Mountains of Wealth | The Stark Arc ZP

I used to do karate. The self defense portion in my karate actually had some judo basics, and Brazilian Jiujitsu basics.

I am thinking of getting back into some sort of martial art. Not sure which one.

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Makes sense. There’s a lot of overlap of techniques when it comes to learning combatives that work.

Only one way to really know: go train :wink:

unsolicited advice

You probably have an idea of what you want to experience, right?

Here’s what I did:

  • make a list of the arts / dojos / fighting styles you might be interested in and schedule an intro class / week (and if they don’t have an offer like that, just ask…most will come up with something),
  • then take the time to go experience them
  • Ask if you can watch an advanced (black belt equivalent) class…you’ll learn a lot about a place and the instructor by watching the advanced students train.

Imo, the quality of instructor makes an exponential difference in your development and experience regardless of fighting style, so choose wisely.

You’ll know which ones aren’t a good fit for you once you start…kind of like ZP.

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Day 17 – Mogul + Stark day

Well, it’s been 9 days since my last update, and not doing this might have something to do with it…

I dove back into learning mode hard – something that I love to do as long as I’m at least a little interested – but I took minimal action on developing the actual pathway(s) I’ve had in mind for over a week.

On the one hand, going back over and refreshing my copywriting, positioning, and offer creation knowledge led me to new insights and possibilities for potential profit pathways…so that was good.

Yet on the other hand, I find myself fighting my intuitive nudges in the perfectionist pit…not so good.

My default mode tends to pull me into research for way longer than necessary, in a futile attempt to “get it right the first time,” and I feel it wanting to take over…but something is different now.

There’s a growing acceptance of the actual truth: imperfection is inevitable, so I may as well use it.

I imagine this sounds pedestrian to another person without the “special” blend of experiences I’ve had, but it’s probably been the biggest obstacle on my road to success and wealth.

Anyway, I’ve known about (and unsuccessfully addressed) this well-worn ravine my thoughts and feelings can slip into, so I’m thinking of giving myself a boost by running Sanguine for my next cycle, especially since I’m attempting to create something new…and that over-research muscle is over-trained.

Sanguine’s page says it’ll help maintain and improve the confidence I have in my skills / talents, so that should be a big help in staying out of the perfectionist pit.

But, I’m on the fence about whether to take Stark out and let it bloom since I’ve run two cycles of it back-to-back…

…or, remove Mogul after this single cycle.

We’ll see.

Overall, feeling optimistic about the direction things are moving.


Day 18 - processing

Woke up from a vivid dream that left me feeling badly about my behaviors in the dream.

It’s similar to how I feel currently (during my waking dream) about needing to change what I do, and how I do, every day.

It’s so simple, right?

See the behavior that needs to change…and change it.

Except, it’s been my experience that that only works for so long before a major triggering event can snap me back into an old behavior pattern…just maybe not for as long before I start to stretch into the new pattern again, but it’s enough to cause some turmoil.

So, how do I stop the rubber band effect?

I don’t know.

My current approach is to re-focus on what I intend to create, re-frame my experiences into positives, and restrict inputs to being useful ones as much as I can.

I have a sense that I’m only imagining how difficult change actually is…but the illusion feels strong (even if untrue).

Is it fear? Is it lack of confidence?

Does it matter what I think it is?

Maybe if I keep stretching this rubber band over and over and over, it’ll lose its elasticity…and hold a different shape.

Only one way to find out.

On a more concrete note, I manifested a re-connection with someone who I could end up partnering with on a new project, so that’s cool.

Going to stay vigilant of staying out of my own way (and my head) so I manifest more opportunities for cash flow.

Buying a business has recently been top of mind…we’ll see what happens.

Washout - Day 1

Woke up before the roosters today – I don’t live near any, but I know I beat 'em.

Wasn’t in a great mood due to a weird dream, but I ended up having a great morning…

Went for an early morning walk in the cold to expose myself to the early morning light, and got to enjoy the sights, sounds and scents of Nature without anyone else around (almost).

It was beautiful.

Watched the courageous struggle of a lone squirrel fending off a crow at least three times its size. Then it became two crows, but the squirrel didn’t back down and eventually drove them back. As I turned to walk away, I heard the crows calling for backup and I wondered how it would turn out for the squirrel.

I’m a city guy, and I’ve never seen anything like that before…I felt grateful to be reminded of an important lesson.

By the time I got back to my place, the funk that I woke up with was gone. And I sat to meditate.

The nudges to focus on creating cash flow are coming through a lot clearer in my mind without triggering the old procrastination reflex as much as previous weeks and months…probably the result of Mogul’s healing components.

I’m keeping Mogul in the rotation for a 2nd cycle and will have a better idea of it’s effects as I take more action so not a whole lot to say about it right now, but I shared my feedback about 2 cycles of Stark in the main thread.

Oh, a cool thing happened after I wrote my review of 1 cycle of Spartan

I dodged a f*cking vehicle. And not just any vehicle, a silent killer…a Tesla SUV.

So, that was good. Ain’t nobody got time for serious injuries.

The next few days I have a question to answer: which sub, if any, should replace Stark in my stack alongside Mogul and Spartan?

Right now, the options I have at my disposal and could align with / support my wealth & health goals are:

  • Limit Destroyer – limiting beliefs seem to pop up regularly on my journey to success, and will help both subs express more freely
  • GLM – greater self-discipline, emotional control, and having an unbreakable frame are areas I still need to get better at
  • Chosen – externally focused positive action, great for relationship building and leading my future outsourced team
  • Sanguine – always feeling confident no matter what, reduced recon…I could put this to good use
  • EoG St1 – this one really isn’t a contender in my mind because I can’t afford anymore healing recon for awhile, trusting Mogul’s more limited healing to get me to a solid baseline first.
  • Limitless – greater focus and flow, ease of knowledge acquisition…always good
  • Mind’s Eye – greater trust in my intuitive decision making (my preferred method), and visualization of success
  • Sage Immortal – this idea bubbled up into my conscious mind a little while after writing this entry…secret knowledge, the drive to take the best actions on my life’s path, inner calm…yea, that sounds awesome

All have their pros and cons. And of course, I have to consider the areas I need the biggest boost, or feel could be the weakest links.

The great thing I feel about ZP that I didn’t with Qv2 is: I can plan to rotate through most of these in a fraction of the time and still get good effects from them.

So, I’m not worried which one is the “best” or “right one”…I’ll let my subconscious marinate on it, maybe search around some journals and ask for some feedback.

There’s time.

(and if you’re reading this and it triggers a thought, maybe something I haven’t considered or blind spot I should check, I’m all ears…and if not, cheers)


What lesson did you feel reminded of?

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So, I don’t think I’ll share specifically as it’s personal, but ultimately, I was grateful for the experience of it. The great play of LIfe as set on a smaller stage.

What is that play about? (as I imagine you’ll ask :wink: )

Life and death. Predator and prey. Challenges. Hunger. The will to live.

All themes experienced by both squirrel and crow.

The strategies and tactics used to create their desired realities collide with each other, and thus, the dance is dynamic and beautiful.

It flows and crashes…and will resolve into stillness, eventually.

Or maybe the squirrel just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and wanted the crow to shut the hell up. :laughing: Who knows

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I see. Thank you for taking the time to reply.

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No problem. Thanks for the inquiry. It made me find even more meaning in my experience.

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@summit I am thinking Mind’s Eye. It would complement a wealth stack and a health stack.

The other options sound good given the reasons you have provided.

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Yea, Mind’s Eye is a top contender for sure. It’s an underrated sub and hard to quantify imo, but offers amazing results enhancements if you’re willing to trust your intuition more and practice visualizing outcomes – running two cycles of ME and now two cycles of Stark (which has aspects of ME) has shown me how awesome it can be.

The most surprising thing for me after writing this list was that I realized I have RICH as an option as well. And apparently Mogul and RICH are scripted to have good synergy. So, I’m starting to lean towards a Mogul + RICH + Spartan stack for the next cycle, but it’s not settled yet…and ME is a great enhancer.

Anyway, thanks for your input @hyperbeam, I didn’t think about ME’s impact on my health goals.

I have some meditating to do before I come to a final decision of what I need more immediately, but ME is definitely making another rotation sooner than later.


How has it enhanced your results?

Well, besides helping me with visualizing outcomes (still developing this skill) and reducing intrusive negative thoughts about them, I noticed a greater flow of ideas…solutions to problems, creating a new approach to something I’m interested in, connections between concepts I hadn’t realized before, etc.

I believe it helped with manifesting a couple things, and turned up the volume on my intuitive sense as well.

Hope that helps a bit. I recommend trying it out.

What stack are you currently running @Seeker ?

[Start New Cycle]

Day 1 – Mogul + RICH

Not sure why, but I felt compelled to begin my cycle today, so my washout period was only 4 days instead of 5.

Maybe my subconscious is finally starting to enjoy the things its hearing – and the growth its experiencing – regarding wealth manifestation and generation. :thinking:

It probably also helps that I’ve taken more consistent action with developing and testing my ideas (will share some successes that come from them when they occur), and my mind wants the support to keep the momentum going.

So this cycle will consist of Mogul + RICH + Spartan.

RICH was chosen over all other options because I want to experience the synergistic effects of Mogul + RICH, have a boost in wealth manifestations, as well as keep my stack as tightly focused as possible.

This is the 2nd cycle of both Spartan and Mogul, so I expect a smoother month will little to no recon.

This is going to sound weird, but for the rest of this month I’m going to do things completely differently in terms of structuring my days…

Whereas for the past couple of years, I’ve prioritized business-related activities (learning included) and tried to fit in my health-related and spiritual practices – which led to downward spiraling behavior patterns that were a struggle to correct at times – I feel compelled to flip that model upside down.

This new concept (to me) feels right – prioritizing my health and spiritual practices, making them non-negotiable – and yet there’s a thought running around in my mind saying this is stupid and I should be 10x hustle grinding my face off every second of the day until success is achieved…

…except, no. I shouldn’t do that. And the proof is in the tasting of the pudding, which I did for the past couple years and it didn’t work for me…I was very unpleasant to be around sometimes.

So, this is the start of the test.

It means that during my work blocks I’ll have to be even more focused on only the things that truly matter.

No more being “busy” all damn day.

The idea is to crank it to a 10 for short bursts of the highest priority tasks, then turn it way down to a 1 or 2 (being truly relaxed) when not at my desk…as opposed to feeling like I constantly need to be doing something (to reach the success I desire) and operate at a festering 5 or 6.

This will take into account the natural ebb and flow of my creative energy, optimize its use, and build my focus muscle further…

…at least, that’s the idea.

We’ll see what happens.

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I see. Thank you for elaborating.

Limitless ZP, Mind’s Eye ZP, and Wanted ZP

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Day 3 - Spartan ZP

My appetite the past week or so has been on overdrive.

I’m hungry every few hours…which is annoying for the amount of dishes I now have to wash lol, but is great because it means my metabolism has cranked up a gear. And I’m not going to complain about that.

Weight hasn’t fluctuated much on the scale, so that probably means some re-composition is happening given the increase in calories. Going to start using tape measurements tomorrow for more accurate assessments.

Steadily increasing the volume of calisthenics and cardio since starting my washout period…

  • started doing 20 / 40 / 60 reps of pull-ups / push-ups / goblet squats w/ 12kg bell, 4 days in a row this last week before my body asked for a day of rest
  • increased to 30 / 60 / 90 reps, 2 days in row so far, and going to see if I can jump to 40/80/120 before needing a rest day – because it feels like I can without pushing too hard
  • started jogging ~2 miles 3 days last week, non-consecutively, easy pace
  • tested ~4 miles yesterday with minimal fatigue or stress on the legs
  • going to aim for shorter but faster runs this week, with emphasis on hill work

The goal is to work up to handling a volume of 100 / 200 / 300 reps, respectively, at least once per week.

I may switch it up to HIIT workouts with kettlebells for a week intermittently…prevent any chances for injury from overuse and repetitive motion.

So, no results that are too crazy yet… but for doing next to nothing for a couple months, I’ll take it.

Slow & low is the way to go.

I have about two months before my strength and endurance is tested in a race again…this time it’s a 13 mile obstacle course that’s said to be the second hardest they offer due to the overall elevation gain and steepness of the course.

Some fun times ahead…and a good test of will.

Speaking of will, and discipline, although my wealth generating activities aren’t streamlined yet (due to not having a set schedule – the bane of my existence :laughing: ), I’ve noticed that I am in fact thinking about wealth and the many possibilities to create streams of cash flow more often, and taking more action…a LOT more action.

I’m not going to share the new things I’m testing (until they bare fruit), but here’s an example of a cash-generating idea that came “out of nowhere”…

…I had a neighbor park in my spot for the second time yesterday (after I told them to ask me in advance…they didn’t), so I went over to talk to them directly.

(They left a note to call, but I thought they should see my face as I communicate with them, so they know what’s up.)

And out of left field, this idea came to me as I went over…and I told them they could rent my spot for the day if they’re ever in need, or if they have friends over that don’t want to waste gas looking for street parking.

Why hadn’t I thought of that before??

(I looked it up, and there are a good number of “AirBNB for parking” type companies out there…the possibilities are truly endless.)

Not gonna lie though, there was a part of me that wanted to call them out on this BS move and tell 'em not to pull that shit anymore…we’re not kids and your parents aren’t here to save you. :laughing:

But nah, that’s not necessary in most circumstances. Most people aren’t looking to fight, they just have some issues of entitlement or whatever (I’m not a therapist, idfk) and are used to slinking their way out of the issues they create with their own behavior, giving some emotion-based story as to why it wasn’t their fault.

This time, the excuse was that our other neighbor said it was ok…as they feigned sheepishness and proceeded to move their car immediately. smh

Some people.

Anyway, this was a way longer, and slightly rant-y post at the end, but all of it to say:

  • Spartan started expressing more even before running the first loop of this new cycle
  • And Mogul is also starting to express more in terms of how I’m perceiving opportunities where before I hadn’t seem them

Here’s to a great weekend :beers:

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I had to do the same. I started doing MMA/Boxing workouts on top of the workout bands. It was too much. I’ve stuck with walking the dog though.

Are you going to get a ZP custom? I ordered one today I’m pumped.


Walks are awesome. I’m hooked.

Idk if you’re able to with your dog, but if you want a novel experience the next time you go for a walk, turn around and walk backwards. Notice what happens to your awareness.

Fair warning: you will get weird looks

Nice. I’m really tempted to, but not yet.

Going to stick with majors and stack rotations a little while longer.


Haha, I’ve gone the opposite direction and it sends the dog to crazy town. I got a leash for him and it has made a huge difference. He used to pull constantly now he walks in front of me at my pace or right at my side.

The leash wraps around his snout and keeps him from pulling. It has made a huge difference.

I appreciate your patience and wish I had the same amount. Take your time and get it right. Let me know when you have some ideas.

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Posted about today’s RICH ZP manifestation in the main thread, but wanted to air a little more of my thoughts about it here…

It happened only a couple hours after sharing above about my neighbors parking in my spot.

I was about to head out for an evening walk, and BAM, a message: “Can I give you money?”

(I have a new rule to say YES to opportunities right now and make it EASY for people to pay me.)

So even though some negative thoughts came up about them, I brushed them aside and said, “Here you go,” and sent a payment link.

I’ll put out the fire, if it happens at all, and make adjustments for the next time. Easy peasy.

Now the question I asked myself during my walk was: why was this so easy??

And I think I have the makings of an answer…

It was “so easy” this time because it happened on a scale small enough (and therefore not scary looking to my subconscious) that when the idea appeared I easily suspended my disbelief, said “sure, why not”, and gave it a shot…because ultimately, the perceived downside was negligible.

And that’s something I’ll have to port over to the “larger” opportunities I’ve put on the back burner that have come to mind recently.

I’m actually really excited by this result…more so than when I got a new client in a new niche for a good chunk of change.

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