these three as my main stack.


im gonna try out probably next week the extra exposure method thing, when u add 1 loop more of one title per day then rotate, gonna reply soon with updates, im excited to see how emperor will do at 2 loops :sunglasses:

Great! :slight_smile:

It was a magical experience to run DR and I’ll surely revisit it pairing it up with Sage.

LD is doing a great job for me too.


On Qv2:

I can definitely confirm that. All you need to do is to take action to help Mental Alchemy do its magic.

put this in my journal but thought I put here as well since it’s relevant.

On QV2 I’ve been averaging 1 or 2 loops total of 1 or 2 titles per week (Emperor and Paragons customs) the last well-basically 2 months.

It’s a very different kind of progress, it’s less a feeling based drive and more real changes are subtly clicking into place. I’ve been thinking I’m not even really running subs, but deep profound changes are indeed still happening as I look back. Not the overt internal feelings or external confirmation in immediate social reactions/attraction but definitely a slow and steady course correction, relationship building. I’ve lost about 20 lbs of extra weight. I no longer feel or care about people’s reactions or attraction to me or not, my focus is more both long term and more what can I do day to day.

I’ve also been experiencing layers and layers releasing of anxiety-like I am dying-or that my life is over (not necessarily recon or sub’s effect but maybe that plays apart, more just dealing with some deep internal stuff + major life changes given the pandemic’s latest iterations or I should say the pressure and semi-fixed perspective that I currently ascribe to about the pandemics latest iterations. (note: not an invitation for political commentary on said situation as I believe the ruling on this forum is to refrain from said discussions )


I like you a lot when you’re like that, James :heart_eyes:

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I had a similar experience for about 2 months on DR st4. More like I had died and was in a living emotional hell. In a sense, one life was over and a new one emerging.


Why i never get recon on emperor ? why ? @RVconsultant

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Maybe you are emperor by nature :slight_smile:


Your observations may well be correct @Deadpool :slight_smile:

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Funny thing


On Qv2 recon:

I experience the same phenomenon when getting recon.

I wonder what’s everyone experience with the new rotation strategy will be using that from now on

What strategy? Can you elaborate?

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Am talking about the new listening pattern for V2

Oh. I thought I missed something on forum lol

Nah your all good

Qv2 is no joke. I’ve had to keep curbing it from daily, to every other day, to twice a week.

Now I’m at once a week, every ~5 days is more accurate.

One listen.

Can’t believe it, but it’s working amazing at this (in)frequency.


Out of curiosity, what are you listening to right now?

I was thinking about listening to Primal every 3-4 days (still listening to the rest of my stack every other day) since recon was hitting me hard but it’s passed and I can enjoy the results it yields.

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