Open Bounty: Give This A Try

you could be one of those rare ones.

I recall you feeling drained with solace right?, that alone tells you that you are processing, but if Qv2 isn’t triggering recon for you, then that means that this Q strength is pretty easy for your subconscious to handle :grin:
Or maybe you eat too much sugar :joy: :joy:


yeah thats back when i tried RM solace for the first time it overloaded me like hell

but ive added QL since that period so results might slow down a bit,

ive been here for 2 months its very weird im still trying to figure stuff out, also i think @Gilligan is facing the same issue like me

i dont :joy:


even more healing :face_with_hand_over_mouth:?!

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bro my head is like a highway , i need to fix that hahahahha bunch of stuff i need to reboot and fix
almost ADHD’sh like

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how much sugar do you intake?
and how much carbs?

i’ve noted down many times that simple carbs give me instant relief from any recon (except physical).

i elminated sugar from my diet, maybe honey in my granola but thats not sugar

i dont count carbs, my diet mostly maintains on carbs, carbs are very close friends to me

wow you experince physical recon? like pain and such?

yestrday i ate ice cream, or the day before it, didnt notice anything, but i dont notice recon in general so i dont know

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my arms were in a lot of pain last Friday (working out on the custom), the pain wasn’t normal soreness people feel, it was like pain from sudden growth, imagine trying to push water inside a balloon more than it could handle, and it felt like my muscle were getting stretched constantly, but then I ate a large pizza and poof, no more pain. did that again tuesday when my shoulders had the same pain, but with pasta, it wasn’t as effective as the pizza, but it was 80% gone.


yo my man chill with the muscle balloon thing :joy: becareful on your biceps or something dont overgrow them :rofl: :rofl:

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I’ve been cheating way too much on my diet lately, since I saw this post…

I feel like I’m getting a placebo effect of craving sugar now when I listen to subs, which wasn’t really prevalent in the past. I’m done with this experiment. :joy:


been using chocolate made from 100% cocoa to combat reconciliation, this has help but once i run two loop back to back it come back immediately but the cocoa work by the time am done with one bar which is half a mini Hershey bar it gone again
Also feel like after am done in August i will take a week washout then from there ill only run custom sub moving forward


May I suggest something?

Reconciliation Blaster

The next time you are having reconciliation, get yourself bread/toast and put a lot of butter on it (raw butter would be preferable). Like a lot. The fat is the important part here. Then put some unheated raw honey on it. Maybe some cinnamon for the taste and see how this goes.

EDIT: And please report back if you do

EDIT2: I forgot the second most important ingredient which is honey.


You have it all in coconut oil. Lots of healthy fats and ketons (a powerful substitute of sugar). Works wonders for me and @AlexanderGraves


I’ve been using fish oil for two weeks and haven’t got recon nor got overloaded at all. It may be a coincidence yet…


I have done only rice or pasta with salt for one week, not recommending that one haha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

No idea about you guys but fast food, not the really bad kind like McDonald’s, but more like things Five Guys or Fuddruckers, has been helping a lot more than I thought.

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Been eating canned fish (proper one) aswell and it seems to have benefits!


My thoughts is that the sugar approach won’t be effective for fat-adapted people (such as myself), whose bodies utilize fat more efficiently and prefer it over sugar. So this means people who’ve been on the keto or intermittent fasting protocols would benefit from quickly utilized fats more.


Just as I thought. Bread, Chicken and a lotta cheese helped me out just now. That and some funny videos.

This is exactly what I’m doing; intaking coconut oil and having two meals a day only (16:8).


Whether you’re working out or not, protein just sucks for appealing to this “open bounty” experiment. My protein shakes don’t do much with reconciliation. Better make sure those steaks have some fat.