Q-Status discussion

It’s no JCast exclusive, so no royalties for you. :wink:

On the Q-Status front, I would kind of like to know where we are on the process of making the “pre-built” product line (from the subliminalclub.com store) named?

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@DarkPhilosopher I’m still waiting for @SaintSovereign to answer my questions

Well, I can go off topic a bit. Bossman’s prerogative. :stuck_out_tongue:

That being said, let’s do reverse course and head back to discussing the Q-status updates.


Yes, your metamorphosis from who you previously were has been quite a thing to watch.

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Yes, in the name of practicality.

I have kept my stack on hold as I somehow feel Q+ and U+ are around the corner hence I would restart with them. I also remember you saying that they would be increasingly more powerful than the current builds.

I wait eagerly for their arrival. But it seems you are reluctant to say anything about their launch as of now.

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Having context helps.

“Letting go of control is the ultimate power.” (it helps to quote the person you’re talking about accurately). Looking at the context of that statement, which is everything, he talks about being able to control his inner state, but not external circumstances or the reactions of other people.

Seen in this way, the very reasonable implied statement seems to be just another way of stating the Serenity Prayer. A lot of these statements particularly in the post you were referencing is simply a way of re-framing situations that would otherwise cause internal distress.

I like the way Robert Anton Wilson approached this… consider his experiment of searching for pennies on the street and finding them, then offering 3 or 4 different explanations for why that might be. Ultimately the reason for the outcome of an experiment does not matter in order to obtain results. We don’t need to “prove” the existence of microscopic yeast in order to bake a loaf of bread. We just follow instructions. Sometimes it is possible to be agnostic. Speaking personally, I have had plenty of evidence that something I call magick exists, a dependable something which means if I act in a certain way I get results, but your mileage may vary.


The previous response aside, I do understand the frustration being voiced. The topics discussed on this forum in trying to understand the results we get from subliminals, in assisting one another, and in describing our own experiences, are by their very nature often fraught with subjectivity. Or in situations such as talking about chakras, magick, religion, G-d etc, we are often dealing with things for which effective language to describe our often subtle experiences simply don’t exist in our language or frame of reference. That doesn’t invalidate the observations, it just means asking one another more clarifying questions to understand another person’s point of view or their language.

If you’re using subliminals, or the subtle reference frames you mentioned, and trying to “prove” they work, you’re going to run into problems. Correlation VS causality, vague statements, people voicing beliefs that may or may not be accurate. It might make it easier to just accept that life can be subjective and messy, and simply adapt to this reality as best you can.


Problem is that most people have been deceived into believing that God is a person, entity or that it even has form.

While God is the energy that governs all existent life.

From the unformed plane of Aether (cause) to the materially formed plane (effect).


No! Bad users! Go to your room!

Only semi-joking here. I really want to add my 2 cents but I can’t because it doesn’t belong here. I know how tempting it is to respond since you all have something to say on the matter, but please respect the fact that RVC, Saint and myself have now all asked for this thread to return to its original purpose.


The original purpose was fulfilled in October.

Is there any planning on new Major Titles for this year?

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Let’s stay on topic, y’all or… THERE WILL BE POST DELETIONS

** cue dramatic music **



Has anyone experienced muscle spasms when listening to customs ?. A couple of times on first listening i experienced spasms in my arm then after a few seconds it goes away.


I don’t think muscle spams, but I some times have somatic reactions. Headaches. Stomach aches. Nausea. Perhaps those are spasms of the smooth muscles?


@SaintSovereign @Fire I’m still confused about the cores of major programs. Does the core include the entire program? If not what is missing or left out?


As far as my experience goes, mac. This type of subtle spasms or tingling’s a subconscious indicator in which you are receptive to the scripting and programming in question. In fact in custom’s the sensations way more predominant since it’s using your name, rather than the traditional format which may or may not induce this feeling.

My very first loop with my custom back in the day gave me some pressure on my forehead that surprised me. Only noticed this with customs for me.

Basically, you’re getting results all right!

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I have had some light leg muscle spasms when playing a few titles (and even while running a custom) during their very first loop. I don’t remember which titles and custom though

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On Emperor Fitness and/or healing based subs I will feel physical muscle reactions
on other subs I can get immediate tension and/or releasing in certain areas.


I do when I listen to custom or some other new sub .
It’s like something was stored in that area like cell memory and then it got released and may be something new for stored .

Not when listening to customs but normal majors, yes.