Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth

“Spirituality“, for me, is about my relationship to Cosmos, to existence, to meaning.


Originally had 2 meetings scheduled for this morning.

3rd contacted me to cancel/reschedule. Just finished the 2nd. Was running on fumes. Glad it’s done.

No more for today. Time to recover and get in to non-meeting tasks. Thank you Ganesha

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Here’s the deal:

You got taken for a ride.

You believed a bunch of things that weren’t actually so. You were a kid.

Nobody is making you do anything.

All of the things around you? So-called Society? It’s not a conspiracy. It’s just a bunch of shit that people made up.

Yes, there’s a lot of bullshit to learn to navigate. Welcome to the humans of planet Earth.

Do what you need to do to get over it, move on, and get started.

For me?

  1. Thrive and evolve
  2. Enjoy and appreciate the chance to be alive
  3. Help others to do the same where and when you reasonably can

Lol I had the same thoughts the other day.

It’s all chaos. Here’s me trying to make sense of it ALL for years, my head exploding. The other day I realized you just have to thrive in the chaos and use that energy to your advantage. Careful planning and rigid expectations is a recipe for absolute frustration when things go sideways.

But anyway I liked the energy in this post. It’s similar to what I’ve been going through lately.


A mirror is defined not only by the qualities of the glass that comprises its substance, but also by the images that it reflects and the phenomena that it can potentially reflect.

The human being is a mirror of 100 billion facets (thinking only of the cells of the nervous system). As amazing as these facets are in themselves, the being is so much more, considering all that it can reflect — the vastness of the Cosmos.

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4th processing day.

That means that in two days, Saturday 30 April, I begin Dragon Reborn ZP.

That’s what this whole journey has been about. Getting to this point.

Dragon Reborn demands maturity even as it supports you to develop maturity. It demands patience, even as it teaches you patience.

I noticed that I was getting ahead of myself. I was fleeing into the future. Thinking about how cool it would be to run these next two ZP customs that I’ve tentatively designed.

The next 2 months were starting to look onerous.


"Okay. I just need to finish one more stage with Dragon Reborn, and then I can get into the really interesting part."

That’s where the Objectives helped me.

I went back and re-read the DR objectives and realized–was forced to admit–this program already has what I’m looking for right now. I don’t need to anticipate what’s coming 2 or 3 months now, and just get through this difficult, long forced-march of preparation.

This part of the journey is where I need to be right now and it’s good.

The reason I want to run away is not because I’m impatient to change. It’s because I am changing. It’s not because I’m impatient to grow. It’s because I am growing.

So often the fruition of the requests that you, your damn self, made is challenging to receive. That fruition is often uncomfortable.

2 or 3 days into processing, the clouds clear, and I start to remember again. “Oh, yeah. That’s right. That’s what growth feels like.” haha.

And this is my current experience of Dragon Reborn. I kind of love it.

We’ll see where this leads.

Dragon Reborn Objectives:
1 Achieve overall success in all areas due to the intense transformational effect of Dragon Reborn
2 Destroy, heal and transcend any and all societal or self-created limitations, traumas, negative beliefs preventing you from reaching your goals
3 Free yourself from your misconceptions and the limitations others placed upon you
4 Become more assertive and prevent others from abusing or misusing you
5 Create strong boundaries against those who habitually and intentionally attempts to “cross the line” with you
6 Detach from the views of others — be true to yourself
7 Discover exactly “who you are,” what you believe your life mission is, and how to overcome all obstacles preventing you from reaching those goals.
8 Develop your inner child from that of a “kid” to that of a mature, powerful “adult”
9 Develop your internal self-image from negative to positive, and from unattractive to incredibly attractive
10 Release all physical tension in your muscles, promote total relaxation
11 Eliminate, dissolve and overcome all sense of fear, especially those preventing you from living an emotionally healthy life
12 Generate a profound, incredibly potent energetic and physical aura of power, respect, status and strength
13 Cultivate a strong sense of wisdom
14 Cultivate a strong sense of self
15 Cultivate a strong sense of internal power and structure
16 Easily develop strong and assertive masculine body language and masculine voice
17 Easily develop assertive, strong masculine language skills and manner of speaking
18 Manifest friends, colleagues, partners, etc. who will help you achieve all of your self-development goals
19 Manifest mentors, books, courses and other sources of information that will help you achieve your self-development goals
20 Develop an extreme sense of internal power and strength
21 General masculinity boost, including boosts in confidence, power, strength, invincibility, self-assuredness, and being comfortable in one’s own skin
22 Develop a relentless sense of power, ambition and motivation, with automatic harnessing of this power to achieve all your goals
23 Body shifting — muscles, physical shifting, fat burning, increasing overall toughness
24 Reframing of past adversities as learning moments—giving you insight on how to overcome all future challenges (replacing the “manifest challenges” scripting).
25 Energetically and physically release trauma as it happens, remaining unaffected by negativity
26 Shield yourself against future trauma, making it harder to be affected by hurtful or toxic events, people and environments
27 Grow your wisdom
28 Develop and unleash your true power the charisma hidden deep within yourself
29 Attract better and better situations and people
30 Run future subliminals with a clearer, more advanced mindset

Suddenly I’m finding myself doing invoicing. And finding myself doing other tasks that need to get done.

I wonder if it’s because the Dragon has been resting for 4 days. One more day of rest tomorrow, and then we jump back in for 21 days of Dragon Reborn (stage 4).

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Interesting and weird.

I’m suddenly taking care of a lot of things.

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Day 5 of 5 inter-program processing days.

The Dragon beckons…

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These 5 days really did go by very quickly. Sheesh.

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It’s now 1:12 PM on Saturday 30 April 2022.

I began today with a meditation hour in which I embedded my two subliminals for the day: Dragon Reborn ZP, that’s stage 4, (whooo!) and Paragon ZP.

Immediately afterwards (separated only by a rapid-pace shower), I launched right into a 3-hour online meeting. Facilitated by me. About 90% of the meetings I’m involved with are individual or group meetings that are facilitated by me. So this was another one of those.

Interestingly, I do have a sense of the script and my mind interacting down in the depths and in the background. An interesting feeling. Not distracting. Like music playing off in the distance somewhere. Too far away to discern what the precise song is.

At this exact moment, I’m feeling tremendously grateful to be at stage 4 of Dragon Reborn. By 3 weeks from now, maybe I’ll be feeling something else. hahaha.

I keep going back to that first Objective:

Achieve overall success in all areas due to the intense transformational effect of Dragon Reborn.

Yes, I have memorized that due to repeating it like a mantra for the last couple of days. :wink:

And now, we will continue.

Lots of work to complete in the next 3 weeks. Coincides precisely with the first play period of Dragon Reborn. Too perfectly coincident to not be part of the pattern.

Still. Think I’ll watch an ep of Atlanta and move into my work gradually.

And away we go.


The quicker you can crack the social comparison nut, the sooner you can start living a free life

Most people are slaves to social comparison


Everything is an illusion


Enjoy your illusion

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12:42 AM. Meditated (with subliminals) from 9 AM to 10 AM this morning. So that finished about 15 hours ago. Feel tired now. Definitely need sleep. If not, brain will get wonky.

Rather than describing that in detail, think I’ll just go to sleep.

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I have a tendency to get caught up in inspiring or future-focused ideals, and I was just guided to cultivate grounded engagement with the day-to-day responsibilities and realities of my current life.

I’m grateful to have access to practices and processes that can help me to find effective direction and orientation.

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Regret is a concern about the present, disguising itself as a concern about the past.

Resolve the underlying need in the present moment, and the “regret over the past” magically diminishes and dissipates.

One more expression of ego-bound projection.


The fact that you do not currently have a place to be at your best, does not mean that you do not have “a best” to be.

The fact that you do not yet have a context within which your potential can truly unfold and extend, does not negate the existence of your potential.

(It’s not lost on me that I’m having these thoughts on Day 2 of Dragon Reborn)

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If you’re building a skyscraper or a monument, or if you’re developing a city; you need to pay as much (or more) attention to the parts beneath the ground as you do to the parts that are above the ground.

Healing Programs are BUILDING the parts beneath the ground.

They are not passive. They are not delays. They are actively building. They’re just pointing in the other direction. Beneath the ground. Within yourself.


True. There are bits of others we want to be.


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