...- Physical Shifting and Romance Focus

And is this pattern working? I mean are there any problems with it?


So far it’s working wonderfully for me and as I hoped it would work. The hope was that most of the changes would come from Emperor and that the changes related to Angel and Wanted would be filtered through the framing of the Emperor. So far, it seems that what I just described is what’s happening. No recon so far on this second cycle (recon generally beings midway through the first week for me). I also attribute the lack of recon to consciously reconciling the changes that Wanted and Emperor want me to make.

The logic for the pattern is to have 1 title as a primary title, (run every listening day) and two “supplementary” titles that are alternated. The majority of the growth comes from the Primary title, and the two supplementary titles act as supplements to expand on and guide the primary title toward desired ends.

For what it’s worth, I ran a cycle of emp and angel and limit destroyer for my first stack; wanted, primal seduction and stark for my second stack; and I started this pattern during the last 2 weeks of my previous cycle. So, I don’t know if it’s working well for me because I have direct experience with all these titles or not.


Very inspirational, thanks. I will probably try this pattern with primary sub in the future.

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I think it’s a sound method if done for the right reasons. Here’s the post where I starting thinking about the method if you’re interested. It has my thought process and all that stuff.

...- Physical Shifting and Romance Focus - #12 by praisetheurdtree

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Interesting. I know this was directed at @Theacrobat, but I’m seriously considering ZP2 for my next custom. By the time I make it, I would have been running titles consistently for 12 or more weeks, maybe my brain will be ready for it?

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No they don’t work faster (In my personal experience) (I know this because my ZPT2 custom had Physical Shifter - Sexiness). My physical shifting results came at the same pace but then again I always got fast results with physical shifting so I might not be the best example to base from lmao.

@TheBoxingScientist @Dark


I haven’t experimented with that.

I’ve just entered the world of ZP recently.

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@Vesper your a young lad @Theacrobat since he is middle age like me the zp2 might be more effective for physical changes if he does include the SPS and APS modules.


According to Saint, conscious guidance also plays a huge role in making the subs work. My personal technique is writing out a list of all the changes I want to make every single morning.

I write out things in first person, present tense.

“I grow taller. I am over x-feet tall.”


Going to start doing this, thanks for the recommendation

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I think this just proves my theory may work for those middle age men who are not seeing physical changes.

Emperor also has physical shifting too its a powerful foundation sub.

So emperor every other day

Secondary sub perhaps weekend.

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Cycle 2 - Day 5 Emperor and Angel

Good things are happening, great things actually, but I’ll still keep it close for now.

Today on my drive to work I had what I can only imagine is a spiritual awakening. Not a full one, I’m not Buddha, I’m smoking a cigarette and thinking dumb thoughts as I write this.

I was driving and I got the random impulse to listen to this particular song. One of the lines struck me so profoundly deeply that I started hyperventilating, then sobbing, then I listened to the song 4 more times on my drive, laughing and sobbing hysterically. In those moments everything connected, I saw my entire life as a painting being made my some divine entity. In those moments, I truly felt as if I were connected to some kind of Goddess watching over and guiding me.

I’ve spent most my life as an atheist or agnostic and this experience hasn’t converted me, but I truly hope all of you here can one day feel the psychotic bliss I felt for that 25 minuets.

Bye for now.


At this point, I don’t see myself stopping Emperor for quite a long time. It’s physical shifting, wealth, power, romance, masculinity, and intelligence boosting. It certainly does grow with you as described. I see myself continuing to build stacks around it for years to come, probably.


Cycle 2 Day 11 - Emperor and Wanted.

I’m taller? Saw a dude that I worked with years ago at the grocery store. Did he shrink or did I grow? Must have grown? Right? Very strange.


Cycle 2 Day 14 - Rest

Well, I finally let go of my fear of being alone. I didn’t do it in the most graceful way, but after weeks of back and forth fire and ice with this girl, I finally just told her that I’m not doing it anymore. Again, didn’t do it in the most graceful or powerful way, but I did it, I put a stop to it. Wanna know what happened next? Had one of the calmest, most serene, and confident days of my life. I was in the zone, I took a different girl out on an instadate with no fear or hesitation, I hit on my boss, deepened some friendships, and realized that the world is, to use the lingo, abundant with beautiful women that want me.

It’s just a fact that’s true about all of us, male, female, or in-between. There are billions of people on this little planet, so chances are, there are more attractive people that WANT YOU than you could ever fuck within a lifetime. If out of all the billions of people on this planet, if only 1,000,000 want me, that’s still more people than I could possibly know in a lifetime. There truly is an abundance out there of who and whatever you want. There is no lack, there is no scarcity. We are limited by our mind and nothing more.

“I live in a small town, I can’t meet people,” dedicate your life to your goal and move if you must, the people that want you are out there waiting.


Huge continued social and emotional growth. Hard to put into words, but I’ve reached a new level. The results are coming as a deepening. I’m becoming more socially intelligent, more relaxed, more confident, more in the moment around people. I’m at the stage where the changes are deeper and subtler but the results continue to blossom.

Physical Results
I’m certainly a bit taller, but I still refuse to measure until the reaults are so absurd that I can’t ignore them.

My stuff is possibly bigger? Hard to tell, I’ve been avoiding self-love recently, so I don’t pay much attention to it. However, daily when I shower, I have noticed that it hangs quite a bit more.

Several people have commented on me looking younger, healthier, more attractive, so I will say that it’s working.

Still not doing what I need to do for my health. That is the big block to real, crazy, results. I’m still not eating great, still smoking, and still drinking too much. I’m hovering around 15% body fat still. Physique proportions are improving though, been working out once or twice a week.


A friend pointed out to me that Khan is build on Emperor, Daredevil, and Primal Seduction, and now I’m seriously considering starting Khan soon. If I did that I would build a new pure physical shifting custom with AsC core and just run the two together as I’m still dedicated to the objectives of this long-term experiment.

No matter what I decide, I will be doing a third and or forth cycle of this current stack before changing to Khan. The name of the game is long term, so I will exercise some discipline for my own benefit. More exposure to all these subs will only help Khan anyway (I think), since Khan is built on all my cores (minus Wanted).

The reason why Khan now appeals to me is because I’ve moved past many of my surface-level blockages and have reached new heights in all areas of my life. I’m social now, have friends, go out and party, talk to girls, and the list goes on, however, because I’m now at a higher level, I’m able to look down on myself and see the real deep-seated blockages that are making it more difficult to jump to the next level. This is where Khan could come in and be a huge deepening of my journey. Now that I’ve reached a stable level in romance, social life, and career now might be a perfect time for the healing and transformation of Khan so I can push even further.

If I did switch to Khan, I would probably run each stage for 2 cycles.

There is a part of me that’s scared of Khan, I will admit.

After doing some thinking and reading over sales pages, I think now would also be a good time to rotate PCC into my stack. The sales page says it stacks well with Khan, so the new stack would probably be:

Physical Shifting Custom.

PCC seems like it will help me further overcome these blockages that are coming up. Especially now that I am so much more social, PCC seems like it would be a great protection sub to further my goals. I also own the book and have yet to begin reading it, so now seems like a great time to do so.


Cycle 2 Day 16 Rest

More blooming in all social aspects. Friends, dating, all good stuff. Hitting my stride. Going out, meeting people, doing stuff. It’s good.

Got some light recon today, first time in a while. Recon is because I’m really pushing hard against my social boundaries. I’m taking an active social role–inviting people to stuff, asking people to come out with me, making the plans. I guess I’m taking a social leadership role and I used to be very socially passive. I think I have recon because I’m pushing so far outside my old comfort zone, it’s great. Discomfort means change, it seems to be a rule of life or something.

I guess it just kinda hit me that I can be the life of the party, so I’m taking on that mantle. Why wait around for stuff to happen when I can make it happen?

Gonna meditate and take a cold shower. That always helps with recon. No sun outside today, so I can’t do that.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but the more I push and get good results, the more comfortable my subconscious feels with growing further? Something like that, right?


Remind me please what is your current stack?

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Wanted, Emperor, Angel (Custom)


Primal Seduction Core
Daredevil Core
Height Inducer
Male Enhancement
ASP Hair
Voice Master
Ebon Maneuver
Etherial Presence
Furious Ascent


Strong combination indeed

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It’s working, man. Got another 1-2 cycles with it. Probably 2 because I feel like only recently am I really letting go of the resistance to coming into my own power and stuff.

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