Visualisation technique for entrepreneurs and business people using slide technique by Vadim zeland

Slide technique:
“Draw yourself as you would wish to see yourself. You do not have to worry about the danger of indulging in self-deception because you are playing this game consciously. Battling with your failings on the other hand thinking you can hide them or dismantle them by setting personal intentions is self-deception. Create a slide where you see yourself shining in all your glory. Love the you that you see in the slide; Work on the image embellishing it with detail.
The slide does not have to depict a static image. It can be a representation of how gracefully and confidently you move; how elegantly you dress; your aristocratic manners, shining wit and charm, how quickly other people warm to you or what brilliant problem-solving skills you have. Feed the slide into your mind and ‘forward’! Just like a negative slide, a positive slide will directly effect your actions and overall behaviour. You will unwittingly, unconsciously, begin to adjust to the slide. The main task though, is for outer intention to fulfil the picture in the slide.
You have to recreate the picture in your thoughts until the slide dissolves. What I mean by this is that with time the slide will become an integrated part of your personality, at which point, it will cease to exist. Once you achieve your desire, the slide will cease to be significant. Importance will disappear and the slide will melt away, but not without first fulfilling its mission.”

Turn your attention away from your shortcomings and towards your virtues and any other positive qualities you would like to acquire.
Is it important to you to disguise your shortcomings? If so, this is the basis of a negative slide. Is it important to you to make a good impression? If so, this is the foundation of a positive slide. Nothing changes except the focus of your attention and the importance you ascribe to things.
Draw yourself as you would wish to see yourself

how well they are playing their own role than they are about the suitability of the interviewee.
Slides distort your perception of what other people think about you. A slide is a distorted picture of reality. A slide is something you carry around in your brain that others do not have in theirs. For example, you might consider your looks to be insufficiently attractive. If the thought does not particular bother you then no distortion is created. Things are what they are. The issue is not so much what you think of your personal appearance, so much as the wider influence the corresponding slide can have on your life. If you are worried about your appearance you will create a slide in your head that reads: “I am not beautiful (handsome)” and you will look at the external world through the slide as through a filter. The corresponding image is a slide because it exists solely in your own thoughts.
Only potential partners, a very small percentage of the people you come into contact with, actually evaluate i.e. attribute importance to your external appearance. No-one else particularly notices what you look like. If you do not believe me, ask the severest arbitrator you know, yourself, how much the outward appearance of people you meet matters to you if they are not part of your immediate circle as a potential partner or competitor. It probably does not even occur to you to question whether you find these people attractive or not. Other people think the same way (or do not think at all) with regard to yourself. Even if you think you are ugly you can be certain that the same principle applies. Ugliness makes an impression only in the first moment of meeting but after that, ceases to attract attention, like any other part of the scenery.
So, let us suppose that you have inserted a slide into the metal projector relating to your seemingly unattractive appearance. You will perceive other people’s behaviour, be it a look, facial expression or other aspect of body language through the perspective of the slide. What will you see as a result? You will see a sneer in a welcoming smile and hear mockery in the sound of happy laughter. You will be convinced that quiet whispering is other people gossiping about you. A random glance is interpreted as an askance look. All someone has to do is wince from indigestion and you think: Lord! What must they be thinking of me! Finally, any compliment makes you feel patronised. Yet, people will be thinking nothing of the sort. It will all be in your head, fashioned by a slide of your own making.
Your behaviour is also affected by your thoughts which can make you genuinely unattractive. You may start making awkward gestures with your hands not knowing where to put them. Your face will become distorted by tension and all intelligent thought will disappear as the inferiority complex claims the seat of domination in your mind. As a result, the slide in your imagination is played out in the material dimension.
The action of slides is two-fold. Firstly, their bias skews the perception of your true place in the world and how others relate to you. Secondly, they distort your perception of the external world. In addition, people have a tendency to perceive the self-deprecating qualities of their own slides in the people around them. For example, when a person dislikes certain innate qualities in their own character they try to hide them so that they will not have to look at that part of themselves and yet it is impossible to conceal an unsightly slide. It sits in the person’s head doing its own thing. If you buy into the basic illusion that others think and act just as you do, you will tend to perceive in others the qualities you dislike in yourself, i.e. hang you

Vadim Zeling? “Reality transferring” book’s author?

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I will change each one of these affirmation to a slide

I choose to be happy and healthy. Affirmation

  • although my business takes most of the time but I have established certain behaviours and attitudes that keep my health . And happiness . And I know that by keep doing them I am riding an upward spiral toward more happiness and health . Slide

I love my work.

  • there are certain aspects I love about my work and they enliven me whenever I think about doing them .

I love to have an optimistic outlook.

  • doing that behaviour and this one helps me in having an optimistic outlook and I love that

I am thankful for all the positive traits in me that help me succeed.

I am grateful for the wealth I earned from my business.

  • my business earns me wealth in forms of money , relationships , influence being positive role model for family and friends .

I am thankful for all the opportunities that come my way.

I am ready for another great productive day.
I am manifesting great business opportunities today.
A productive day full of ideas and opportunities awaits me today.

  • I love meeting people and offer them valuable service / product . I really love adding new customers to my business . Best part of the day is that you don’t know were the opportunity come from . It’s like a new birthday every day .

Nothing or nobody can stand in my way of reaching my goals today.

  • I know that if by doing my part , reaching the goal become more realistic . And from experience every challenge resolved by syncronicity offers by outer reality and flexibility on my part .

I consciously choose to be happy and optimistic today.

  • I know where I can inject happiness and optimism in my day today .

I am offering something that clients really want.

  • sensing what the customer wants either through analytical market analysis or Intuitive hunches . Is smth I learned to do . And I offer deals the customer are eager to accept .

I am creating real value for my clients.

  • I know what the customers value , and I am able to offer what they want in a way that make my business profitable .

I am a great people person and my clients love working with me.

I am in the business of spreading happiness to my clients.
I attract the right kind of clients with my positive approach.
I enjoy interacting with my clients.

I can easily attract loyal customers with my energy and enthusiasm.
My business helps clients lead a better life.
My clients appreciate my reliability and responsibility in getting things done on time.
I care for the happiness and satisfaction of my clients.
My business decisions are solely based on the benefits for clients.
I believe customer satisfaction is the key to a successful enterprise.
My business adds value to clients.
I am creating new and loyal customers every day.
My clients are eager and excited to do business with me.