New Disc. Thread - Chosen From Within ZP Experimental

Can I ask you something about DR…wats your experience on frst day …m on frst day one 2 loops n having headache…

Yes buddy

Hmm difficult question

In my experience I had headaches from overload or when Dr attacked problems that I was numb for.

I was ultra pain resistant, I felt pain but it was no biggie. DR regeneratet me to the point where I have now a normal Pain response (I don’t like pain at all, it’s fucking shit)

In the process of it I had 1 hour where I believed my brain is going to explode and my skull is cracking open.

After that experience I felt things I was numb before

Was this somehow helpfull?

Are you listening to Zp?

Did you try DR before Zp came out?

No…m using dr frst time but I hv used other subs bfr

My friend please go slow

1 loop of st1 is enough

I startet with st1 in Q version and 1 loop made me pause subs for 5-11 days and that for over 1 1/2 months.

DR is no children toy

Here my nasty journal


Bruh, always do one loop of whatever program you try so that you can gauge the recon and effects.

Guaranteed one will be enough for most people.

Any ETA on the new special CFW @SaintSovereign ? :slight_smile:

Headache: What Are The Most Common Symptoms of Reconciliation? - Subliminal Club Support Hub

  • Headaches and Fatigue: These are also signs of overload. The solution to both of these is to make sure you’re eating well, practicing good sleeping habits, and cutting back on the number of loops.
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How do you like the name change?

Hey Saint, any updates on whether this will be coming?
I’m holding a spot open in my stack for it!


Chosen, Love Bomb and Liberuine :joy:(Libertine+Sanguine)



Chosen From Within is a challenge. I would love for you to keep both versions, the current one and the one with extra love. Everyone got different needs, tough love, soft love.


Thank you @RVconsultant for the name change

Like this idea.

Cfw still lingers around 3 weeks later. Truly powerful.

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Why not strip just Regeneration away?

Chosen and Lovebomb is sufficient.

I would love to have this Combo in my Arsenal

Fuck now I am begging :joy:

Please make it happen

Isn’t the healing a major idea of that sub?

Sure but the combination of Chosen and Lovebomb makes an excellent sub for wellbeing

Its like a holiday sub

We work on ourselves all the time, we go trough shit most people are afraid of.
Its time for a Holiday sub, to sit back enjoy ourselves, our live, get recharged with positivity and love and then start fresh and stronger into another round of self development
That’s why
I see tremendous VALUE in this sub combination

How much should I pay you to make a chosen/lovebomb from within version


Added it to DRST1

Which effects can give adding CFW to a healing sub?
Right now I am listening to Regeneration solo, can it be beneficial to use CFW with it?