Ouroboros - reborn again (sales) (HOM custom)

Also recon is not bad-
it feels could go away in a week
and you’d be way better for it.

That’s what I’m going for. I crave absolute power. And that can only be achieved with unmeasurable amounts of wealth.

My domain is very specific and it targets multi trillion dollar industries.

I love where I am heading.


Love it. what are you running now?

Stark, Limitless, Index Gate


no im really glad you mentioned it because you’re right and i neeever considered that stonelike could be inducing recon. i hate recon. it effects my sales, and i’ve learned how to get massive results without hitting much recon at all. so if i’m going slow with a subliminal and its STILL giving me recon, I’d rather just plan for that recon by listening to DR on vacations when given the opportunity. I’ll plan my recon for specific times of year, not all year round.

Removed Code Of Loyalty due to reasons above ^

I’m really doubting temperance/patience now too… I just don’t want to get hit by massive recon at that identity-level change

  1. House Of Medici Core
  2. PCC Core
  3. Jupiter
  4. Fortune’s Favorite
  5. Wheel of Creation
  6. Yggdrasil
  7. Financial Success Reality Shifter
  8. Cosmic Wealth
  9. Safety Net
  10. Victory’s Call
  11. Plateau Transcendent
  12. Joie De Vivre
  13. Virtue Series: Temperance
  14. Power Talk
  15. You Are Not Alone
  16. King’s Radiance
  17. Inner Blaze
  18. Natural Winner
  19. Eye Of The Storm
  20. Voice Master

EDIT: Switched out RICH for PCC due to below conversation. removed virtue series Patience because it’s a law in 48 laws of power so it’s in PCC. Added Eye Of The Storm back in to balance out negative days and negative habits. Added in Voice master for super long term effects on my voice, which I’m insecure about but also which is extremely helpful for sales and social interactions. I’m finally happy with the manifestation modules in here. Jupiter + FF + WoC + FSRS is Saint’s recommendation, and then we just add YGG and Cosmic Wealth on top, that seems SOLID. Took me a while to warm up to it. Replaced Inner Blaze with Machine Action, as they’re both a “push” style module, and replaced Machine Rest with Natural Winner, as I want to reaaaally break past the plateau I mention later down this thread where I ask forumambassadors for help.


Why Machine Rest, do you have problems relaxing outside of work time?

yeah a bit of issue relaxing outside of work

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Outside of that so far those modules seems to fit you really well and the goals we’ve talked about.

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Paragon Sleep Maybe?

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I’d listen to that separately, and I do listen to that every once in a while! but this is a wealth custom

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So why not have the custom fully focused on wealth remove machine rest and then use paragon sleep occasionally when you have issues relaxing? (Saying this because I’ve been there and paragon sleep usually fixes those issues).

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I was thinking of adding virtue patience too. But ultimately removed it.

Yeah, that’s a good point. I’ll think on it

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You are a crazy guy

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If only you knew what was going on in my head on a daily basis…

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Going to not include RICH in the QTKS custom. We’ll test listening on the side as needed. Need to reduce recon. Plus lots of manifestation in that custom already.

Decided the HOM/EOG1 custom was too much for me - going back to the HOM/PCC custom

I’ve been off all week and it started when I switched customs


I am listening to the 48 laws of power summary and tbh I think it may be a big factor in my overall drive and ambition.

Law 23 - concentrate your forces

Conserve your forces and energies by keeping them concentrated at their strongest point. You gain more by finding a rich mine and mining it deeper than by flitting from one shallow mine to another. Intensity beats extending every time. When looking for sources of power to elevate you find the one key patron (the fat cow) that will give you milk for a long time to come

Also laws about getting attention and reputation at all costs which was my motivation when I wanted to break the record and out do everyone.

Law 28 - act with boldness, if you have doubts, do not attempt it. Any mistakes you make through audacity can be solved with more audacity

Law 29 - plan all the way to the end, the ending is everything. Take into account all possible twists and consequences. By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances.

Law 30 / make your accomplishments seem effortless and natural.

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So PCC may have more been more the direct contributing factor towards success then previously noted.

I honestly loved PCC and have not run it in ZP.
It may be worth some testing.


Well here’s what I can say. I went to the HOM/PCC custom last night and I feel AMAZING again today. Like I’m ready to crush out another record-breaking week, and I’ve snapped out of my haze and realized “holy shit how did i slack off so much all week!”

It’s crazy how much leadership I’ve been expressing unconsciously. I’m a very go-go-go personality on the team, and when I’m constantly crushing it, guys are motivated to do better than they normally would. When I slowed down, the whole team slowed down and this week was garbage for everyone.

PCC has that leadership for sure, but i’m realizing it is SOOOOO much more than a social subliminal.

It is a subliminal that gets you obsessed with playing the power GAME.

One of the laws, paraphrasing, to “be the perfect courtier, be the person who thrives in environments where power and politics and influence is the primary driver.”

The basis of the 48 laws of power (book) is not just to understand the laws, but to become obsessed with winning it. Therefore, for me, drive is at an all time high, procrastination is at an all time low, for the social implications success & procrastination would have. If I am crushing it every week, then I’m getting attention and validation & more power every single week. If I’m constantly dialing and taking calls and asking for help closing big deals (then they actually close), i’m getting even MORE attention, showing people that I’m the driving force behind $$$ in the company. And if I procrastinate, I lose that influence, I hide in the shadows, I start to look bad, and none of that is in line with PCC.

And it’s unlocked a motivation in me that is a blend of intrinsic and extrinsic. I’m intrinsically motivated to impress others, lol. Power, even though you could call it “external,” is a deeply internal drive.

SO much more than a “social/manipulation” sub. It had me obsssed with introducings people in my network together, being the leader of collaboration projects between them, and of course gave the drive to successfully lead those projects because if I took on leadership and then fell short that would look BAD, not GOOD.

I know that he was referring to GLM:Co, but I feel this exact effect strongly and clearly in PCC.