Pacman Ascended Mogul to Khan


I will be going back to Ascended Mogul and later I will add Primal Seduction.
Although Khan has worked great for me I still feel I need more of a base for Khan to work properly.

@Simon post on the other thread regarding Emperor and how the mind with no base will interpret it was head on. This post didn’t make me drop Khan. However I will return to Khan when I do have a strong alpha base.

With Khan, in my case, has nothing to work off or work with. There are many times that running Khan is resulting in lots of anger in me…this is clearly reconciliation.


Don’t see it as a demotion, Khan is difficult to run. Ascended Mogul has enough good stuff to build upon for months, PS is a killer too.


This story also reminds of another tree story.

Scientists tried to grow trees in a glass dome.
But the Trees kept falling over all the time.

Their roots were too weak because due to the lack of wind, they had no need to grow stronger.

Moral of the story: Adversity makes you grow stronger.


Oh yes definitely not a demotion.
I will use AM and PS to create strong base/foundations that Khan will be able to expand.


I understand what you mean bro. I was having some success but not what I thought it should be and that’s not the fault of Khan, I myself have to work my way up. I actually bought Wanted yesterday, you thinking about it?

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Infact I need more basic alpha scripts first before I can think of expanded ones.
I never did Primal or PS before. My run with Ascension and AM was also short. That’s why I am going to strengthen my foundation first before jumping on Khan again.
The basic mechanisms of alpha action is missing from me. So I think Ascension and PS will definitely correct that. A good way for me to gauge what’s happening is to run a sexual aura based sub like Libertine to know how my foundation is.


Sounds good man, looking forward to reading your journal. Keep an eye on mine too :+1:

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That’s interesting because I thought stage 1 and 2 build enough foundation on which stage 4 can work?

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Yes you are correct they do.
But it’s way harder with no foundation of alpha traits to run Khan. The stages do set you up.
With no basic foundations of alpha traits you will have intense reconciliation or Stonewall.

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Well I guess I was lucky I’m having this built up consciously over years.

Still St1 and 2 were brutal regardless.

But it could also be your subconscious being weird to get you off of the sub :grin:


I could be wrong…
I’m just assuming

AM_PS is a great stack, not just a foundation.

Do not feel pressured to go back to Khan. Confidence and Dominance are different things. It’s ok if you never desire the latter.




Khan is not easy. Since the Qv2 upgrade, my inner Khan has been making some outward appearances, mostly irritability, which is unusual for me.


Hence the short scripts like Ascension will be super powerful. Khan will be on steroids since the additional healing is removed from the QV2…one will really start to process and execute the actual script now.

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Nice one @AlexanderGraves , never heard that one before.

I used to work in construction. I remembered we built a new road through a dense forest once. So we had to clear a lot of trees before starting to construct the actual road. And the thing about trees that grows together is that the trees on the outskirts of the forest is used to withstand the full force of winds.

But when you clear a path straight through a forest, all the trees in the in the middle have shallower roots systems because they were protected by the trees around them. So I remeber walking on a windy day and all of a sudden you hear a loud bang from a tree falling to the ground. And it happened often, maybe that’s why they make you wear a helmet :stuck_out_tongue:

This might be a great analogy for the society we live in. We seek shelter from the wind in groups, no one dares to be alone. But alone exposed to the wind we loose our footing and fall over. So instead of laughing at the fallen trees, we could find it in our power to help others create a deeper connection and rootings into the ground.

I’ve literally the last year lost most of my interest in the chaos of the world, things that used to entertain me don’t entertain me anymore. A period of great confusion.

Ultimately what really gets me going is helping others to ascend. But for some reason, at least currently, I’m not doing that out of some kind of fear. But there’s no better feeling of bridging that gap of the perceived illusion of separation. So…


Exactly why I used this analogy and use it a lot in my practice.

I don’t want to get in politics, but the current notion of trying to make the world safer by telling everyone not to offend others is backward.

You cannot make the world safe.

Nature is very, very brutal and unforgiving.

The only thing you can do is make people more resilient. Make them grow stronger roots by exposing them to adversity :muscle::sunglasses:


So the big question is…

Does Khan lack productivity scripting?

No in my opinion is does not. Khan makes you life difficult and forces you to evolve and grow to change that.

Now when it comes to productivity, Khan makes one very calm thus resulting in people not being able to get things done. This is a challenge that’s manifesting right here! Overcome that challenge and get your add up and do something.

Being constantly exposed to hardships will definitely make one very strong only if you take action to survive in that hardship.

Khan fills you with masculine energy and makes you nonreactive to external events and circumstances. I think that’s why people claim Khan lacks productivity.


I agree.

I am generally totally fine with outcomes because I am so nonreactive to anything. This might seem like a lack of productivity, but it is actually good. Because then you’re not chasing goals in the future and thus put them in a realm that doesn’t exist.

You operate right now. In the moment.

Regardless of any sub, but specifically with Khan you already need pathways for manifestation, as Saint keeps preaching. In my case, since I run a business, my productivity didn’t change AT ALL since running Khan.
Like not a bit. I am just way more relaxed about outcomes.

Outcome independence.

Key trait to success.


Just coming from outside my apartment…
The landlord came to see a water leak so the young chic from the other apartment was doing some washing outside.

The land Lord was talking to us both but the chic kept looking at me lol it felt so awkward for the landlord lmao. She kept smiling at me and even peeked at me when the landlord was explaining something to her. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Khan makes you very bossy. You also start to play the game dirty. If I see someone over stepping or even challenging me I can become so nasty to a point I have no feelings. I feel I need to punish you so that you don’t make that mistake with me again.

Strike hard at first. Shoot to kill!
There is only one Khan no one else comes close.