Qv2 experiences, comments, insights and questions


Is it a joke? :sunglasses: It’s Fools’ day. :wink:


Haha, didn’t realize.
No joke, I’ll go for 10 today. The only sub where I have issues running more than 5 loops is Stark. Khan and Emperor are smooth sailing.


Hmm… So for the Dragon it was 16-18h a day and I can barely bear one loop of RM… It’s definitely dealing with some huge conflict or blockage within me.

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could be the script of RM itself instead of the tech.Will be interesting to see when you try qv2 dragon and alchemist.I was same for RM though and Uv2 i think i can only run one a day without getting tired so will be interesting to see.looking forward to trying my qv2 custom when it comes :slight_smile:


Two loops of RM run for two-three days (during the day) caused a slight recon but playing it at night with the other subs caused an overload. The recon might have been caused by the script but the overload…

I ran 1xRM, 1xRebirthU, 2xthe Alchemist and 2xStark two nights ago (within 8 hours, a 30 minutes silent track between every track) and I’m still overloaded. I ran 1xRebirtU and 1xStark last night (and an 8 hours break between). I can still feel the subs being processed…

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One more report:


You are welcome to experiment. Please keep in mind @Fire has warned people about running a high number of loops.

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Okay while I do appreciate going a bit off topic on supplements, perhaps we all (including myself) do a better job of moving such discussions to another thread.

PS No one is in trouble for this except myself. So I’m going to the nearest mirror and yell at myself.


I did two loops back to back of EmpQv2 just now, middle of the day.

I got really sleepy while running them. So I took a nap, as it’s not a regular work day.

I listened to one loop the day before yesterday and the same thing happened. I got really sleepy.

Now, it might be just a coincidence as both times I did not sleep properly the night before.

Will have to test some more.

I usually listen while sleeping, so maybe that is what made me sleepy?


Did you run anything else within the last 24 hours?

No. The only thing was the one loop day before yesterday.

Nothing yesterday.

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The other thing it might be is there might be an increase in the information.

Also you seem to have a strong work ethic. If someone presented to you the idea that things could “just happen easily”, how difficult would that be for you to accept?

In other words, I doubt you are having reconciliation with the Emperor script. I wonder if you might be having reconciliation with the new core.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA. I’m the laziest m*therfucker I have ever met.

I make other people work. Not me.


Very easy for me to accept. My whole life it was like that. I slept through every class since 8th grade. Didn’t do homework or prepare for exams. Still I finished top 25% of my high school. With maximum amount of skipped classes. It all was too easy. Taught me terrible habits.

Until I needed to lift the business up myself. That’s what I struggled with. Now that I have the resources, everything just seems to flow as I want it.

The last part might be true. Or I’ve built a habit of good sleep when running the subs. I really do sleep better when they are running.


That’s called Delegating


I read both of your above 2 posts. Thank you for explaining. There goes my hypotheses.


I still think this is helpful for me. Thanks for that.

I have been wondering why the listening patterns that seem to work for me are so different from others.

And to clarify: What I consider work is something which feels like I have to do it.

If it’s something interesting, I put in more hours than anyone else. Till it gets boring too.

I’m not suited for mastery. I’m a generalist. When it’s time to master something, I delecate it to someone else. Or systemize it.

Works bad when no one believes you. But once you get through the struggle to some success, then it really shines.


Thank you for your comments and your fast reply.

The WHY is what I keep wondering about differences in listening tolerances too.

I wish I could isolate controllable specific factors such as a hypothetical example:

People who each at least 4 ounce of cheese a day can listen to 5 or more loops.

The best I’ve found so far is you saying you had a happy childhood. Makes sense why you’d have little or no reconciliation on DR.

Again thank you!


I didn’t have any since I had been running subs for over five years before I got to the Dragon.