Mountains of Wealth | The Stark Arc ZP

I’d be interested in the results of Stark + Mind’s Eye ZP.

May I ask what made you want to switch from Emperor to Stark?



To sum it up quickly: I listened to my intuition.

Unpacking that a little...

It had a lot to do with noticing the things I’ve avoided out of fear…like I finally acknowledged my hang-ups with being the center of attention and that I’ve suppressed my shine for a long time (due to childhood stuff of course).

The alpha, dominance, and unbreakable mindset aspects of Emperor have reinforced and rebuilt foundational pillars within me to the point that I don’t feel the need to lean on Emperor for those aspects any more (and the romance scripting isn’t a priority atm either).

I feel like climbing higher now and stepping into the spotlight is one of the next steps in my evolution.

So, at least in my mind, the Stark archetype will not only stoke my creative genius and assist in my entrepreneurial pursuits…it will also help me be more resilient in weathering all forms of the inevitable attention and will help me become better at converting my energy outward in a way that draws people to me.

While running Emperor, it didn’t matter if I got attention or not (matching my pre-existing modus operandi), and in fact, seemed to make people intimidated more often than not when I placed my attention on them (again, something I was already good at due to childhood stuff).

But as a natural counter-point, I am pretty good at making people feel safe when we interact up close, if they act right and can take some tough love :joy:

Anyway, now I purposely want to court attention, and Stark is built for that. I imagine it’ll boost all things sales and persuasion too.

That turned into more unpacking than I thought.


I haven’t tried to articulate that before now, so thanks for asking and hopefully that was helpful.

If you want other details, fire away. I feel more open to sharing now – probably Stark’s doing, maybe CFW.


@summit The unpacking part was really helpful. Thank you very much.

The Emperor mindset part you mention is interesting. It is because I can relate and have experienced too when I used Emperor Q (mostly) and then Qv2.

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Today is the 9th day running my stack, and is a Stark + CFW day.

Last week, there was a good amount of emotional turbulence, but it was manageable and yesterday I felt like I found the break in the clouds.

Things feel clearer today and since I’ve become more diligent in directing my thoughts over the past week I’m noticing a new sense of ease in my body. It probably helps that I’m going outside to connect to Nature everyday now as well.

A part of the turbulence the first week on CFW was that I felt really vulnerable while around people. Like my insides might be exposed. Like revisiting the negatives in my past left me raw and way more sensitive in a way. It felt like I was walking around without my armor, so to speak.

It was much different from the sense of being an indomitable force that Emperor gives, but even though that was the case, I was able to navigate the situations I found myself in perfectly and expressed the truth of whatever I thought and felt at the time with ease and in a positive way.

I have this sense that as I’m becoming more compassionate towards myself and others, I’m simultaneously solidifying the deeper, truer expression of my individuality – if that makes any sense.

I’m catching and reframing negative thoughts that come up faster too.

So far I think CFW has been the dominant sub in my stack, and I don’t have a strong read on what Stark might be doing yet.


Day 13 of my Stark arc…it was a Stark + CFW day.

And I had my first real experience of Stark’s famed fame aura…

I’d just spent about an hour in a botanical garden taking in the sights and sounds. And when I left, I felt expansive yet grounded – I’m adding this detail because I think it made a difference.

So, as I’m rounding the corner leaving the garden, I notice a sexy young woman wearing her tightest yoga pants and crop top talking to a guy leaning against a car. Looked like they were in the early stages of courting and there was a little awkwardness in the air.

Well, after the 500ms it took to notice that situation, I went back to noticing my internal state and focusing on that cool feeling of expansion.

Then almost like I was a magnet, the woman turned towards me and didn’t turn away. She was in the middle of saying something to the guy and just faded into silence after she locked on to me.

It took her a second, then her reflexes kicked in and she lifted her hand up to hold her phone up by her head, but she was still turned towards me. The guy said something but since she didn’t respond, he turned in my direction too.

Now this all happened in the span of 10-15 seconds, however long it took for me to walk (not that fast) passed them.

And after I’d passed them and broke her line of sight, I heard her sputter back into conversation and their bubble was re-established.

Part of me wanted to dismiss it as “nothing” or “not a big deal,” but nah, it was the big smack in the face I needed (and asked for) in order to notice the influence Stark is having on me.


Day 21 - CFW + Stark day

It’s the last day of this first cycle with CFW and Stark…and the thought of running them today made me want to run the other way, or retroactively “start” my washout yesterday :sweat_smile: …all to avoid whatever CFW is going to make me feel the next few days. But I ran 'em anyway. :muscle: :grimacing:

The CFW experience started off feeling good, but as the days progressed I was more and more in my feelings about things.

I’ve had to focus a lot of my energy into reframing and guiding my thoughts and emotions. And I’ve felt more and more vulnerable during the past couple weeks in all interactions.

So, it makes sense that during this time I also haven’t worked out consistently and lost a lot of my productive drive to the point where things are piling up now.

But at least from my current awareness of this healing cycle…feeling stripped of my indestructible armor and feeling vulnerable most of the time has let me tap into a deeper well of strength. I’ll have to come back to this because I don’t have the right words to convey it, but it seems like the path to true “indestructibility”.

Yea, so all that to say, running CFW is a great choice if you want to unlock some of your deeper levels.

But I won’t be doing a round 2 of CFW :laughing: …at least not until the newer version rewritten with Rebirth and Sanguine is released.


Washout Day 3 of 5 – washing out Stark ZP, Mind’s Eye ZP, and Chosen From Within

I know how (and why) I’ve managed to squander opportunity after opportunity, only having minor successes within each experience.

The feelings of shame and guilt that have come up aren’t pulling any punches.

It feels like my future is at stake, teetering on a tightrope over an abyss.

But it’s all within my power to take the necessary steps to get to the other side.

To realize my dream, a part of me has to die…and be reborn.

I’ve already made the choice.

All I have to do is keep my balance and put one foot in front of the other.


Day 1 - Stark ZP + Mogul ZP

It’s the start of my second cycle with Stark ZP as the centerpiece, joined by Mogul ZP and Spartan ZP for this round.

A lot has changed internally for me over the past several months, but after experiencing the intense healing effects of CFW the past few weeks, I’m ready to spring into action.

So why cut both CFW and Mind’s Eye?

Short version: I was too internally focused this month, and need to take more consistent action.

Longer version:

Part of my why and how of not fully taking advantage of past opportunities has to do with underlying negative stuff – of course you guys already know that – so I had to put my adventures with Mind’s Eye on hold in favor of Mogul’s scalpel-like precision on wealth manifestation and removing any remaining issues. (EoG’s deep dive healing will come later.)

Mogul is also going to get me out of the clouds – which my mind loves to wander around in and Stark seems to boost – and enhance my ability to materialize those lofty ideas.

At least, that’s the 30,000 foot overview for those two.

Spartan, on the other hand, was added because I’ve been ignoring my physical health / fitness for about 7 weeks now, just doing the bare minimum, and can use the added boost to self-discipline. I had good results during my short run with Spartan before, so I expect it’ll integrate smoothly.

The next few weeks will tell if I was on the right track with my thinking here.

After running both Mogul and Stark back-to-back a couple hours ago, there’s nothing immediate to report beyond some sensations in my head while running the subs.

What I do have to report that has some significance is that I rearranged my entire apartment yesterday.

(This isn’t something I normally do and I hadn’t moved anything much since I helped my mate move out last year.)

This definitely feels like a Stark expression because in over 8 months of running Emperor, I never felt this compelled to change up my environment to this extent – because it worked – not to mention that I’m also going to donate a lot of clothes that don’t do it for me anymore.

Basically, this adds up to the beginnings of a huge style upgrade…and it feels good.


Day 2 - Processing day

Only minor things to report today:

  • more attention paid to style and grooming before leaving my apartment than usual, and I felt like I already have a million in the bank
  • listed some items from my death pile on eBay
  • had an interesting experience ordering a burger as described here: Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP - #493 by summit
  • and started working out again today – maybe precog-style results from Spartan, which starts tomorrow

Finally decided to find a fulfillment partner so I can focus on sales and marketing…so that’s happening.

I’ve finally accepted that I can’t, and more importantly, don’t want to do everything on my own any more. (Stark is helping me out in this area for sure.)

Here’s a crazy belief I had some years ago: if I get a degree in computer science, I’ll be able to start and run my own tech business.


What a dummy.

Well, I’ve ground myself down to the bone being stubborn about doing everything myself the past few years with learning the sales and marketing side in addition to fulfilling on service-business / eComm sales funnels, including (re)building their websites to be conversion optimized.

It took this long to realize that the selling and marketing are what juice me up and what I should focus on. So I should let other more inclined folk design and build out the websites and other digital assets.

I’m a slow learner sometimes. :sweat:

Now the question is: how to find someone or an agency to partner with. Outsourcing everything is also an option :thinking:

At this moment, I’m of the mind that I really don’t care what I sell as long as I don’t have to also build it lol…and it makes a positive difference in people’s lives

Something to sleep on and look at tomorrow.

(if anyone has a suggestion or thought that comes to mind, I’m all ears)

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What is a death pile?

A pile of stuff to (re)sell that isn’t listed yet.

Okay. Thank you for clarifying.

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Day 6 - Processing day

Ran 1x each of Mogul and Stark in the evening yesterday. Then slept a little over 10 hours. I could’ve gone for 12, but I forced myself to get up.

The dreams I had last night were vivid and varied where in one I was operating a tank-mounted machine gun while driving through a valley (not a great position to be strategically, but I predicted enemy movements easily and wasn’t worried) and in the next I was at a party in a huge mansion, navigating the social landscape while having a good time.

A couple things I noticed from the 1 loop of Spartan a few days ago is I’m feeling the pull to do some calisthenics during the day, at the very minimum, since I’ve been unmotivated to do hard workouts for a few weeks now. If I don’t do anything, I start to feel very restless. But all it took was doing a couple sets of pull-ups, push-ups, and squats, and I felt better instantly.

The day after I posted about my decision to outsource fulfillment, I saw an ad on FB with exactly that offer. I had a call with them and realized (again) that I’ve been making things much harder than they need to be when it comes to generating wealth.

It’s like I need to be reminded about things more than I need to be taught.

So, today I’m looking into white label services so I can begin testing an acquisition funnel.

I can’t say I’m super-excited or especially motivated about this…I just feel calm about it.

Like, it’s time to roll up my sleeves, put my head down, and get 'r done.

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Day 8 - Processing day

Ran a loop of Spartan early yesterday morning a couple hours before training. It was the second loop during this 3 ZP cycle, so only 30 minutes of total exposure over the past week.

Didn’t feel much of anything immediately.

Right before class, I listened to the Beast Unleashed LIFEcharger because I felt like I needed a little boost.

Well, the combo worked really well.

I was able to easily find submissions, create openings, and counter-attack all while feeling a sense of complete internal calm. But not like a sleepy calm. More like an eye-of-the-storm type calm.

My senses were firing on all cylinders as I intuitively responded to the explosive chaos of movement around me.

Anyway, some days are better than others in training…and this one was a good one.

As a bonus, I didn’t feel nearly as winded as I expected to feel going into class – I haven’t properly trained cardio in almost two months now and have been indulging a bit more in food and drink – but feeling an excess of strength and endurance while my training partner looked close to fatigue was great :laughing: I was surprised tbh

On the wealth building front, after finding more than a few options for white label marketing services, I began thinking about choosing new niches to serve that are un-sexy – I picked a few and decided to come up with an offer to test. Then I came across a free funnel building masterclass “out of nowhere” offered by a successful copywriter I’m learning from who’s going to reveal what’s working for him currently. Digging into that today.

Side note (and maybe tmi): a few years ago when I decided to run my own business (which up to this point has been nothing more than freelancing under an LLC since I do everything from sales to fulfillment), I’d regularly come across information like that offer of the free funnel masterclass-sort and took a cynical view of it like “they’re only showing us now because it’s probably not working so well…and they’re only trying to upsell me into coaching or something.”

Or, that it would be mostly fluff, or I already knew about that tactic, etc., etc.

Well, now I’m of a different mind…and am beginning to view more and more things that enter my awareness as opportunities.

I notice the growth of my abundance mindset as I focus on what I want to build / experience and take some action towards it.

The key is keeping my awareness alert to the potential synchronicities (and intuitive nudges) and not drifting off into autopilot.

Here’s a sample of how deeply the combo of Stark + Mogul has inspired me to take wealth-building action so far:

My FWB came by yesterday and after talking for a bit enjoying each others’ company we hopped in the shower to clean up before we got dirty.

I told her, “Hey, you know what I’m really looking forward to doing?”

“What?” she asked with a little twinkle in her eye.

“Watching a funnel building masterclass.”


The look on her face was priceless…and she got her revenge by distracting me from it :wink:

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What are you training?

Jujutsu. Yesterday’s class was groundwork heavy…similar to BJJ, or judo’s newaza without the gi.

Do you train a martial art?

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Nice. Yes, BJJ.

Jujutsu as in Japanese Jujutsu?

Yup. Do any martial arts training yourself?

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I used to do karate. The self defense portion in my karate actually had some judo basics, and Brazilian Jiujitsu basics.

I am thinking of getting back into some sort of martial art. Not sure which one.

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