QTKS - The Wealth & Wisdom Of Cicero - HOM & PCC Custom

RoM will be huge for you if you haven’t ran it yet. Based on the goal setting/purpose constraints you mentioned, I say keep rolling with that. It might be my #1 sub as the abilities you get for meditation, mental awarness have such a giant impact on anything you want to do.

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I ran 3-5 loops, alongside 3-5 loops of Dragon Reborn ST1, and within two weeks my whole life shifted upside down, completely and entirely for the better.

Excited to come back to this.

Something I don’t talk about much is how deeply I’ve gotten into meditation in the past.

I’ve attended 10 of the 10-Day-Silent-Retreats for Vipassana Meditation by Goenka, so, over 100 days of silent meditation if you include the 2-3 day breaks in between courses where we meditated more :rofl:

6 as a server, so I was meditating 4-5 hours a day, and 4 as a student, so I was meditating 8-11 hours a day.

That completely changed my life, actually to the point where I felt like I didnt’ need meditation after maintaining that with another 6 months of at-home practice. I mainly just walk these days, but to be honest, I need to get back into meditation,so this could be a huge inspiration as well.

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Dude god bless you I would love this! DM?

Just ran 5 minutes of GLM

Goal is simple - more effort

RoM is “WHY” the effort & result matters. GLM is the effort. HOM/PCC is the result that I’m looking to get to.

Also, this is a great video on effort.

Damn… fast manifestation

If this is what @Vesper and @Invictus are feeling 10x a day on QTKS, I’m honestly a little scared of what’s to come.

There was a prospect I wanted to follow up with that I haven’t spoken with in over 3 months. As I was writing up a message to the team asking for any updates on him, he messaged me out of the blue.

The manifestations gonna be even stronger than this? Dayumn…

Crazy world, man, crazy world.


Pulling up a new journal only meant to track & reward effort.

2x-3x stronger I’d say. QTKS honestly feels like a constant high. You almost feel like your in a dream sometimes only to realize it’s reality.


Sorry man, I’ll keep you posted on this can’t seem to find it atm! It’s pretty simple over all, really starts with getting awareness over where your money’s going.

If you don’t do it already, start by just printing out your bank statement every month. Get 3 highlighters (red, green, and blue), and start by highlighting every non mandatory expense. Eating out, alcolhol, clothes, subscriptions, entertainment, whatever all highlighted red.

Next highlight everything that is good debt, mandatory, or improving your financial situation in green. (Mortgage, Insurance, Child support, stocks). Anything that is fixed, and can’t really be improved.

Now everything else you should be able to highlight blue. This is for things that aren’t nessicarily bad like internet, utilities, self improvment, but you might be able to improve them and get them lowered.

Now he recommends if your trying to improve your wealth as fast as possible that everything in red is simply gone until your at where you want to be. This means gas station food, any entertainment that’s not free, whatever. This is pretty extreme, I think just having awarness over where your money is going, and how much of it will really help. For me it was several thousand each month. I bring in a pretty good income between both of my jobs, but literally having almost nothing left by the end of the month…

Next practical thing if your not doing so already is that no matter what first thing you do every time you get paid is take out 10% and move it into an account where it’s not going to get touched. If your making quite a bit of money already, this builds up pretty quick. Once you have 50K/ 100K in the bank, then it’s time to start looking at what to do with it. Alex Hormozi says one of the hardest parts about starting to make alot of money is getting comftorable just having it.


You are hyping me up so much for customs!

I am waiting until I hit Arch Alchemist to start dabbling in customs.

Almost there :pray:

I’ll respond to your comments cause it’s fun :rofl: and we always have great conversations on here!

Fuck dude, this is actionable and mind-blowing.

I can definitely do this.



Crazy lil manifestations and just to be clear, these are RoM enhanced, QTKS hasn’t come in yet.

  • Prospect messaged me as soon as I think of him
  • Imposing my will on Reality, I wanted something to move, and it moved, I won’t try and explain.
  • @Niles dropping some crazy useful finance knowledge I’ve been looking for a simple solution like that for a while and then I get one right after RoM
  • I’ve been wanting a professional & legit Tony Robbins full audio program for months now, someone just sent me one for free, without me asking, another right-after-RoM manifestation.

I’m going to loop Genesis & ROM… you’ve sold me on it

Dude RoM is the truth!! It is the ultimate results enhancer imo, I’ve had the craziest manifestations on it as well.

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RoM club :brain: :brain: :brain: :brain: :brain: :brain: :brain: :brain: :brain: :brain:

What had you go with ROM?

See posts 11-17

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Crazy RoM manifestation, these are just fun to update… I updated my first post in this journal to reflect the Cicero/ROM/GLM stack, and saw I only had 9 likes on the post instead of 10.

I thought to myself “I wish this had a 10th like, the odd number is killing me.”

Funny & Irrelevant

nobody knows this but I only like posts that are either REALLY good, or posts that have 9 likes.

If it has 9 likes, I won’t even read it, I’ll just “like” it so it hits 10.

30 seconds later, I get a 10th “like” and a notification that this is a “nice topic.”

RoM is coocoobrains holy dang the manifestations are instant.

EDIT: Same post another one so I don’t keep notifying you with this BS.

My girlfriend starts messaging me that our plans tonight are going to be very complicated… and that she wants to change them. I can’t really change them because of an obligation to a friend I have.

A minute after the text from my gf, my friend texts me and says he doesn’t need my help anymore - therefore solving my plans/problems with my gf


RoM definitely activating the rest of the scripting in my stack.

Today, PCC activated in a way I’ve NEVER experienced before.

Usually I’m only able to observe the external results of PCC…

  • Sudden realization that specific people are manipulating me
  • Somehow, 7-8 figure entrepreneurs trust me more
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Getting more of what I want at work

But today I could hear, almost like a voice as clear as day, the direct “inner mentor and social coach” effect of PCC.

To continue the convo @Azriel and @Machina and I had, PCC was coaching me to be extremely humble.

When someone made a book recommendation to me, I was genuinely thrilled by his recommendation and knew how much I needed to read that book, based on his recommendation, but rather than say “oh yeah I have it!” or “It’s actually called Man’s Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl, not Man Without A Meaning” I just went “hmm, ok, I’ll check it out, thank you!”

So I now have, for me personally, a direct way to compare true sell to PCC. And I see why the stack could be very tricky to run together. (If someone ran one of the titles for 3 cycles first, then the other, they should be fine, but I don’t think you can introduce both into a stack at once and expect great results.)

True Sell is all about SELLING, right? So… what’s rule #1 at sales?

Close the deal right F"n now.

Meanwhile, Politics is all about playing the extremely LONG game, right? In elections, it’s about having a conversation now that won’t even seem relevant until 4 years later… or 8+ years in many cases.

PCC today was coaching me to be extremely long-term oriented in my socializing today. “Don’t impress them too much, don’t overspeak, don’t be the guy that comes in here and immediately tries to bedazzle everybody.”

This is a new group, so even outside of work, I believe (this is an instance) that whenever I ENTER into a new environment, PCC is a GODSEND at helping me navigate the power dynamics associated with managing 10+ first impressions simultaneously, while also trying to make initial connections, while ALSO trying to appeal to management and leadership.

PCC is a long term strategy of “you will see it my way over the long haul.” Very “pull” oriented. It uses humbleness to be a fly on the wall and eventually reach your goal.

True Sell is a short term strategy of extremely fluid communication skills, amazing presentations, creating fast transformations in people. It uses humbleness as a listening tool to prepare the state change.

Both great subs and both could be stacked even, but I think like I said earlier, not at exactly the same time.

EDIT: GLM kicked in about 4-5 hours after initially listening to it this morning. Interesting to note! HIGHLY disciplined, really got into a groove and started cranking out appointments.


RoM is fascinating… 2 days in a row I wake up 20-30 minutes before my alarm with nothing but positive thoughts, and my thoughts are moving extremely fast. It’s like I’m having a creative think-sesh before my alarm goes off.