- Okay, here goes. Correct me if I’m wrong.
- I’m translating this into a strong self-image, the ability to accept yourself and your body and feel completely comfortable with it. Although if you feel so awesome that you may just go skinny dipping in a public pool or streaking across campus, power to you!
- Your phrasing gives off a bit a strong vibe. So let’s say you want a large circle of friends that respect what you have to say.
- This comes from being in the moment and feeling confident about yourself. Finding your path, your life-goals, and being on pursuit of those while allowing others to tag along for the ride if they want.
- Much like item 3, this happens when you build a life for yourself, then go out and live it. Enjoy things, try new things, rediscover your childlike curiosity.
- Learn what makes one, then practice, practice, practice. Subs can get you part of the way, the rest is up to you. Also figure out what your style is, the hard-hitting master seducer that gets what he wants again and again or the suave man that is in love with women and in love with love and all the experiences (the good and the bad) that come with it.
- Ah, don’t we all?
- See item 6.
Okay, suppose we can’t do all of those things at the same time. Figure out where you want to start. First, do the healing, the de-stressing, the lucid dreaming (props to you if you get there). It’s your foundation and less stress allows better programming.
Now you’re all healed up and de-stressed.
By now, you should have defined your long-term goals. Write them down, create a vision board or just put all those pictures in a box to remind yourself what you’re working towards. It may seem silly, but if you don’t know where you’re going, how can you expect your internal navigation system to keep you on the path. It’s okay to dream here. If you set a goal to have a huge castle, and you end up having a beachfront-mansion with 7 cars instead, are you really unhappy? I go by the mantra “If you shoot for the stars and land on the moon, at least you know you’re going in the right direction.”
As such, one of my goals is to live forever or die trying. Hey, they say the first person that will live forever has already been born. Why not me, right?
Feel free to share the mantra, Mr. Astronaut.
Next, your passions. When you talk about things you’re passionate about, you light up. People are drawn to that like moths. I knew a little chubby nerd who was totally socially inept. This one time he came on a camping trip and when he started talking about his preferred RPG, everybody tuned in. Half of us had no idea what he was talking about, but he engaged the whole group because he was completely in it. You see the same in some people that are very religious but in a good way. Like the taxi driver that tried to tell me all about his god. He was never going to convert me, but the energy and passion that he radiated kept me in that cab for almost an hour while parked in front of my house. We both felt better afterwards.
So, know what you’re passionate about. And accept that those things may change as you grow as a person.
These are things you can define right now, while you’re on your healing path. They may even help, since they can make you realize what you need to let go of and where you need to go. And they will guide your dreams.
So this is your ground-work. After that, where do you want to start? Productivity? Financial independence? Social skills? Sex & seduction? You may not wish to do all at the same time. Or maybe do something that makes you financially successful while also becoming more social, leaving out the dating part for the moment. Becoming social and confident around people is going to help you with the dating later anyway, and the money won’t hurt there either.
If you want products right now for those things, we could help you. But consider it will take you time to de-stress first, and who knows which products will be out there then? Do step one, then come back and we can help you get the products for step two.
For now, I’d say this:
- Start with Regeneration.
- You want Dreams, go ahead. Do a few loops before going to bed. I have asked if it also help you to remember dreams, but so far I haven’t gotten and answer to that. Do keep in mind that lucid dreams are awesome, but you also should learn to remain an observer. After all, how can you expect to get meaningful messages in your dreams if you keep taking charge of them?
- Optionally, you could stack with Sanguine
- Optionally, you could start the day off with The Elixir. Getting into the habit of meditating for a few minutes every day will do wonders for your resilience.
- At this point, I can understand if you really want to get started already instead of taking months to de-stress first. So you could choose to stack Regeneration with Limitless. I think they’ll work just fine together and Limitless will help you with procrastination and puts down the foundation for future work. You could stack them, or maybe run Regeneration while you sleep and Limitless while you’re awake. Experiment.
As always, this is just my two hours(!) worth. Others may think differently. Like Stack Exchange, invite people’s answers and pick one that you feel best about.
I’ll leave you with this: start some journals, one for your dreams, one for the subs you use. Feel free to share in the Journals section and share your experiences with others. Not only will it help you by putting things down “on paper” and out of your head for reference, but it also helps the authors to develop better products if they know the effect on you.
That’s it, I’m done.