New Disc. Thread - Chosen From Within ZP Experimental

Your Forum name is officially made for you :grin: :+1:


I have to change it.
It showes me that I was very disrespecting and naive.

Long story to explain but I can say Dragons don’t want a rider :joy:

New Name : Flame of Rebirth

How do I change my Name?


Consulting @RVconsultant

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Thank you

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@Matrix i raised a ticket with the customer support team and then contacted one of the moderators and gave them the ticket number. Its a good point of reference if you raise a ticket. It also allows the moderators to justify why they changed your name.

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This quote by username SaintSovereign seems to suggest the different healing programs use different methods of healing. It’s likely the healing title one finds the hardest will be based on the method of healing it finds the hardest.

PM me. Just realize that once I change it, you’ll be logged out Ave will need to login with the new name. This will occur at random, since I’m now checking PMs twice a week.

Thank you for the info but actually I don’t want to change my name. It was my reply to @Leandros to help him change his name.
@Leandros pls send a PM to @SaintSovereign if you wish to change forum name :grin:

I hope it helps

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That was funny

Thank you @Matrix

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Quick impression of my first cycle through CFW…washout starts tomorrow


Yes lol :sweat_smile:

Thank you for updating your journal! I was reading it yesterday and craving a new entry to see how you had been progressing, as Stark + CFW is on my horizon as well.

It’s funny that everyone CFW seems to touch has their productivity destroyed, yet Saint mentioned that this sub should allow us to better lead ourselves and develop discipline to do so.

I wonder if it’s recon, or some fault in the construction of the experimental sub, or what?

Because I’ve had the same experience :sweat_smile:
Productivity shattered, and yet I am going deeper into discovering my purpose and drive for why I want to do the things that I need this productivity for in the first place.

Now, is the lapse in momentum justified by this deeper understanding? Maybe, I am not sure yet, I think we will only know for sure after some time passes.

Nonetheless, this has been one of the most interesting subs in SubClub history in my opinion, and it’s been so fun to be a part of it!


Day 3 of my washout and I feel dense love towards myself and very friendly I help myself

The active listening time was not funny at all but the results are phenomenal


On Day 3 here also. Intense emotional dream on night of Day 1. This morning had one of those meditations where 45 minutes feels like 60 minutes, but in a relatively comfortable way. (Attention is just more relaxed.)


I finally “caught up” on this thread by skimming and just reading the parts about this CFW with Rebirth and whatever else. I’m about go to run my first ever loop of CFW (I MAY have run one single loop of “regular” Chosen when I got it).

Hoist the Colours!

I think you answered your own question.


Dragonrespecter just doesn’t have the same ring to it though.

Dragon respecter shows maturity
Dragonrider shows respectless domination

Respecter gets knowledge in the spirit world for free because of spiritual maturity and good manners.

Rider gets fights

Respecter sounds weak
Rider sounds strong

Respecter has profound self worth and treat others according to the golden rule

Rider just doesn’t give a shit about the will of others

Now let’s turn the game

Imagine a spirit (imagine a negative spirit) just dominates you and let you execute his will.

And another spirit tries to communicate with you in friendly respectful manner,learn from you and is grateful for your lessons

Witch one would you choose to spend time?

Witch one do you give your secrets and have a good time?

Witch one do you want as your ally/friend/partybuddy?

Witch one do you want to meet?

For witch type do you have time?

Witch one do you deem worthy?

Easy :grin:

In the spirit world you need more respect than in this world. You just have to treat all beings with respect, otherwise you get a good whopping or rejected or both and a curse and some shit on top and banishment and…

But thanks I now know my new name here


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Can I ask you something about DR…wats your experience on frst day …m on frst day one 2 loops n having headache…

Yes buddy