New Support Article: Zero Point Listening Instructions

Dude dont worry about asking questions at all :slight_smile: !

Personally i would recommend headphones

But phone speakers also seem to be fine, but i highly recommend headphones or earphones

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Dear friend.
Have you had good results using z p programmes?

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Ive been using it for a week now, cant tell really

But people around here seem to be happy about their results

So you might wanna try it out :smiley: everyone is different


Thank you for your reply.

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Sorry I am a bit ignorant what does it mean by lawyer games?

From username SaintSovereign on this thread:


Going forward, playing lawyer games with the recommendations and then claiming the tech doesn’t work will be a bannable offense.

This does NOT apply to those experimenting with the loops and openly stating that they are going against the recommendations and will not blame the technology for the lack of results / recon / etc.

This only applies to those who don’t follow the recommendations, pretends that the instructions are unclear and then starts complaining on the forum about the tech not working.


I have a question. If you have a stack with 3 ZP titles, it’s possible to do something as follow for the alone title of the third day?

Day 1: ZP1 ×1, ZP2 x1
Day 2: rest
Day 3: ZP3 x2

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Check out the Zero Point Listening Instructions article.


I had already read it when ZP came out, but I have not seen any reference to my question, so I think it is not possible.

It’s possible, but, is it recommended?

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Yes, better way to say it.

Yes, it is possible. However, the listening instructions seem to indicate that two loops of the same program is only recommended when your stack consists of one Zero Point program.


I would not. You’re asking for overload. And ZP overload isn’t fun. Look, y’all. We HAVE to break this idea of more being better with ZP. I’m telling you, this is false. ZP needs time to “breathe,” so to speak, and the scripting / build method is so synergistic and powerful that running too much actually HURTS results. It sends you into really terrible recon and results will pretty much disappear for a bit.


@SaintSovereign @Fire Quick question if someone was experiences recon no matter what stack they use and ran saguine alone for a 21 cycle could that person see alone results from a previous stack they were running?

I am running 3 ZP titles, 2 one day and one alone on the fourth day, and my brain is so tired every morning I’m thinking of cutting it down to 2 zp titles for next run or maybe even one.

That’s the rational me thinking rationally. But the little me, the ego is actually thinking of adding more subs. Which is stupid seeing how much my brain is thirsting for rest and struggling. It’s sneaky like that.

This brain fatigue I guess is from alot of input from subs no? Plus the CFW is probably making some jumpin jacks with my emotions as well.

Anyway, proceed with care homie.


Try to listen to only 7 or 5 minutes each instead of 15.


I can attest to that. I messed up my routine yesterday. I was listening, early in the morning while half asleep. Not sure how it happened but I listened Chosen once and CFW twice. Instead of one time each. Today is a rest day but, I literally spent the morning sleeping. Brain fatigue is real and right now my brain is kind of buzzing slightly. I need to organize my playlists differently to avoid accidental repeats. I’ll see how I feel tomorrow though.

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I decided to take your advice and do 6 minutes using my timer app; I started that about 5 days ago. I can feel an uplifted focus and positive energy. Too much ZP and I get bogged in a mire of weirdness. These subs are more powerful than the previous versions: Tabasco sauce v. ghost peppers.


I hope the pepper metaphor isn’t somehow insulting, seemed apt; of course none of the subs are supermarket shelf-ish

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