On being an alpha

this is simply life, its not just subclub even if you have the most intimate environments with most enlightened avatars you’re gonna come across fragile souls,their soul has been broken into pieces and they’re trying to glue them all together by being toxic or aggressive

the only way to deal with it, is it control how you react, thats greatness by itself

you have to do your job as of putting rules that eliminates aggressive and not nice behaviors in your environment (such as banning toxic activity like here in sub club)

but even if you do that

some people will still pop up in your life

we cant blame any, its just the nature of life

i did not run DR but im sure thats a good plan!!

Healing as a foundation is the best possible way to achieve even more great results

cause if you dont heal first, you will think that the problem is with others “theyre not respecting me bla bla’ , hes triggering me” you keep looking for the problems to fix from the outside not the inside to fix them (which isnt gonna help life is a reflection of your inner world)

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also i need more reading one masculine energy and feminine energy cause both of those energies resonates within us
, i need to grasp more of that knowledge :smiley:

any books would be appreciated :smiley:

What happens when others and their beliefs are not worthy of respect because such are either factually or morally wrong?

What about when your help is rejected. What then?

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Why would you want to recommend a suboptimal approach.

AM is the best foundational sub.

And some people have already pointed out that getting a good foundation is better for them than staying in healing hell and making no progress. I am beginning to think that much more than “some” are affected like this.

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lets agree that youre human first of all, everyone has the right to believe in what they wanna believe theres nothing factually wrong, unless theyre harming others

you dont determine if its worthy of respect or not, its not your job to judge if theyre living their life correctly or not, if theyre doing no harm then you should respect the wide range of the spectrum of beliefs, life is all about that, abundance of beliefs

i am a muslim but im also spiritual (which is not something common around where i live) . i also love to read the bible and i get emotional from it and sometimes i cry from the beautiful words, i cry when im reading the quran too, i am limitless i dont go by boundaries if anything evokes the love from within my heart, i know its pure and right :heart:

or when im reading some beautiful quotes by osho, or rumi or jesus christ or the prophet muhammed

who has the right to say that im not correct or my belifes are wrong? i am a living soul i get to experience everything in this life

i learned something, before i wanted to change my mom cause i see shes suffering and i know what shes going through could be easily solved with some inner healing and working

then i relized you cant help anyone if they dont want the help, you cannot change anyone

if they ask you for help, be there for them. if they dont, you cant do anything but be loving and not judging them because theyre not seeing what youre seeing


You move on with your life? You can’t force your help to anyone and making see “your way”.
There is one saying from Sadhguru that changed my life and it goes something like that: “every action of a person is his interpretation of happiness”. So, if someone believes that saying/doing/being something will make him happy, if that’s his belief, how do you think you can challenge that? You can’t. You say your piece and role is over, it’s up to that person if he listens or not.


love me some sadguru this man is funny and very wise, i miss watching some of his vids

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You walk away. Why invest your time in somebody that either won’t listen to you or outright rejects anything you have to say? Or somebody whose values and beliefs do not align with yours? There are better uses for your time.

It’s why the dominant person doesn’t do arguments very well. He gives it one, maybe two tries. If the recipient keeps ignoring and waltzing over his attempts to help them or defuse the situation, they can figure it out for themselves. You have better things to do than waste your precious time on being treated like that.

You’re never gonna be able to turn every single person into a friend or a fan. Some people simply won’t accept you for who you are. So be it, respect them enough to walk away and spend time with the people that will actually accept and respect you.

You don’t need to be impolite while doing it. In many cases you don’t even need to say a thing. Simply move on. Let them have the last word and feel all happy with themselves.

This is usually the preferred way. It’s very tempting to say “Fine, have it your way. Good luck with your endeavors.” before walking away, but that will often be seen as passive aggressive and trying to still have the last word. It’s a tricky trap. Sometimes you can do it, most times people will reply to it to prove that you’re still around and listening to them.

I like how this thread is going, guys. Thanks!

For the record, my first SubClub sub was also Ascended Mogul. It has just enough of everything in a neat little single-stage package. Didn’t run Ascension or Mogul on their own, although I have been wanting to. I remember people that did so when they became Q-ified and had amazing results. I’ll probably run it again starting next month.

RICH + Mogul might be the fastest wealth-building stack there is without having to make any major life changes.


The sales page suggests to start with Ascension followed by Emperor though.
It depends on each of us individually what kind of foundations we need most and to start with, For many people it’s healing, for some other people fears and limitations. It may be staring a business or starting to go out in the evening and so on so on so on .

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after healing you can make progress it will be spontaneous , if you dont heal problems will manifest in other programs and in other life forms

treating the problem from its root is the best way to go

Imo it totally depends on the problem. Some problems need to be addressed directly, like low social skills should just be trained, scared to start a business should just be addressed directly etc etc. But a lot of other problems its way better to address the emotional component that lies underneeth it.

I’ve said it before, but for some people it’s really not easy getting an accurate assessment of where they are at before running subs. It can be downright painful to admit your weaknesses. Especially if a coping mechanism is comparing yourself to others. I’m glad this post was made. Humility gets you really far when it comes to self growth.


You can’t as far as I know, it’s awarded.

But in this case I meant I’m speaking to you not as a SubClub staff member or moderator but as a fellow subliminal user and participant in this forum.

Meaning that my words do not necessarily reflect SubClub’s opinions and should somebody wish to heckle me, they need not wonder if I would abuse my admin-powers to shut them down. They would have to first be flagged like anybody else.

This is a good point, and often the easiest way to take action on subs in the initial stages. The subs can build that foundation a lot easier if your mind actually understands what they are talking about. By studying up on sub-goal related stuff, you’re providing the right tools and framework to yourself.

Eventually you’ll have to put yourself out there to take action on the subs of course. But as long as we’re sticking to this analogy, the foundation is the part you don’t see. It’s underground. Only once it is in place, do you go out and build the part that interacts with the world.

I would also like to reply to this. Sorry it’s so long again. Once I start typing…

In the old days of PUA, the seduction community was a closely guarded secret. You didn’t get marketing emails or ad banners. Instead, you found it once you reached the point where you were so desparate that you would do anything to get your sex life out of the deep dark hole it was in.

As the saying goes, when the student is ready the teacher appears.

Then came Neill Strauss’ little book and it was like a nuclear bomb had gone off. Suddenly it was public. Suddenly all those coaches had dollar signs in their eyes. The marketing machines started running, the prices were raised but most of all, the audience changed. Suddenly you had everybody with too much money or teenagers with their daddy’s credit card showing up. Some because it was the next big thing to be a part of, many because they had been rejected and they wanted to learn how to take revenge on women.

These people had bad attitudes and they went into it for all the wrong reasons. And new coaches popped up wanting to take advantage of the money train, teaching and doing all the wrong things. Some of the existing coaches let it all go to their heads and got corrupted by it.

Today we know what happened. People jumped on that community like they were evil incarnate. It was featured in documentaries and mainstream TV series as manipulative and evil, taking advantage of poor, defenseless women everywhere, treating them all as nothing more than sex toys.

Personally, I will never forgive Neil for doing what he did, destroying a tight community where most people loved to help each other and grow together.

Saint and Fire eventually want to take subliminals mainstream, go public. Make subliminals as common as a kitchen blender. Subliminals in every home.

And every time they mention it, I remember what happened when people did that to the last community I loved being a part of. I have to remind myself it’s not up to me, it’s Saint and Fire’s baby.

It is true that with the Facebook ads and the increased marketing that SubClub does, there is an increase in the diversity of our users and forum members. And some of those are the same people that showed up in the PUA community, people that are nowhere near ready for evolving into better versions of themselves.

So yes, we do have users that make an account and just start making empty posts or pissing people off, disrespecting those of us that have been sharing this SubClub journey with us for the past years. Even Saint reminds me of that.


We often advise people to keep a journal here because we can see people evolve through their writing style while they are on their subliminal journey. If they post on the forum long enough, we can all see it happening even if they themselves fail to notice it.

So I think it is important to have that difference between the new crowds that we attract and the old guard that is changing.

When I say that I’m seeing a trend, I mean I can actually see it. People that have been posting here for ages start running a new sub or a new sub technology like Q or Ultima and you can see the tone of their posts change. They start posting less, or they start becoming more confrontational or their posts become a bit sharp, matter of fact or emotional.

People evolve and if you’ve followed enough of them on this forum, you can see the effects that subs have on them. You can see them go through changes.

I’ve seen the overall attitude of our old guard evolve. Like they are going through waves. And most end up being wiser and better in the end, but until they get there I do see many dealing with what I can only call a harder time incorporating the subs as compared to 2 years ago. The subs hit harder, have a more pronounced effect on people.

And for the record, that “old guard” is not likely to become domineering. But if subs can affect them, those that have been running subs for years now, imagine what such a hard-hitting sub can do to somebody new. Or somebody that wasn’t ready in the first place because they need a lot of healing before they can set “healthy” goals.

I know, I went way too long on this… again.


One of the most alpha things I’ve ever seen is when a friend of mine go randomly stung by a wasp. Instead of lashing out and crushing the wasp he just gently grapped him and threw him up, allowing the wasp to fly away, and than just went on like nothing happened.

This imo is peak alpha behaviour. Being alpha aint just about getting angry when someone “disrespects” you. Its about composure. Knowing when something is worth getting upset over, and when something just isnt worth the trouble. I hate that in a lot of these types of selfhelp communities having composure is neglected as an “alpha-trait”.




So what are common “alpha-traits”? true and false.

This whole “Alpha” thing has been on my mind for a while.

Since I just bought Ascension (FINALLY), I’d like to work that in when I get back on DR.
Kinda curious if DR1 will override ascension forever or if Ascension would kick in as more and more layers of healing and breakdown are done.

Even if it takes “longer” for some reason, I’d rather this Alpha happen in a more gradual Kaizen approach. Layer-by-layer, instead of sudden Alphaness and the wife and others shuffle themselves around in my life painfully (for them).


eric you seem like wuvly friend and so friendly hjahahah have a good day :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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anything related to toxic behavior is not alpha, more like fragile and beta

alpha has nothing to do with tyler1 behavior :rofl::rofl: i know hes acting but he came across my mind