New Support Article: Zero Point Listening Instructions

The support staff didn’t answer that question, I did.

Yes, it’s most definitely lawyer games. Sorry, but it is. We’re trying to simplify the process so that the public as a whole can easily understand when to run their titles. You, however, are breaking things down into hours, in attempt to argue with the recommendation with your argument being, since we say to take a “rest day,” but there’s 48 hours between the two listening periods (since you’re running the subs RIGHT at midnight or right after it), then it’s actually two days and you can listen every 24 hours.

To achieve this you employ a rather odd listening schedule that actually spreads across two days at midnight and you’re using that redefine the word “day.” But we’re using the word day, not in terms of 24 hours, but in terms of days of the week, again – to simplify the process.

Now, if you were to move your listening times back about an hour and a half, it becomes very obvious as to what we’re trying to achieve. This simplified example assumes, you’re listening to three ZP titles:

Monday @ 10:30pm, 2x loops (one loop of two of the titles in your stack)
Tuesday @ 10:30pm, you listen to nothing
Wednesday @ 10:30pm, 1 loop of a third ZP title
Thursday @ 10:30pm, you listen to nothing
Friday @ 10:30pm, 2x loops (one loop of two of the titles in your stack)
Saturday @ 10:30pm, you listen to nothing

… and so forth.

Again, the ONLY reason you’re confused, is because (and this is my opinion), you’re listening at very odd times for the purpose of redefining the word “day” in order to get more exposure.

Now, when I have to stop what I’m doing to answer questions like this, it takes me away from releasing new products and answering questions of more importance. Because remember, your original question was, does the 24 hours between loops count as a “rest day.” In other words, you’re trying to listen to the titles every 24 hours exactly and get more exposure.

C’mon, ya’ll. You can look at the listening instructions and clearly see what we were trying to achieve, but since this still seems to be “confusing” to certain individuals, we will update the listening instructions again with EXACT examples. And then, I don’t want to see this happening any longer.


no need to be sorry .:blue_heart: Although I was frustrated by the answer at the time , because less loops is highly appreciated especially for people played 16 hours reducing listening time to 2 hours for Qv2 is huge leap and now to 30 minutes on zp . So , yes I was confused.

Yes I am listening in odd times usually at night .

Yes mostly this is my schedule

Day 1 : 12:15 am listen to one loop then I give my self more than 22 hours and I play the next loop around 10:30 .
Day 2 : rest nothing to listen
Day 3 : repeat

I used the above listening with QV2 . Also . My simple logic Is that by this way I give myself time to process the script .

thanks for taking time to answer :pray: , this question was old and I didn’t post on the forum . What made me share it now is the question asked here .

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Yes. I was about to say the exact same thing, and then I scrolled up and saw your post.

Give yourself: 1 sleep + 1 sub-free processing day + 1 more sleep.

It’s not about just counting hours.

If you played a ZP sub and then did not sleep or eat for the next 48 or even 72 hours, playing another loop might not be such a good idea.

A complex set of beneficial changes and reactions—that we summarize under the simple term ‘Processing’—happen when you sleep and when you remove yourself from the condition of being actively stimulated (i.e., when you allow parasympathetic activation to predominate).

Your body needs those changes in order to properly integrate food, information, etc.

Some need a little more and some a little less. But we all need it.

There is no human being on this earth who can survive by ‘Only Inhaling’.

A fully cycle of healthy breathing involves an Inhalation and an Exhalation.


If youre running Qv2 with ZP it will be 2 loops per week of ZP if im doing the math right

Day 1 : ZP (1-2 loops)
Day 2 : off
Day 3: Qv2
Day 4 : off
Day5 : ZP(1-2 loops )
Day 6 : off
Day 7 : Qv2

Which seems to me so low of a frequency thats why im wishing for RM ZP :new_moon_with_face: so i could play the same stack every other day

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I don’t think we have an official answer at this point. However, username SaintSovereign has mentioned feeling the effects of Diamond ZP for over a week after he stopped listening.

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So you have about 22 hours between Loop 1 and Loop 2…

And about 26 hours between Loop 2 and Loop 3.




Might as well standardize at 24 hours, and affirm that you prefer to play 15 minutes a day – everyday at about the same time.

Just accept that you do NOT follow the Official Guidelines.

It’s not a biblical sin, you know.

“Lawyer Games” might be though.

:sweat_smile: :innocent:


Yes this correct

No , even in QV2 I always have my rest days a complete 24 hours or more depending on the listening time . I have other signs beside the time , one of them is dream recall . With QV2 I can remember 3 to 5 dreams per night . With zp 2 loops I can only remember little from those dreams . With one loop of zp I can recall 3 dreams . And when I can’t this is a sign that my mind is processing and I give myself rest day(24h) without any guilt.


Not lawyer games for a simple direct reason

I look for results only . Not playing more loops to hinder my progress . And I actually was having good results with all QV2 titles I played . (Rich , regneration , true social and Elixer , alchemist daredevil , HOM , ascended Mogul )

Lawyer game concept appeared on the forum after QV2. The people get confused from

  • Set and forget around 16 hours a day listening time
  • To 2 hours a day with QV2 with rest days .
    This change made people feel that they are not doing enough of listening . They are not realising that the purpose is not listening to more loops but having results .
  • someone posted here in the forum something tells the same , like "oh now we should Focus on taking more action " they were confusing listening time with taking action .

I’ve settled down to this schedule:

Monday rest
Tuesday listen
Wednesday rest
Thursday listen
Friday and Saturday rest
Sunday listen.

Currently doing Emperor on every listening day, then on two of the listening days swapping between GLM and ME for the moment. The third listening day is Emperor only. 1 loop per title on listening days, including on the Emperor only day.

Emperor ZP is the main sub till it will eventually be updated to future tech. The rest I haven’t decided on yet. Doing experimentation with them.

On other news, finally started to do some exercises after switching to Emperor. Taking it slow, but it definitely is something new for the moment.


i wanted to ask,

can i play the pattern for the 1 ZP title only for a week which means 1 loop of ZP every other day

then i can add 1 Qv2 sub next week, and then rotate the listening pattern to the 1ZP 1 Qv2 pattern ?

my stack is Emperor ZP and RM

and i want to increase the frequency by only running Emperor for the first week then adding RM to the stack next week

is that okay? or do i have to decide on the stack early? and stick to it?

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I’m not Saint, but if I were to say anything, I’d say do 2 weeks of just emperor, build a good foundation with the ZP script, then introduce RM.

If you’re lucky enough, RM ZP might be out by then :wink:


Thats a good idea :smirk:

ill do that :slight_smile: thanks for the suggestion!


Everyone know that mehn
I listened every other midnight using my own jusgement


it becomes obvious that you are playing …

@lawyer_sid_night: My client did not break the guidelines my lord. Clearly, he played his files on one day, and not the second. Repeat.


6 weeks later… another user is brought to court. He says he follows sid_night routine, but at noon … because it fits his belief (cough schedule cough) better.

@lawyer_sid_noon: My client followed the sid_night pattern your honour. He played Sub1 at 12:15 PM, Sub2 the next day at 10:30 AM. Repeat. He comes from a indigenous tribe of Sun worshippers my lord, where the day is counted from noon to noon.


Then, 2 weeks later…

@lawyer_sid_india: My client is a Hindu your honour. The Hindu Calendar counts the day from Sunrise to Sunrise. So, he played Sub1 at 8:15 AM, and Sub2 the next day at 6 AM – before the Sunrise. Repeat. He is clearly within the official guidelines my lord.


Everyone else can see that:

@sid_night plays 1 ZP Sub every night;
@sid_noon plays 1 ZP Sub every noon; and
@sid_india plays 1 ZP Sub every morning.


Doesn’t matter whether we call it Lawyer Games or Mental Gymnastics

What you’re doing is a …

!!! Temporal Scandal !!!



Why you playing lawyer games Sid ?. It says take 24 hours rest after each listening. If you want to overload yourself thats fine.

Objection Overruled goddam you as the american say :slight_smile:

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: .

Beautiful and funny post . I really loved it :sweat_smile:

Hey @TheBoxingScientist

  • I have good results with Qv2 I shared before here on the forum
  • I don’t overload myself
  • no the guidelines is not clear . And people are asking about .
  • even the moderators and other forum members encouraged me to ask the question on a support ticket .

  • if you read my posts in this thread you will understand that I give myself rest days whenever needed .

  • lawyer games concepts "suppose people are here for listening only . Not having Results " And you can read again this .

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Any listening instructions regarding volume with ZP ? the mask is beautifully quite

any idea at what volume should it be? the same as Qv2?


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There is no should, other than that you should barely be able to hear the trickling just so you know it’s not off.

Other than that, you can listen to music over it and not consciously hear a thing and it still works.

As he said, some subconscious don’t like to be “yelled at” like mine, so the lower the volume, the better. Depends though. Test it.


This article has some general information on volume.