Nova Elite: Kether to Malkuth


Ran Paragon Custom Ultima during today’s meditation.


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In my experience and observation, the Gods that most people worship without even recognizing it are:

  1. Ego
  2. Sensation (Pain, Pleasure, Neutrality), and
  3. Habit

There are many others, but these are chief amongst them.

An average human spirit wishes for power to protect possessions and loved ones and to avenge grievances

A larger human spirit wishes for the capacity to forgive those who have caused harm and to thrive in spite of them

A truly great spirit transcends the need to either avenge or forgive


Study the terrain

The nature of mental process:



The essence of development is in the recognition and owning of Projection and Association.

Some speak of Cessation, but that seems neither attainable nor appealing to me at this time.

On the other hand, an experience of cessation, as described, for example, in reference to nirodha samapatti, seems like an excellent foundation for a more intentional relationship to Projection and Association.

and here we are



Over the past week, I seem to be observing initial exposure effects of my Naissance Qv2 custom, reintroduced on 11 March 2022. Really conscious noticing started to creep up after about 3 April. So after approximately 3 weeks. This is on the 1-2 loops every fourth day schedule of ZP/Qv2 hybrid stacks.

It really crept up gradually, but it’s becoming more and more noticeable. The last time I played this particular custom was 9 September 2021. I played it regularly between 12 May 2021 and 9 September 2021. After that, I joined the ZP trial for 2 months and then focused in on Dragon Reborn.

Now, 3 to 4 weeks after reintroducing Naissance, I’m noticing definite effects. Still small and gentle, but growing.



Other people can only manipulate or control you by means of the fused, compulsive dimensions of your own mind.

Rather than trying to defeat 10 million external oppressors, instead seek to de-fuse my own mind.

This means to gradually uncouple inner states from external conditions.


As usual, I just recognized a result today about 2.5 weeks after it happened.

I mean I observed it happening. I just didn’t recognize it as a result at the time.

I started playing my central custom, Naissance, on 11 March. This was after a 6 month break from it.

On March 26, I suddenly woke up from a very vivid dream in which I was seeing my daughter and talking with her after a long time apart. (I don’t tend to experience a whole lot of dream recall.)

She’d been on a trip (in the waking world) and waking up from the dream I “knew” that she was back from her trip. I sent her a quick text to say welcome back.

Haha. Here’s our text exchange:

I thought that was pretty remarkable at the time.

But today was when my brain made the connection between that and the Custom subliminal that had been playing for the 2 weeks before that.

The custom has: Alchemist, Astral Projection, and Remote Viewing.

It occurred to me that there’s a likely connection.

ADDING: It also has Dynasty. And the thought struck me today that Dynasty could also interact with those other modules to offer a heightened awareness of family members and loved ones.


This is a beautiful piece of logic.

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Another Dragon Flight ZP day.

and the beat goes on.

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‘Belief’ is basically confidence in your imagination.


Amazed. Grateful. Scared. Working it out.


The capacity to accommodate more and more people’s and beings’ experiences without being overwhelmed.

This is one of the greatest adventures.


Can’t have it both ways:


  1. You are aware of it and fully understand it


  1. It’s subconscious

If you’re fully aware of something, then, guess what: it ain’t subconscious

At some point, you are going to have to let go and let the subliminals do their work. Don’t pretend to measure and track and understand all that’s happening.

And that, by the way, is the meaning of the term ‘occult’.

Just look it up; check the etymology.


Dreamt again.

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i miss @mnemosyne

Last night I had a good journaling session. It felt powered by Dragon Flight.

Two weeks from today, I’ll be starting stage 4 Dragon Reborn.


At first, we believe that sensations are the external world.

Gradually, we perceive that sensations are experiences that are generated internally to help us to navigate the external world.


Don’t allow other peoples intentions to control your mind



Most videos, tv, podcasts have felt very unappealing. This has been going on for a while.

But today I found that my mind wanted certain books. I played parts of two audiobooks and my mind felt willing to engage and receive.


Last night, I felt pulled to retool and redesign my customs for ZP rebuilds.

I went through just about the entire list of modules (though it’s still possible that I may have overlooked something). Interestingly, the result was 6 customs, each with 20 modules.

3 of them are for my core stack and will be built first.


The next two are for my periodic Healing Retreats:

POOLS of Healing: Thrive and Drakari: TRANSCEND

The 6th is a Sex and Love title to be built at some undetermined future date: The RED

And I think that I will plan out a 7th Strength and Fitness title: VIGOR.

Only Naissance, Sapiens, and PATHS will be built anytime soon, I think.

I wonder, too, when new modules will be released. That almost always leads to some changes in the plans.


To an immature mind, power is identical with significance.

That’s not a put down of anyone else. I have an immature mind.

It’s vital to gain the capacity to discern the difference between power and meaning.

Not everything powerful deserves your worship.

Power demands wariness and acknowledgment.

But no more.