...- Physical Shifting and Romance Focus

I want a Wanted version with more powerful physical shifting too.

They are not gonna release it in the near future.

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Just how powerful do you want it to be? When you hear about the insane transformation that many have had on the public version of WANTED ZP (@praisetheurdtree being one of them) you realize that the level of strength that we have now is more than good enough (at least in terms of physical shifting, the others can be debated based on each person’s starting point and internal resistances). I look better while running ZP with no training then I did when I was working out 3 times a weak and on gear.


Yes, more powerful.

I’m 42 years old.

I can’t compare myself to younger guys


Day 20 - Rest

I think I now have a better understanding of the process of subliminal integration and how the conscious and subconscious minds interact with each other and how that affects the fulfillment of your goals. Keep in mind, I could be totally wrong on every account and my opinions might rapidly change. :upside_down_face:

Subconscious Mind

This is the real money maker and the true guiding force of your life. It’s where the majority of “you” comes from when you are just moving through life intuitively and it’s also where magick comes from. Not to push any beliefs on anybody, but if you do a little research into magick (specifically occultism, not organized religious magick so much), the law of attraction, the law of assumption, and all that jazz you will find that the common theme is the communication of conscious intention to the sub-conscious mind. The subconscious mind is what makes magick happen, it’s what makes the law of attraction happen, and it’s what makes all this work–obviously.

The subconscious can be programmed and reprogrammed both intentionally or unintentionally.

The Conscious Mind

Though we commonly think about ourselves as our conscious mind, this is not entirely accurate. What the conscious mind actually is, is a roadblock and a decision-maker. Sometimes we need roadblocks to keep us from driving our Honda Civics off a cliff, right? The conscious mind is a roadblock to the subconscious and prevents our truer self (the subconscious) from manifesting any and every horrible and great thing that passes through our minds. So, on the one hand, the conscious mind keeps us safe from ourselves like a roadblock and on the other hand, the conscious mind acts as a mediator, a decision-maker that helps guide the activities of the subconscious in the material world.

The conscious mind can be programmed both intentionally and unintentionally.

What Are We?

We are dual yet one. We are Yin and Yang, black and white, North and South. We are one thing with two poles. We are conscious and subconscious minds. Perhaps instead of thinking of duality, as two separate things, it’s better to think of human beings as polar, like a magnate. Every magnate has two poles, but they aren’t two different things–the two poles make the one magnate.

I will stop myself here and make no more assumptions, let the sages do as they will.

How Do The Conscious and Subconscious Interact and Why is it Relevant?

The subconscious is the magician lurking in the shadows, whispering intentions and ideas in the ear of the conscious mind. It’s happening all the time, but the conscious mind does not always listen which both keeps us safe but also causes problems.

The conscious mind is a starched shirt, a middle manager passes information from the bottom of the company (the subconscious) to the top (the material world). The conscious mind is well-meaning, but a complete goddamned square and takes a lot of convincing to allow things to pass. After all, this starched shirt of a middle manager really loves routine and consistency and absolutely hates change.

What does this mean for us? What this means is that your goals may not be manifesting because your conscious mind is roadblocking you in a misguided attempt to keep you “safe” and to remain unchanged. This is where much of the conflict comes out because the conscious mind is strong enough to block the subconscious

Luckily, the conscious mind can be reprogrammed also, and it’s far easier than reprogramming the subconscious mind. Would you like to know how to reprogram your conscious mind? You might not love the answer, but it’s the factual and scientifically accurate one–action.

That’s it. If you want to further increase your results, remove resistance, and get even closer to your goals, you need to rewire your conscious mind, and the only known way to do that is by extending willpower and taking deliberate action in the material world. Reprograming the conscious mind is more straightforward, but it’s actually more painful and the reason why is because you must extend willpower in order to do it. You do have to force yourself to keep taking action until the conscious mind accepts the change and rewires.

The beauty of Subliminals, is that with Zero Point, all you need to focus on is changing the conscious mind to align with the goals that have already been inserted into your subconscious by the programs. The subconscious already has the information (if you’ve run a program long enough) all you need to do, is work on the conscious mind to allow these things to happen.

How do you know what action to take? Journal and track your progress.


Day 21 - Emperor and Angel

Alright, I’ll update later, but I just wanted to say this. For my next cycle, I’m going to try Emperor Qv2, why? Because I have it and I’ve never tried it. Nothing else is really going to change here, I’m still committed to my 6-month-plus journey of romance and physical shifting, but I figured I might as well try Qv2 because it’s the only title that I own the Qv2 track for (I bought it right before the switch to ZP became official). I guess I just want to see what all the fuss is about and see if a Qv2 foundation will truly enhance my ZP results as some members have suggested. Worst case scenario, it will be an opportunity to meditate for an hour a few times a week, something that would probably be good for me.

Other than that, things are going great. I’ll update this post later with more details.


Day 22 Washout Day - 1

My Great, Little Mistake

Well, I made a knowing mistake and it’s alright. Yesterday, due to sleeping in, I didn’t run both programs in the morning, only Angel. When I got home from work I ran Emperor ZP, drank a couple of beers, ate a healthy dinner, drank some water, and got ready for bed. Then a thought hit me, “Run Emperor Qv2, do it.” So I did it, falling asleep with the track playing. Luckily, I didn’t have my computer set to run multiple loops, so the title just played once through. I fell asleep after a few minutes and woke back up presumably shortly after the track had finished playing with a splitting headache. Took off my headphones and fell back asleep. Here I am, awake again, with a splitting headache and I know running Emperor Qv2 after running both Angel and Emperor ZP is to blame. I know this because I know my body, and I know that three beers consumed over a few hours with water, electrolytes, and a healthy dinner before bed would not give me a headache.

So, I learned once again to respect the programs. If I had to point the finger of blame at anyone, it would be myself for not paying close enough attention. A part of my mind has not been changed yet: my obsessive need for improvement, for more, more, more, and it’s led me in the last few weeks to ignore how far I’ve really come. I sank into a state of feeling like I need more yet again which caused me to push boundaries just to prove to myself that the programs are still having an effect. Flash. The programs are still having an effect, just because I’ve stopped paying attention, doesn’t mean they haven’t been working. So I force myself into recon just to prove to myself that I’m still on the path, looks like I might have some trust issues.

My Great Victory and Loss in Love

Do I really need to cause myself pain, just to prove that I’m changing? It leads me to wonder where my expectation of pain comes from and if it’s holding me back. I expect change to follow pain. I expect pain. I’m beginning to believe that my expectation of pain is one of the things that’s blocking me from taking this even further. I still need more, I’m not done yet.

I expect pain in love too. Since I’ve started there have been 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 women that I’ve seriously considered and that have seriously considered me, women I have the numbers of, have talked to, have gone on dates with some of them, and what’s happened? With 1, 2, 3, and 4, I got numbers, went on dates with 1, 2, and 3, flirted, things were cool and then I sabotaged the situation. With 1 and 2, I tried too hard and was too cold and with 3 I tried too hard and was too warm. On some level, I expected the pain of failure? With 4, I gave up outright after getting her number, deciding that she “wasn’t my type,” after months of googly eyes exchanged. I had a brief fling with 6 that was fun while it lasted, 7 tried to sleep with me the other night, but I’ve fallen hard for 8, which caused me to give up on 5, 6, and 7 because I believe that if I want 8, I need to be willing to commit.

I don’t mourn the losses, because 1-7 have all taught me valuable lessons, also, bruh, I’ve talked to more pretty girls and have gotten more numbers in the last 9 weeks than I have in the last 10 years leading up to it. The point of this is to expose the parts of me that are unchanged and that have held me back from reaching my potential. There is no valid reason why in the last nine weeks I only managed to sleep with 1 person out of a list of potential suitors. There legitimately is no reason. The only reason I didn’t sleep with 7 is that I knew in my core that it would ruin my chances with 8 (or at least, cause so much damage that overcoming it would make 8 no longer worth the trouble), and 8 is simply too special (call me what you will) to throw away for a one-night stand. No, 8 isn’t special because she’s pretty, 1-7 are just as pretty, 8 is special because of her personality and the way it feels to interact with her.

So why didn’t I sleep with more women? THINKING TOO DAMN MUCH I wanted it too bad with everyone I didn’t seal the deal with, I overthought and ruined it. The person I did manage to sleep with, what went right? Admittedly, I stopped considering her as an option so I was completely uninhibited around her, I was just having fun, and the next thing I knew, I was in her bed. What made 7 want to sleep with me the other night? Same exact thing, I stopped being interested in her, so I was uninhibited around her, which made her want to sleep with me. So, what’s the lesson for 8? Stop caring, just be uninhibited and allow shit to happen. When I reflect on my past, I’ve never found myself in a woman’s bed because of some calculated move, it’s always happened when I let my guard down and just let loose. That’s what’s sexy about me in particular, letting my guard down. Can’t speak for everybody, but now I know that I can speak for me.

What’s the lesson in a sentence? If I want to get into someone’s bed, let my guard down and just be myself.


Cycle 1 - Washout Day 2

Woke up in the middle of the night and I’m still awake. I’m becoming someone who truly believes that everything happens for a reason, not just a person who says it as a vague platitude and allusion to God. I think I woke up for a reason. In the few hours I’ve been awake, I’ve had some shocking insights into my personal goal, specifically about love.

Some Back Story on Me
I’ve alluded to certain details of my love life before sub club, but I’ll be a bit more forth coming on the off chance it helps anyone who may read it–also, honesty is always a great practice. Also, my personal experience colors my opinions.

I’m, depending on who you ask, very physically attractive. I take credit for my body that I’ve built with blood sweat and tears, my face is a blessing that I can take not credit for. Being an attractive man, but previously struggling massively in love is my past experience which is why I’ve told some on the forums to let go of the toxic obsession with height and beauty. I’ve lived the life of someone who looks like they could have any girl they want, but who was so psychologically peculiar that in honesty, I moved from one crappy toxic relationship to another. Self hatred, lack of confidence, lack of belief in myself, I’m living proof that you can be beautiful and still not get the girl or guy.

I’ve spent my whole life being told I’m “beautiful”, being compared to celebrities, and all that jazz. So I have reason to believe it’s true, after all, people don’t typically complement men for no good reason. A sad fact of the world we live in. But being told something and believing it are two different things, also, love is about so much more than physical beauty.

The reason why this little story about my appearance is important, is because it’s one of the hurdles I’ve had to overcome to grow and heal and find growing success in love. People just assume that being attractive is enough and sooner or later, I began to belive it also. This caused reconciliation and disconnect between what I believed I should get and what I actually got. I would think, “why is she with him, I’m way better looking.” Do you see the toxic and self destructive flaw in that kind of thinking? Do you also see the expectations burried in that reasoning that create resistance to manifestation? On some level, I quite literally expected women by nature of my appearance. Did I get them? Well yes, but actually no. I always got somebody but never who I wanted.

Why Not?
Why didn’t I get who I wanted? Simple, law of attraction, baby! The more you want, the more resistance, the more you push away what you’re trying to attract. It’s science, and magic, and it’s just how shit works.

With the girls I wanted, I would think endlessly these desperate, bitter thoughts about them. Guess what? Poof, gone.

With the girls I was indifferent about, I would quite literally be myself because I didn’t care, there was no expectations, therefore there was no resistance. This same fact is also why I’ve been accused of being a prick tease because I’m comfortable around gay men and there is no attraction on my end, so I’m just myself.

What is Myself
It’s going to be different for all of us, who we are when we are truly ourselves, but I now understand what it means to be myself. Myself is who I am when the conscious mind isn’t running scripts of dumb thoughts that self sabotage in a misguided attempt to protect us. Myself (true for all of us to an extent) is calm, loving, confident, and warm. We misidentify our neurotic behavior as ourselves, but that’s not us, those are just emotions.

Fear is not the self.
Pain is not the self.
Self hatred is not the self.
Fomo is not the self.

All these things are just emotions trying to protect us, but these emotions are not us. Who I am, who we all are, is everything that we are when those thoughts and emotions aren’t running our lives.

Results or it Didn’t Happen

Well, my little rant aside. Now, I’m gonna get the girl. I’ll dive in head first, and trust the universe and the subliminals to catch me. I’ll get the girl by being myself because I now, finally, know what that means, it means everything I am when the conscious mind isn’t running crazy scripts trying to maintain some misguided balance.


I do feel taller. I’m fortunate to work around a lot of tall folk and my footwear remains unchanged, yet I keep feeling closer to eye level. 5 more cycles to go, maybe more.

The next cycle will be Emperor, Wanted, and Angel while I work on a second custom for physical shifting. I’ve got a draft of my new custom in the works, but I wanna take my time and really polish it into something cool.

Emperor and Angel will stay for the whole experiment, but Wanted will be replaced with a physical shifting custom.

Emperor is now a healing sub for me.


Cycle 1 Washout Day 3

I got some valuable advice about building my custom from @Lion and @Deadpool, but I I’m going to wait to build it for a while. I’m being a little impulsive, and I haven’t stuck to a plan for more than 1 cycle. Every switch I made in the previous few cycles was a good move and ultimately was the right choice at the time, but this time around, I’m just not confident that is the case.

When I resume, I will resume Emperor, Wanted, and Angel for at least another three cycles, or however many seems right before I build another custom.

I had forgotten that conscious guidance plays a massive role in these subliminals and when complaining (recon) about the coquettishness in Wanted, I was blaming the subliminal and not realizing that my version of a coquette (what I was expressing in the world) is not the end of the road. If I’m unsatisfied with my behavior, all I gotta do is adapt and the subliminal will adapt with me.

So, when the washout ends, I’ll be back on the straight and narrow and unless there is a very, very, very good reason to switch, (i.e., not, “I’m acting too cold and it’s the subs fault”) then I will stay on the same program for at least a few cycles. I’m thinking three cycles uninterrupted at a minimum is a good amount of time to really start seeing a return on a program before I do anything drastic. After all, it’s working and do I really want to spend all that money on a custom that it might turn out I don’t need? Not that the money is a problem, it’s more a principle of wastefulness on my part, do I really need a new toy when I the toys I currently have are just fine?

I have no idea what kind of custom I might want or need after 3 + cycles on Wanted, Emperor, and Angel so I should give myself 3 + cycles on Wanted, EmP and Angel.

I suppose now would be a great time to remind myself that now, right now, is the perfect time to build this subliminal foundation because I am not yet in a position in which I need to emphasize very, very specific goals.

So, I will continue the program and I will restate my goals. My goals are to physically shift and maximize my love life. Maximizing my love life, now means whatever feels right at the time and relationships are now on the table.
My goals are to:

Grow Taller
Enhance Male
Develop a lean, aesthetic body
Maximize my sexuality and romance skills
Further, strengthen my social skills
Heal myself mentally.

Time frame 6 months +

Programs Emperor, Wanted, Angel (custom).

Bye for now.


Physical Shifter - Sexiness is all that is needed, speaking from experience;)


That’s good to know for sure.

42 the new 22
Think young… stay young…

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There was no subclub in my twenties.
Good for the youngins out there…

I just did the vegan thing coupled with herbs & supplements and affirmations.

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I thank my lucky stars that this tech exists and that I found it. It’s really something special.


Cycle 1 Washout Day 4

Alright, boys and girls! Feeling good, trouble in love aside.

Here’s something cool that I now see. In 9 weeks, I’ve become the type of person that has the problems that I spoke of in my unhinged question above, so that’s a pretty damn cool result! 9 weeks ago I was confused, downtrodden, doing poorly in school, working a job I hate, and looking for hope and love. Now I’m confused and downtrodden, have a bachelor’s degree, am working a job I like quite a lot and have hope and many romantic prospects on the horizon, haha. Truth is, I’d rather be here than there. I’m really in a pretty good spot and it’s still shifting, changing, the spot I’m in is moving.

Subliminals (maybe just ZP) are like a warp bubble, not a rocket ship. With a rocket ship, you blast off through space, you move through space. With ZP you’re in a warp bubble, space moves around you to get you to your destination. Maybe this is part of the reason why it’s harder to notice ZP changes the longer you listen because, just like with the warp bubble, you are not moving, space is moving around you. Now technically speaking, you are changing on ZP (you are moving) but the changes are so deep in your core that it feels as if you are standing still and the universe is changing around you. It’s only when you pay close attention that you notice how much you’ve changed. You start to notice your thoughts are not the same, your actions and reactions are instinctively different, the way you speak and express yourself changed, and yes, the world changes around you.

There is some drama on the forum right now, and I just wish certain people would allow the Subliminals to work for them. These things really do work. I have to keep telling myself that they work because the changes are so deep that it’s easy to fool myself into thinking they aren’t doing anything. Then I step back and look at my life and I’m like “Wait, what the hell, this isn’t the life I used to live. Who are these people smiling at me, what is this respect, what is this!?”

Anyway. One more day of washout to go and I start the stack back up again. I’m most excited to see what happens after a second cycle with the same stack, as it will be my first time not changing my stack after a cycle.


Cycle 1 Washout Day 5

I’m ready and excited to start listening again. I’m going to follow the plan that I set of doing another cycle of the same programs, Emperor, Wanted, and Angel. I’m committed to Emperor and Angel for the long term, for at least another 5-7 months. With Wanted, I’m only going to commit to it one cycle at a time.

Now is when it’s most tempting to switch subliminals and there are some valid reasons to do so, however, I’m not going to switch I’m going to stick to my guns and see these programs through.

I’m looking at this as a long term investment. Are there programs I could be running that might help right this very moment as a fast boost to achieve short term goals? Most certainly, but I have complete confidence that these programs, if I stick with them long enough with focus, will pay off massively in the long term. After all, this is a long term experiment.

Sometimes you need to know when to walk away and sometimes you need to know when to stay. I’ve found that often times the moment in which I want to quit the most, is the moment right before a breakthrough. So I’m going to stay with the plan for, like I said, a while.

After another cycle of Wanted in the stack (maybe more than 1 cycle, not sure yet) I’ll build another custom and I’ve been given lots of great ideas for it. We’ll see how things change after another cycle or more with Wanted.


Cycle 2 - Day 1 - Emperor, Angel, Ascension Chamber

Previous cycle caused a lot of inward shifting and therefore discomfort that’s ultimately led to good things.

Physical Shifting Results

Is everyone shrinking, am I growing, or is something else going on? Yesterday I was standing next to three of my male coworkers, and 1 of them appeared to be the same height as me (or close), previously he was quite clearly taller than me. I try not to think about height often because it’s counterproductive, but it does now appear as if I’ve truly grown. I’m not going to measure, I’m just going to let this one happen because there really is nothing I can do besides take my vitamins, workout, stretch, and let my body do what it does best. I start using my inversion table consistently today, that is one thing I can do to continue to open the manifestation pathway.

Male Enhancement
Don’t know. I haven’t been paying much attention to myself in that way. I might begin taking some action towards realizing this goal–there are techniques that can be used.

Today I commit to diet and exercise well and truly. Having not done much in the last 9 weeks besides occasional workouts, my arms are consistently vascular and today, while passing by the bathroom mirror, I noticed that I do appear inexplicably more muscular despite extending no genuine effort.
I’ve said it before in other posts and I’ll say it again, these subs have lowered my body fat set point and this appears to be a stable change. Previous set point was about 18-20%, now my setpoint is around 15-18%–stable 4-pack and bicep veins at all times, regardless of diet.

I’m starting a behavior change detox today. I have two cigarettes left and a whole bunch of nicotine gum. I quit smoking, drinking, YouTube, carbs, coffee, and self-love today and for the next 21 days–for the whole cycle. I quit smoking because it’s expensive. I quit drinking because it’s expensive and horrible for the brain and body. I quit YouTube because it’s a time sink and often counterproductive to my goals. I quit carbs for my brain health. I quit coffee because I’m attached to it. Finally, I quit self-love so I can expend that energy toward manifesting those goals in the 3D world–energy transference or transmutation.

Now I relax back a little bit. The world is full of billions of people. I’ve learned many lessons in this arena, but I’ll sum it up like this: there is nothing to fear, take constant action, and take action from an abundance mindset and a mindset of stability and contentment.

Social Life
Has been blooming recently. It’s nice.


Cycle 2 - Day 3 Wanted and Emperor

I forgot to mention it, but I’m following the @Simon slide pattern, with EmP as the Primary title and Wanted and Angel as the two secondary titles.

Feeling good. Thanks to reading over some of Saint’s comments on his previous discussion, it helped open my eyes to how these things worked and shed some light on what was going on with me. I’ve taken his comments to heart, did some introspection, some conscious guidance, and guess what? Wanted now feels right for me. No recon. After running it today I felt instant relief–I had become accustomed to Wanted causing near instant recon, not today. I feel as though Wanted and Emperor could now become healing titles for me because I’ve let go of much of the resistance to them.

Thank you @SaintSovereign for opening up and sharing a little more about what’s going on under the hood. Now I get it.

There are many profound results that are manifesting right this very second, but at this moment in space-time, I’m not going to share. I’m just going to live in this moment, do some meditation, workout, spend some time with my family, talk to friends, and enjoy my weekend.


What is the pattern?
Day1 Emperor + Wanted
Day2 Rest
Day3 Emperor + Angel

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Have you experimented with the ZP2 build format ? perhaps that will push the physical changes quicker. I have a theory that emperor core together with the APS and SPS modules will help speed up transformations in older men.


Yes. The idea is to focus on Emperor as a foundation while using Angel and Wanted as supplementary titles. When I started this experiment I was just running Angel and Wanted, but I felt a serious lack of a foundation to work on my inner self, so I added EmP and the rest is history.