Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

This is gold.

Just going to quietly stick it here.


That whole post in general was gold.Though i found this one more interesting.That a single core could skew the density/focus that much.Wonder how big a difference between a custom with 2 not overlapping directions vs 2 focused customs with 1 direction each would be.

And for broad programs,the core limit actually gets smaller.

I broke both rules for my last custom that i thought was comparitively small density wise to my current stack.Reading this i now know Medici/Wanted/PCC/Sex mastery was actually a really bad custom.Explains why my results werent that amazing after dropping from 2/3 focused customs to 1 kitchensink one :woman_facepalming: :rofl:


Happened again. Crested another wave :ocean:.

This is the healing process. Peaks and Troughs.

And I’m surprised every single time.

Experiential, phenomenological enquiry.

Your thoughts won’t save you. Your analysis won’t hide you.

Because if you don’t feel it, then you don’t know it.

Tell me your philosophy as you jump out of a fucking helicopter.

Then I’ll listen.

Do the same thing nine more times

and I might even start to believe you

(but only a little bit).

Experiential enquiry

Phenomenology of Knowing.

Phenomenology of Self-ing.

Phenomenology of Volition.

I’m existentially, ontologically, and cosmologically constipated.

My fears and fixations, my habits, have tamped down and obstructed the flow.

And with every bit of movement, every bit of opening up, every bit of process,

I am amazed and grateful.

And the beat goes on


@Meng123 In case you’ve not do so already, would you please archive these above posts about density from Saint:

And one more thing that is very important

How are you?


Haha,long archived already.That new post was gold for custom construction.Theres no way i wouldnt absorb it.
Im ok lately since dropping the custom with wanted.No more recon/overload.Khan/stark/medici is still a good combo to run and empfit is great for exercise.Gonna rebuild my customs with the new modules and make them more focused though.


I think WANTED was giving me reconciliation too. If you want any input on the custom, just tag.

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Deciding whether to take a rest day today or not. Headspace feels kind of busy and cottony.

Okay. Rest day it is.

I was originally looking forward to today as a Subliminals day.

Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays have become my Listening Days. And I find that a visceral anticipation arises. Like an expectation of an influx of energy. This is especially so when I’m about to play PATHS custom. It’s the one I’ve played the longest and is probably least challenging to my brain (although as far as my life goes it still has a lot of heavy lifting to do). I’m suspecting that it’s truly in a Working Phase these days. Time will tell.

But today I woke up feeling that my brain was busy and that my “processing” was congested. It seemed like the right time to give myself more time to process and integrate.

This is life with Qv2.

I like it.

I showered, did morning meditation as usual and 1 or 2 other things. Then I gave myself time to take a walk and journal. I ended up remembering and re-experiencing a number of issues that are emotionally and personally challenging to me. Some of them I hadn’t thought about in a while.

Seemed like it may have primarily been the impact of Dragon Reborn. This thing is really amazing.

The challenge–since Dragon Reborn facilitates you in breaking new ground within yourself–is to have trust in the process. To trust that this process is not just opening up and activating difficulties, but that I can handle it and will find better ways to integrate and deal with those difficulties. In other words, that I’ll emerge from the other side of this process healthier, more whole, and more functional than I went into it.

The more a person seeks genuine evolution; the more that person will have to deal with unpredictable instability. The only way you can be completely certain of a process is to allow no new variables into that process.

It’s my understanding that Dragon Reborn does the exact opposite of that. It strongly focuses on an evolutionary process. It facilitates developmental leaps. It supports an enhanced integration of whatever you’ve experienced and whoever you’ve been.

So, just got to strap in and go for the ride.

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The phenomenology of Volition

The phenomenology of Will and the Assertion of Will.

trust yourself

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Phenomenological facilitation

Phenomenological exploration


Knowing the world through the kinesthetic and somatosensory modes


Eugene Gendlin

Gregory Bateson

Peter Levine

Michaela Boehm

language and not-language and beyond-language

the five skandhas äș”蘊

Generation of experience


Contact Improvisation

Dance Movement Therapy

I have this preconception that Ultimas in general “won’t work for me”.

It’s getting revised.

I think they work for me.

I just ran The Executive v2.

I’ve been having a lot of trouble settling down to work on this one job. I found my mind settling down and just getting to it.

It wasn’t sudden like an on-off switch. Focus just kind of gradually increased. And my optimism and general attitude gradually improved.

I’m breaking now to get my daily walking steps in. Hope this continues as I get back to work.


In my experience Ultimas are more delayed than regular Qv2. To the point where I run it and then an hour or two after I’m finished I’m like “oh that’s where it went”. So sometimes you’re already in the middle of something and it sneaks up on you while you’re not paying attention. Which is actually pretty useful considering watching for effects can actually inhibit them sometimes.

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Really interesting.

Some Spiritual Quotes I Like

The first human ancestors appeared between five million and seven million years ago, probably when some apelike creatures in Africa began to walk habitually on two legs.

Anatomical modernity. Bones of primitive Homo sapiens first appear 300,000 years ago in Africa, with brains as large or larger than ours. They’re followed by anatomically modern Homo sapiens at least 200,000 years ago, and brain shape became essentially modern by at least 100,000 years ago.
9 Sep 2020

Current data suggest that modern humans evolved from archaic humans primarily in East Africa. A 195,000 year old fossil from the Omo 1 site in Ethiopia shows the beginnings of the skull changes that we associate with modern people, including a rounded skull case and possibly a projecting chin. A 160,000 year old skull from the Herto site in the Middle Awash area of Ethiopia also seems to be at the early stages of this transition. It had the rounded skull case but retained the large brow ridges of archaic humans. Somewhat more advanced transitional forms have been found at Laetoli in Tanzania dating to about 120,000 years ago. By 115,000 years ago, early modern humans had expanded their range to South Africa and into Southwest Asia (Israel) shortly after 100,000 years ago. There is no reliable evidence of modern humans elsewhere in the Old World until 60,000-40,000 years ago, during a short temperate period in the midst of the last ice age.

Earth is dated at about 4.4 Billion years.

I believe that the earliest forms of life showed by about 4.2 Billions years ago.

And here we are.

The Cosmos itself is dated back to 14.4 billion years.

Of course, that simply means that at that point our current paradigms and methods of measurement reach their limits.

Bye bye!

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Now the Step-based Oracle says:

Found this great quote in a book I’m reading right now, ‘THRIVE: The Highly Sensitive Person and Career’, by Tracy Cooper.

“The advice I like to give young artists, or really anybody who’ll listen to me, is not to wait around for inspiration. Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to strike you in the brain, you are not going to make an awful lot of work. All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself. Things occur to you. If you’re sitting around trying to dream up a great art idea, you can sit there a long time before anything happens. But if you just get to work, something will occur to you and something else will occur to you and something else that you reject will push you in another direction. Inspiration is absolutely unnecessary and somehow deceptive. You feel like you need this great idea before you can get down to work, and I find that’s almost never the case.”

― Chuck Close


At some point, years ago, the following observation struck me:

Every object that we see around us, everything—an ice cube, a microchip, a cloud, a plastic bucket on the seaside, the sea or ocean itself, a 5th-grader, a fern, a magazine, an air purifier, an oak tree, a puma, a Mercedes-Benz
literally, every single object that we encounter—is made of the Earth.

Everything is earth; either in a more processed and refined condition or a less processed and less refined state.

Everything that is here–including ourselves–is made of elements and ingredients that were literally just laying around on or in the ground (or in the water).

Everything is processed Earth.


The physicality of consciousness and mind.

The physicality of mentality.

The embodiedness of thought and of Idea.