QTKS - The Wealth & Wisdom Of Cicero - HOM & PCC Custom

The Wealth & Wisdom of Cicero were wonderful things.

Cicero was a roman orator and statesman, a politician.

He was a lawyer, made his money by the creation of strong arguments, but he was also a politician, and he wouldn’t have been able to pass any of the laws that he passed without the support and full allegiance of the entire roman court, which he earned tirelessly by bolstering his reputation.

He was an incredibly rich man, both because of his clients in court, and because of his ability to manage his money impeccably. He believed in making money through commerce, trade, and generally managing wealth impeccably.

He is oft quoted as a man who, incredibly wealthy, but who didn’t believe in luxury. and didn’t want to let his wealth trick him into becoming overly attached to it. Have Wealth, not Luxury.

A speaker, an orator, a man who defined an empire, a man who managed his finances perfectly and engaged in commerce, a man who used money responsibly, a man who used persuasion, influence, and judgement to build his legacy, he is the PERFECT model for a HOM/PCC custom with an emphasis on sales (Power Talk specifically comes to mind)

With that in mind, here is the custom.

July 17th to July 24th

  • HOM/PCC QTKS Custom
  • RoM
  • GLM

July 24th to XXX (CURRENT STACK)

  • HOM/PCC QTKS Custom
  • GLM

August 5th-ish to XXX (PLANNED STACK)

  • HOM/PCC QTKS Custom
  • GLM
  • RICH

At last the famous Mark Cuban Mc Junior can test the true power of customs.

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A review of my HOM results so far, objective by objective

I’ve removed the results that just aren’t in line with my goals and objectives, for example, those relating to trading and those relating to building a business specifically, as I don’t trade or run a business at the moment.

Attract and manifest high value (net worth and knowledge) friends, associates, partners and allies who can help you achieve your goals


I feel this one strongly. Although I already ran Inner Circle, to get the role I’m in now and the connections I’ve made in sales, HOM’s network effect has had strengths as well. People, ESPECIALLY on the HOM/PCC custom, come back to me saying they’re ready to make large payments, I’m connecting with high level people and they have a regard for my status and want to create win-win relationships, the sales calls I get are notoriously “lucky,” as I get super high quality people and my show up rates are better than average. I wish I had more exact examples, but I feel this one strongly.

Build incredibly deep, long lasting relationships, be it with friends, family members, business or romantic partners.


Oh good lord, while I may not have attracted that many extremely prominent new people into my life, as per the first objective… that’s also not really the type of person I am. I like keeping a very tight circle and not interacting too much with trivial connections. But for the relationships I’m maintaining and growing, OH MY LORD, is the growth massive.

My girlfriend and I are safer, more trusting, laughing more, better than ever. Marriage is something we openly talk about and has come down to basic logistical considerations around ring prices, wedding date timing, the actual logistics of sharing finances, etc. I haven’t proposed yet but I call her my wife more than my gf now, and vice versa for her.

Since running HOM, I trust my company more and my company trusts me more. I feel a greater sense of safety and comraderie, I’ve gone to meet up with them in person twice, both times feeling SO much more connected & having amazing ideas and inspiration after.

Went to LA to meet some friends, call that a point for objective #1 and #2, and the connections I made were fucking awesome.

Master the art of the deal and negotiation, know exactly how to get the best deal possible.

100/10 :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings: :white_check_mark:

**I literally went on a 28-deal-in-a-row sales streak shortly after starting HOM, and I’m currently outselling the ENTIRE rest of the sales team 2-1 for the month of July, without even working “that hard.”

Easily persuade others to helping you achieve your financial goals.


Beyond sales, I’m noticing people at work wanting to help me succeed, because they succeed with it too, but they’re going out of their way to give special attention.

Organize and manage yourself and others, become a leader that can out-analyze, out-plan and out-perform anyone.


I"m certainly executing the “outperform anyone” scripting, but, I’m not getting into leadership and analyzing/planning all that much. Maybe I’m just not utilizing that scripting, as I’m very much so a lone-wolf style salesman.

Develop the ability to analyze and create intricate plans. The nuances of the plots and plans of others becomes obvious, allowing you to become the ultimate mastermind.


I can feel this one working in the background but I think it’ll take time. I’m a weak planner. But I’ve gotten much more long-term focused lately. I’m starting to track finances a bit more seriously. I have plans on how to do so.

4/10 is not a reflection of the quality of the scripting, it’s only a measure of the amount I feel it at this time.

Intuit who will make excellent partners for any purpose.


I haven’t felt this one so much but I’m not really looking for it. No obvious partnerships have made themselves present to me. Except… I found one referral partner that I’ve sent about 7-8 people to, and that gives me a tiny bit of commission, but even more importantly, increases the retention and LTV on the sales I’ve made. So maybe this deserves a higher ranking, I’ll reflect on that.

Increase your influence, reputation and fame.

??/10 (maybe a 7?)

Definitely helping, although with this one, it’s not something I feel or can track, so I can’t give a perfect estimate of the results.

Develop your political / statesman abilities (if you have any)


No way to test this. However, with me naming this custom The Wealth & Wisdom Of Cicero, without knowing “Statesman” traits are a part of HOM, perhaps that is an indication of my growing interest in this character trait. One thing I could say is I’m definitely noticing myself deal with conflict better. However, any results here may be overshadowed by PCC.

Achieve total financial abundance and freedom through the manifestation and building of wealth and success.


’Nuff said above.

Increase overall motivation to generate as much wealth as possible through all available channels, which includes creating NEW channels and pathways for revenue (ex: entrepreneurship, trading stocks or crypto, etc.).


I feel this increase in motivation, but it’s not massive, maybe because I’m already extremely motivated and just need to unblock myself. It’s getting a 4/10 because it’s being overshadowed by other scripting, but I can definitely feel it. I’m sure this will continue to grow over time. Still glad for this scripting, however, it’s nice to supplement with other modules as in a sub this big, it’s not a big motivation push if I run it solo. Sanguine Elixir has been extremely helpful.

  • Improve and enhance natural positive manifestation abilities, especially when working toward achieving financial abundance and success.



Improve goal setting habits, and completely dissolve all fears around achieving those goals, especially when setting goals that deal with generating wealth, achieving success and cultivating your romance life.


Not really feeling this one. Need to add in Ascension Chamber to start visualizing my goals and I need to run AsC to eliinate fears around those goals as well. There was such a night and day difference between my before/after Ascension Chamber run that it made me realize this was extremely low, before that!!! Perhaps Ascension Chamber enhanced this scripting, but anyways, not feeling it off HOM, sorry.

Increase overall productivity and eliminate procrastination, especially when working toward generating maximum wealth and cultivating your romance life.


As an objective lower down on the list, I’m not surprised I’m not feeling this too strongly from HOM. It’s present, certainly better than no subliminals, but OF COURSE if I wanted serious productivity, I would run Sanguine: Elixir or Limitless Executive.

Breakthrough and eliminate any and all internal wealth ceilings (negative beliefs capping your earning potential) preventing you from achieving complete financial freedom.


I have been impregnating myself with this kind of scripting for almost two years between Mogul and EOG1, so, it’s really more of a fine-tuning effect happening now, and limiting beliefs continuing to get reduced and cleaned up. 3.5/10 because I’m continuing to grow in this regards even after all that previous scripting from EOG1, which is impressive, but it’s not a major focus of the script.

Breakthrough and eliminate any and all internal success ceilings (negative beliefs capping your ability to achieve widespread success).


Actually, due to all the networking that has happened, due to all of the sales success I’ve had, due to all of the accomplishments, due to all the people willing to help me, just based on evidence from my life since starting HOM, this has grown significantly.

Overall cognitive enhancement—faster raw processing speed, increase fluid intelligence, develop strong logical reasoning abilities, quickly learn new skills, etc.


It’s there.

Improve debt management skills and eliminate all debt that inhibits your ability to generate wealth (this does not negatively affect strategic deals that includes obtaining credit or other capital that requires repayment).


While I’m not taking a lot of action on this, that’s mainly because of the extreme amount of negative programming inside of my head around this. I may be procrastinating it like crazy, avoiding it like crazy, and getting stressed out thinking about it, HOWEVER, I am now constantly thinking about it and trying to resolve it, even if not doing great, which is TREMENDOUSLY better than constantly avoiding the topic entirely. I just today cancelled $300/mo in subscriptions, so I am taking action on this surely, and I have another $500/mo PLUS in bills that I can cancel soon that relate to my old agency.

Develop long-term financial visualization and planning skills.

5/10 - 8/10

It’s hard to say exactly how this one is manifesting. I’m certainly moving in this direction! Just needs more time, but the results here have been excellent.

Completely detach from and neutralize all negative societal programming in regards to money, success and generating wealth.


I’ve gotten more comfortable removing programming that I deem to be negative, which states that I need to be infinitely wealthy and have mass amounts of power. I’ve realized now that after having enough money to have a beautiful house, everything i need for my future kids and family and self, being able to enjoy my life and invest into things that make it meaningful, I don’t need much else. That’s quite a lot. Target income is 300k/yr, but after that, it’s about saving that money, investing that money, and making work optional, or more importantly, being able to work by doing the parts of work that I enjoy and not having to do much else.

For example, I used to think I needed to get into business so that I could make 2-3M per year, now I realize that I would like to get into the type of business where, after a period of building, it makes me 150-250k per year without doing more than 10-20 hours per week of work, and it’s flexible enough that when I have the motivation to do a period of “building” I can increase my income to higher than that, but when I want a season of “chilling” it’ll sustain itself with just my 10-20 hours per week.

Change your mindset to that of a winner, turning all negatives into opportunities for growth and acting upon those opportunities in a way that helps you generate wealth and achieve widespread success.


I’d like to see more productivity from HOM I guess! Not a complaint, really, since HOM is such a long term subliminal, but also, doing this analysis, I really noticed how much the “success” and “motivation” scripting is not living up to it’s full potential.

THAT’S OKAY THOUGH. Different subs have different goals! Stacking exists for a reason.


I’d say 8 out of all of us you had the most influence, reputation and fame when you traveled.

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Interesting… I had no idea. Thank you for sharing.

I got bullied MASSIVELY in high school, both by friends and family, if you consider “bullying” in a more broad light.

People reaaally needed to let me know in completely certain terms that they didn’t like me at all, that I had these irredeemable flaws, that I didn’t fit in socially, etc.

I picked my friend group very very poorly in high school, and, I didn’t fit in there, but then I was lumped in with “that group” so I didn’t fit in in other groups as well.

Plus I was just WAY too extra, I will 100% acknowledge that it wasn’t just me being a victim and getting bullied, I legit just didn’t have ANY social graces, lol.

I don’t think I’ve let that go. Not fully, anyways. I’m always feeling like an outsider. Even though it’s not true anymore.

It’s veeeery different than a positive self-image. I love myself a lot. I have a positive self-image. I just don’t feel like the opinion is shared, and when it is shared, I have a bit of skepticism towards it, or if not that, I just generally don’t let it in deep. I think the issue is I have a hard time reading people and reading genuine respect on their face. If you know what I mean? Obviously when someone is my friend, like @Machina, I don’t doubt it at all, that’s not what I’m referring to. I’m more referring to people I’ve met briefly and then wonder where I stand - i’ll usually assume it’s worse than it is.

Healing has definitely helped, but perhaps this is why out of all the subs, nothing gives me more recon than LBFH.

I wonder how to attack this long term. LBFH? Or, would this be more like a KhanST1 thing?


One day we might talk about this since it was exactly the same for me except family I had and still do have a super loving family but in high school I got bullied HEAVILY. I still get nightmares from high school that’s how bad it was.

I can relate to that. I use to be a introverted, nerdy and chubby guy so let’s just say it didn’t fit the social criteria very well.

I did it even worse I jumped from one group to another thinking I would be whole and happy but only felt more and more lonely from each group I’ve gotten into until I built out my own friend group this year.

Same here back in high school let’s just say I was a bit too emotionally sensitive and had no emotional control like now.

Definitely not true anymore. You always have me and the others in our group pretty I told you that like 50k times this month haha.

I can relate to this as well. For me it forms in form of paranoia heck I even had that feeling when traveling last month. Where I was so paranoid internally that no one in the group liked me until I found out they all loved me and wanted my company which made me shocked but it was positive but I was still wondering what did they like me for and why. If that makes sense.

LBFH gives me recon while surprisingly Genesis which has components of it doesn’t


Honestly i already love this journal. It is like you guys talk with each other instead of against each other.


With QTKS in my stack it’s safe to assume that I won’t need Sanguine Elixir… which means that unless I pick another sub, I’ll be running QTKS solo

Which actually doesn’t sound perfectly ideal as @Vesper reports benefits from mixing QTKS + ZPv2

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Can confirm stacking is beneficial at least in my experience.

I mean you could do QTKS + RICH. Similar to how I have GLM as a external results sub in my stack you can have similar with RICH.


"There was a moment where you actually said you gave up…

Surrender is an outcome far worse than defeat. I won’t tolerate that kind of weak behavior from a Saiyan. Never forget what you are, damn it, where is your Saiyan Pride?*

Is that your only goal? Do you think it ends there? What about the next threat! In a year, or five, or ten! Or think about your pride!

If Saiyan Blood flows in your veins, if you’re my son as you claim, I won’t tolerate you losing to anyone. You’ll be the best, or you’ll be nothing!

Come on, find a way, I entrusted everything to you. My Pride, my Promise, everything!!


  • Vegeta, to his son Trunks


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I choose to be focused

I choose to put effort

I choose to make money

I choose to be the best

I choose to be focused

I choose to put effort

I choose to make money

I choose to be the best

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Awakening to the reality of my situation.

Waiting for a full calendar is letting external circumstances control my fate.

Putting in maximum effort no matter how good/bad my day is is accepting my fate & maximizing my opportunities

Ultimately, whether I’m fated to win or lose, I can change that by fighting hard for what I want either way.

Social connections been amazing, girlfriend and I connecting lots, sales still crushing it - the whole team is slow not just me so I’m still outselling THE TEAM 2-1 (god damn it feels good to say that because at the start of the month that was just a fantasy goal - if I had set 3 to 1 I would’ve hit 3 to 1 I guarantee it. Lesson learned).

QTKS stack will be the “Silence - Cicero Speaks!” (HOM/PCC) and RICH to test out the custom as it’s intended.

Just one goal,

Wealth acquisition. My goal is to have enough money at the end of this summer to justify taking time off and travel in the second half of the year.

Don’t want to have any adverse interactions so keeping it totally pure wealth for now.

After 10 days of RICH and SCS! I’m adding a productivity sub for a full-out summer of wealth. Either GLM, EB, or something similar (RoM for focus is a possibility)

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After just coming back from a men’s group I attend with fellow go-getters and entrepreneurs once a month…

A small, 6 person event where we share about our lives, push each other to be better, and give each other feedback,

I’ve realized that Cicero + RICH is not the stack I need to be running when my custom comes.

My number one weakness right now is my lack of connection to my “Why”

Which is uniquely RoM territory

Which is actually great because that sub called to me SO deeply and for some reason I felt like I wasn’t supposed to run it right now.

But that’s just a sign of the “money first, purpose second” pattern of thought which is why I need to run RoM in the first place

After absolutely DESTROYING the first sales week and outselling the team 2-1, I took that as a hit of ego validation and satisfied the urge I had to work hard.

If that’s the case, then, my “why” is ego validation, not long term wealth or family or stability - and I need to focus on the longer term why now.

RoM will help with the longer term why.

That’ll be asap. And once I’m acquainted with Cicero + RoM, I’ll work on the second issue that comes up for a plateau.

See, whenever I have the opportunity to… whenever I feel abundant not scarce, I immediately look to reduce or eliminate my workload as much as possible. Binge. Chill. Overeat. Whatever.

So GLM will help with that.

This stack will be amazing because it follows the Past Present Future stack format.

Past: GLM

  • I’ll be working on healing the past beliefs I’ve held around masculinity, around discipline, and the lessons I should have and should not have learned from my fathers presence and absence. I’ll REWRITE my beliefs around masculinity and discipline, making this the sub that firmly works on my past.

Present: RoM

  • There’s no better sub to use to work on the present moment than RoM. Literally gives more focus on the present moment, but also, cognitive enhancement, and most important of all, will help me find my why so I can start living my why.

Future: HOM/PCC

  • this is the future, the why, that finding will help me reach. HOM/PCC are both extremely future forward subliminals. HOM with an extremely long term focus on wealth and PCC with an extremely long term focus on social dynamics.
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And where does RICH fit in?

When I feel like RoM has fulfilled it’s present purpose, then RICH would definitey take its place.

When RoM has helped me decide what to work towards, RICH will help me get there faster.

And don’t forget RoM worked FAST on me last time.

After a few loops I completely switched careers, ended up in closing, and became the happiest I’ve ever been IN MY LIFE.

It didn’t walk the path for me, but it showed me what path to walk.

at this stage, running RICH seems unnecessary. I could probably get the money if I wanted, without RICH, so it’s not that I need to manifest.

And I believe I can get the money and it’ll be good for me. So I don’t need EOG.

And technically you could say I’m not working hard enough, but if you dig into why, it’s because I’m not deeply attached to the vision of what more money could do for me


Ran 3 mins of RoM last night.

My mind seems more curious, “being” was interesting in and of itself as I lied down trying to sleep.

I had trouble sleeping, but wasn’t bothered by that, as it meant i had an opportunity to meditate, test out some RoM cognition, and it felt slightly different than normal, but mostly the same, until I woke up today and realized I was way more CURIOUS than usual

A promising sign that cognitive enhancements will come soon

Yo I have a training I can send you that my company puts out that might help with the budgeting, financial planning on money management. Regardless of the status of our clients who go through it, must people seem to come up with a minimum of $500 extra per month, we’ve seen people save an extra $6k though as well. I’ll see if I can hook you up for free, let me know if your interested

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