Order #2022113] (July 19, 2021)

We had anti-piracy in our products once upon a time, but opted to take it out for a couple of reasons. One, it made it VERY hard to update our products due to the way the anti-piracy works. Second, we don’t expose our legitimate customers to any kind of scripting like that. Rather than spending a ton of time fighting pirates (and potentially annoying you guys), we just decided to take it all out. At the end of the day, we knew we’d have this issue when selling digital products. Luckily, most of our customers are good and honest.


Thank you for that


Would be nice to add a suggestion like this. You don’t like pirated material. You prefer to buy all products from the legitimate sources. You will destroy all pirated material that you have… LOL

I think this discussion of “delayed orders” was necessary. So the next time someone says, my order was delayed, we can link the discussion to this thread… or tell them about the rules and possible other reasons why their “order was delayed”.

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I had a payd product of a 7 piece hypnosis program.

In the middle of each track the guy sayd: if you pirated this Programm your subconscious will reject all changes forever.

God I had a laugh every time

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That’s the thing. We’d rather NOT do this because it will cause reconciliation in those who disagree. As much as it irritates us that people steal our products, we don’t want to force our personal viewpoints on anyone.

For example, I’m sure there’s some of you who buy your products from us, but will pirate movies or video games. That scripting will extend even to those actions and cause reconciliation, which ultimately hurts us as a company because it’ll diminish your results.

It’s best to simply accept that there will be unethical and immoral people and simply cater to those who won’t steal our stuff.


S.W.I.M glanced guiltily over his shoulder because he thought Saint was watching him.

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And that’s the reason I never looked for another company



You have no idea how many times I start to write a post, only to discard it. Because while typing I realize it doesn’t really add to the discussion or help anyone :wink:


We have all had our rant and rave excellent points have been raised by everyone.

F**k it its a new day new week. Lets put this behind us enjoy your week everyone.

let bygones be bygones :slight_smile:


1 day on, 1 day off.
2-4 subs, 1 loop each, spread across the day – on the ON days.
Regular masked files only.

The fun may have something to do with how Wanted reconciles with Emperor or EOG for me.



So many subs :roll_eyes:


I mean it for the better good to fix those beliefs of stealing others work, cause thats un ethical

But i think if youre planning to have it this module , its for the better to state it on the sales page

Cause even though stealing is bad and nasty in my opinion

I think people have the right to change and not force it on them, sometimes people have to make the change themselves

Like i really wanna change my dad and buy him emperor and play it for him at night :rofl::rofl:

But im not god, i cant change people, until they make the decision by themselves, then i can help!

But i also think its not a bad idea to have this module​:rofl::rofl: inside every sub,

Ooooo simon ur tempting me with the 4 subs :rofl::rofl:

I wanna add an extra sub :rofl::rofl:

What subs are you running :thinking: ?

Shiny :star: :star_struck:

Use one i always advise start with emperor for at least 6 months

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all majors/standard customs? no ultimas?

(reaching out for some validation)

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You gotta find your personal sweet spot.

Just because Simon can run it, doesn’t mean you automatically can as well :wink:

For me, one sub PER DAY seems to be the right thing. Exceptions are compact subs like ME or if I’ve been running it for a while (like RICH) that seems to go with another sub in a day.


tottaly agree

but im doing really great on 3 subs per day but adding one more sub is tempting :joy:

thats why i asked him :rofl: i wanna see how dense his stack is
me love me some shiny sub :cowboy_hat_face:

All Q/Uv2s. No Customs.

The main stack is: G4, EQ, WQ, RichU
Emperor & Wanted are heavy files for me. I have not played all 4 in a single day yet.
I’m trying to eliminate/replace 1-2 of these, but they all seem to be musts for current requirements.

Over the last 2 weeks, I’ve also played only once each of: PCC, K4, SQ, BWU
These were tests to find said replacements. Failed. None of them will be played again.

Most days, I play 3 files. Sometimes for experimental reasons, I’ve gone up to 4. And on a day I feel I can’t take more, I’m ok taking a second day off, or stopping at 1 or 2 files.

I tend to lose effects after 4-5 days, so I don’t do long breaks or washouts.

I do bounty with 500ml of hot water in the morning with 4-5 spoons of sugar and 3-5gms of instant coffee.
