On being an alpha

I want to take my SubClub hat off for a bit and share something with you guys. Something that has been bugging me.

A long time ago, a PUA coach told me that there’s a difference between being dominant and being domineering.

A dominant person is a person that has their inner game right. They are confident in themselves and their abilities. They have nothing to prove to people because the only person they compete with is themselves. They do well in teams because they don’t mind sharing and teaching.

They realize everybody is on their own journey. Some will be further along, some not so much. But they show equal respect to all as long as they are given the same in return.

They can come into somebody else’s home and even if that person is nowhere close to being an alpha, the dominant person will still defer to them. It is somebody else’s home and it is simply showing respect. Doesn’t make them any less dominant.

Then there is the domineering person. This is the person that thinks they know how an alpha should behave and tries very hard to behave like that. It is a completely external behavior, it doesn’t come from within. It isn’t natural to them. They are forcing it.

The domineering person will always want the last word because they believe that if they let somebody else have the last word it would mean they were beta instead of alpha.

This person will shout over everybody else because their opinion is the only one that matters, they can’t possibly allow somebody else to be right.

This person would walk into the White House, sit down on the President’s chair, put their muddy shoes up on the desk and let out a big fart, because they believe that they absolutely have to be on top of the hierarchy no matter where they are. They think that’s how it is supposed to work.

A domineering person will mistreat people, especially those they believe are inferior or should be, because deep down inside they are not alpha, they feel inadequate, powerless. They will always look for outside evidence of their own superiority because they don’t actually believe it without evidence.

So why am I writing this?

When Q came out, I started seeing a trend develop on the forum. People going too long and too much on the subs became more confrontational. And that’s fine. No harm done, they will find their equilibrium soon enough. Subs are safe, but like in all things there might be non-lasting side-effects if you overdo it.

But more recently, there have been users that are rude, confrontational, won’t let anybody but them be right, won’t even accept Saint, Fire, RVConsultant or me as knowing something about how subs work.

These users insult people, tell everybody exactly how they think people should behave and they generally do little more than incite others. All the while fully convinced that we should respect them for showing their true alpha self, even though they show no such respect for anybody else.

And many of us keep saying it’s okay. It must be reconciliation, they don’t have the “being an alpha” down yet. Give them time.

That’s true I suppose. It is possible that for some people the subs pull them out of the beta zone, straight past the alpha zone and into a nasty place. Do not pass “Go!”

Eventually they will find a balance and end up becoming a helpful and guiding influence on the forum.

But for now, they appear to lack that balance, they jumped straight into the deep end and now they are flailing and shouting while learning how to keep their head above water.

I’m not naming anybody in particular and I expect the same from the rest of you. I think we can all know at least 3 users that apply, keep it to yourself please.

Recently we had a little talk about building up a foundation and whether it was necessary or not. A point was made that nobody need to do foundation building because if they run a sub long enough, they’ll get the foundation as well as the goals.

And I think that is true. However, I also believe that when users lack that foundation, what ends up happening is the above. They turn into jerks because without that foundation they aren’t able to internalize the alpha scripting. So they start pretending, convinced they are doing it right. Faking it until they finally make it. All the while not realizing they are faking it.

But if we use a lighter sub first, if we build up that foundation, we create a framework that helps our minds understand and display the correct behavioral patterns. These qualities in the harder subs feel natural to us and to the people we communicate with.

So… is it possible to jump into the deep end and figure out how to swim? Sure. But if you do it the right way, your journey is so much nicer, for you and the people around you. And you may even get faster and better results.

And you’re not pissing everybody off when all they do is to try and contribute by sharing their own experiences.


Thank you for posting this.

This is why we have multiple moderators because @DarkPhilosopher thinks of things that I don’t, notices things that I don’t, and has even changed my mind about some things.

Please keep in mind we are at Qv2, and Q+ will be available at some unknown time in the future. Please everyone demonstrate that they can responsibly use the current technology, and interact in a respectful fashion, all in the service of preparing yourselves for an even more powerful subliminal format.

I know it is tempting to read about Khan and Emperor, and want to jump right in. However if you have a history of feeling angry, worrying about others abandoning you, or difficulties with assertiveness, please reconsider and look at programs like Elixir or Ascension. Consider starting gentle and slow.

Thank you for saying this. Even if someone is interacting in a negative way, it is one thing to curtail them (perhaps by pointing out possible errors in their perception) and another to vilify them (name calling, implied threats, negative labeling).

Even if you think people are being hostile, denigrating, or provocative, please if you do respond, do so with respect.

This forum is here to help you thrive in your life, and maintain a protective environment to those who seek support and information. There will be respect.


where can i buy subclub merch?


Yes! I mean Ascension is so fucking good, you really are NOT missing out AT ALL when you decide to first built your foundation with Ascension.


Thank you for posting this! This is affirmation that Ascension is a solid helpful program even relative to Khan and Emperor.

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thanks for being understanding, it’s a bumpy journey


That was me, unfortunately… though my actions were in my business interactions, and not here on the forum so I don’t know how many people noticed.

raises hand That’s also me… check, check, and check. I ran Emperor in late 2019 and early 2020, until I way overstepped and started bossing people around that I shouldn’t have. I dropped Emperor and ran QL for a while, then Stark, and then bought Regeneration. I’ve been running my mindset custom Halcyon ever since, to fix my “inner game”…

I felt amazing on Emperor (and that was EV3, I think…) but it became very apparent that my foundation was a house of cards… on shifting sand… so, no more strong alpha subs for me until my foundation is solid. Might look into a solo run of Ascension though…


Alpha, Beta, Sigma, Omega and other Greek-Letter people-labels can be confusing.
Strange labels that each of us define differently.

A goal, a definition of what one seeks to become and/or role models et.c. are a compass.
and the foundation, a map.
Neither vital, but both very beneficial for navigating the journey ahead.
Without them one might accidentally do a detour to… ToxiCity.

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So we can talk about Ascension/Ascended Mogul being a perfectly valid choice of program without regarding it as somehow less substantial, lighter, “basic” or worse, inferior to the bigger guns of Khan and Emperor?


I love me the fuck outta some Ascended Mogul



A few months of Ascension was great for me.


Yeah this program made a comeback hard

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I feel no crazy irritation on emperor just fatige and tired alot. should i change to a lighter program like ascended mogul or continue with emperor?

I honestly don’t think anyone can blame subliminals for his forum activity. I mean he could, but that’s just finding excuses. If someone has bad forum manners, I can put money on it that the same behaviour was before as well. How many people run subs, post here and have a perfectly decent etiquette?
Yes, you might have a shorter fuse on a sub and I can definitely see someone losing it in real life. In a forum though, you always have the time to react, so yeah it’s always a choice.
Helping only when asked to help, not engaging or taking it to private messaging should be the norm for dealing with aggresive people. When someone specifically says once “leave me alone”, accept that he/she doesn’t want to hear your opinions. Why would I try and help someone that does does not want my help or opinion? Regardless is he is right or wrong. Just like any other forum. This behaviour is in no way specific to this forum where we have people running subs.

Foundation wise, how many people jumped straight the first version if Emperor? For me that was indeed a sub that triggered you easily, but still you didn’t saw behavior like this. The reality is that the community grew, and with that you get different types of people in the community.

To sum up, I think it’s wishful thinking to believe we wont have bad mannered individuals trying to be part of the comunity. It’s an online forum, some people will have bad manners. Not engaging should be rhe golden rule, again like with any online comunity.


There are no superior or inferior subs, there’re only subs that suit better who you are, how you are, your current circumstances, your goals, desires and needs.

Thinking that only because one can run Khan with ease makes them “better” than people who cannot is simply erroneous and, in many cases, just childish.

We often should revise the aforementioned factors and choose what suits us best without bothering about others running more appealing titles.


Khan is not easy. It’s extremely advanced.
I still believe for it to be a 4 Stager it definitely will transition you properly. You cannot jump into stage 4. That will only cause problems.
For the long amount of time I was on Khan Stage 1 it was extremely difficult. It used to make me extremely angry at people and everyone’s actions used to irritate me. I think because I stuck with it so long that anger is almost gone it’s like 70% gone. I don’t mean it’s gone and I don’t feel it. I do feel it but it doesn’t affect me like before. Extremely non-reactive.
Personally I was a bully type alpha. Thinking that if I run Khan I will boss people around with force. And i was totally wrong. Khan guided me to books and people that steered me in the right direction of knowledge.

I think every person that buys a sub be it ascended mogul Khan or what ever, needs to also buy reading material aligned with the sub. Most of what these subs do or teach you are what you already know deep down in you. Societal programming is filled in us. So we have been brain washed to see the truth but that’s not the real truth.
Example : one buys Ascension or Emperor. Get some reading material about Masculinity and productivity. Once you start reading and learning about masculinity you will realise that these subs are training you to be masculine. There after learn some Game. It’s basically creating awareness that helps you drive the subliminals.

If you didn’t tell someone how to check for an off-side in a game of football. That person will say oh I didn’t see anything wrong. Teach him so that he can identify an off-side.


I had a friend in high school who really fit @DarkPhilosopher’s description of the Alpha to the letter.

Wasn’t afraid of anyone.

Was able to easily move through pretty much all social groups.

Was very funny and liked having fun.

Was really respectful (in an amused sort of way) when he visited my home.

Followed his own drummer in general. Basketball, academics, fine arts.

Became the valedictorian of the high school.

Transferred university 2 or 3 times until he found the program that met his requirements. (He was always in the top percentiles of students throughout all of that.)

It was pretty amazing. And more than a little annoying. hahaha. Loved the guy though.

He’d point out that his girlfriend said I was a very strange person. (I’d phoned him one day randomly and with burning intensity said, “The moment is pregnant, man! The moment is pregnant!”. His girlfriend was in the room at the time.). But he also discussed information on Zen with me, mountain biked with me a couple of times, and was willing to hang out with me at a beach during the winter.

My point of all of this sharing is basically: Yeah, @DarkPhilosopher is right. Some people have got things more together, and they’re generally cool rather than the alternative.


now thats how divine masculinity works or alphaness!!

i think some people here also on the forum got it wrong on what does being an alpha mean,

of course we have different opinions on definitions,

but all alphaness and true masculinity share one thing,

that they dont involve toxic masculinity

being toxic is an internal problem a trauma maybe or something in your childhood a thing that your father did to you

that type of behavior shows how fragile a person can be when they wear “the toxic alpha cape”

thats why i think its very important to do some healing, which should be a core foundation for you start from there

to eternal greatness

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cause i saw some posts about being alpha with emperor is like “get out my face behavior”
getting angry and not caring about others thats not alpha or masculine :sweat_smile:

it might be due to rec and thats fine we all go through stuff

, but that is not a behavior or a personality you want to become at all, you should be loving caring respecting others and their beliefs respecting all species , offering help , thats super alpha Q+

toxic is weak :sweat_smile:

So, when do we start recommending everyone to run Dragon Reborn first? :smiley:

Best healing & foundational sub ever.