Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan

I think there are number of way to think about power.

One could be interpersonal which could involve control over others, even the use of physical force. We can notice this in a number of historical contexts.

Influence or charisma could also be interpersonal types of power.

If you want to think about power being independent of others, there is the power to exert control over your own life, make decisions, say what you wish, and develop emotional control.

Perhaps there are other definitions of power.

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As you’ve listened to Khan @pacman how have your ideas of power changed?

Also weren’t you talking about how women are more attracted to you? Do you think that is a form of power? At any moment did they acknowledge (perhaps verbally) that you had power, or did they just react to you in a powerful manner?

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What I noticed with Khan was it made me see a bigger focus rather than small temporary gain.
I rather talk less and listen more…like that kind of attitude. I am also guiding the sub using Think and Grow Rich. A small example will be…when I walk into my daily store I make it my duty to greet and make small giggles with the staff. This has now grown to a point we’re they can’t miss me in store. When a bully or a low life alpha walks in and talks loud or shows of his size…he then realises that I’m not talking much but every one in the store is talking to me. Everything is my way with a smile.

Women just display signs of extreme attraction. Like they can’t even look at me in the eye for long.


WOW! That seems significant!

I’ve found this type of generosity, interaction, and kindness is worth the small amount of effort it takes. Also they can take that good feeling and bring it to other situations.

This is another form of status rather than just being the biggest, baddest, strongest, etc…


Which book is this?

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In my oppinion real Power can never be forceful. A great book on this is Power vs Force with David R. Hawkins.

What you put out is ultimately what you get back. Force is in itself destructive and will not last. Letting go of control is the ultimate power. Change your inner climate to a more loving and peaceful state, and you’d be surprised by how the same people that you used to think treated you badly, will suddenly become more loving back towards you.

That brings the next question in. If I can change others behaviors towards me by just changing my inner climate(which I have control over), aren’t I playing just as big of a part in what I send out as to what I get back? The small sides of our “self” likes to think we are victims to the world. That’s mostly the state of the world today, blaming everything else, politics, bad people, the economy, aliens etc… but never myself…

What about our higher “Self?” No one was born into this world out of hate! Somewhere along the way we just forgot who we truly are.

“Fighting for peace is like screaming for silence”, you already have it inside of you. Can we really forgive others without forgiving ourselves first?


Think & Grow Rich

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Thank you for this recommendation.

This is so informative.

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My views of power and everything else has been totally against me. I was basically trying to run while being tied up. After starting Khan I started reading and pondering on issues. I had been able to stop and think before reacting. This has made make good choices and also to filter out what affects me.
People are ever willing to smile at me and even wish and greet. Once I make the first move in terms of a smile or greeting…what follows is magic. They basically hooked to me and cannot leave me alone.
When ever I think of the future I think really big…lots of positive images of my future.
What is really great is the control and ability to look at a situation with a higher purpose in mind.
Please realise that no other person Wil agree with you because they are not exposed to these subs. I don’t argue with my partner or anyone I come into contact with. I don’t show anyone the greater picture but I listen to them and maintain high harmony with them…and know in me I can use them for my higher good. THATS POWER


depends on you define using others for your highest good, it’s one thing to play the power game of life well and be in relationships where you can benefit from others relying on you, or being involved with you. There is an external, worldly, and self power in this for sure and I think it’s important to be able to do.

But I believe it’s more powerful to be in relationships where you and other people serve each other to create a synergy that is beyond what you could accomplish on your on, whether this is in romance, friendship, or business. Where there is independence but the kind of trust where your not getting anything over on anybody. This is very rare but I have a few friends like this and I don’t see it as me using them to serve my higher good. It’s more mutual.

I have friends who I do see it as to some degree I use them for my higher good, and try to benefit them as well, but that’s because the only people I can not do that with have to be incredibly savvy, clear headed, honest with their selfishness as a good thing, as well as there care for others, and real, most people…even one’s I like and are well adjusted on some level occur to me as out to lunch where it matters lol.


There is no denying the need for social skills. Inner Game isn’t everything.
Else, we wouldn’t have PCC or S&S in the store.

@pacman already has the basics down, so he’s fine.
There are many who are yet to learn small talk and humor – including a few members of this forum.

How much external dominance one needs can be a matter of local social dynamics/context.
Staying silent or sending love isn’t something I’ll teach my son, as lessons on how to handle bullies.


What subliminal do you see as the greatest for inner-game?

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What would you teach him @Simon

We learn what is Power and how to be powerful from books and other resources? I’m I correct? You then integrate that into your life through practice? Is that also correct?
The actual subliminal doesn’t instill certain ideology of power in you but rather guides you to information and helps execute the information learnt from reading?
Am I missing anything.

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It does both, first of all, your subconscious will answer what power is for you and enact upon it consciously.

But you’ll also be guided to certain external sources of information to extend the knowledge your subconscious contains regarding power for you as an individual, or to make you aware of the new sense of power you have gained.


I’d teach him to strike first, strike hard, and no mercy:)

Or to walk quietly and carry a big stick


Great suggestions.
How would one develop that mindset?

lol,the nod to cobra kai xp


Some Updates.

  • my partner seems to fight for my attention. She gets angry when I don’t keep contact with her regularly. Everything I say goes. She’s always doing things to please me.
  • people give me space…when I enter a room and sit down. People some how have things to do and start leaving…and at the end alone sitting like a king.
  • ladies at work show lots of signs of attraction but also show signs of fear and intimidation…
  • I have realised that one needs to be really friendly on Khan or else it gives of a Mafia vibe which make people very scared.
  • been noticing my voice is very loud and deep at times.
  • Khan reminds me of the pheromone big bad wolf.

I’m curious, my good man. Are you practicing any form of semen retention by any chance?

I find the best way to ask that kind of question is to just ask, lol.

Also, any more ex manifestations?

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